KT 1997; PC 1979; FRSE 1984
Editor-in-Chief, Halsbury’s Laws of England, 1998–2015; Lord High Commissioner, General Assembly, Church of Scotland, 2005–06 and 2006–07; Lord Clerk Register of Scotland and Keeper of the Signet, 2007–22
KT 1997; PC 1979; FRSE 1984
Editor-in-Chief, Halsbury’s Laws of England, 1998–2015; Lord High Commissioner, General Assembly, Church of Scotland, 2005–06 and 2006–07; Lord Clerk Register of Scotland and Keeper of the Signet, 2007–22
GCVO 1969; RDI 1978; FCSD
Born 7 March 1930; s of Ronald Owen Lloyd Armstrong-Jones, MBE, QC, DL (d 1966), and Anne (d...
barrister-at-law; author; journalist; international keynote speaker; radio and television presenter