consultant psychiatrist in psychotherapy, Belfast Health and Social Services Trust (formerly Eastern Health and Social Services Board, then South and East Belfast Health and Social Services Trust), 1988–2010
consultant psychiatrist in psychotherapy, Belfast Health and Social Services Trust (formerly Eastern Health and Social Services Board, then South and East Belfast Health and Social Services Trust), 1988–2010
Professor of Medical Oncology in the University of London at Imperial College School of Medicine (formerly Charing Cross Hospital Medical School, later Charing Cross and Westminster Medical School), 1974–90, then Emeritus; Hon. Consultant Physician, Charing Cross Hospital, since 1990 (Consultant Physician, 1961–90)
Professor of Medicine, McMaster University, Canada, 1969–94, Emeritus, 1995
TD 1968; FRCS
Vice Lord-Lieutenant, Tyne & Wear, 1993–2002
4th Bt cr 1908, of Stratford Place, St Marylebone; MD; FRCPC
Professor of Medicine, now Emeritus, and former Head of Division of Infectious Diseases, Department of Medicine, University of Toronto
OBE 1994; FRCPath; FRSB
Director-General, British Nutrition Foundation, 1985–94
a Deputy Speaker, House of Lords, 1986–2006; Founder President, Humanitarian Aid Relief Trust, since 2021 (Chief Executive Officer, 2004–16 and 2017–21; President, 2016–17)
OM 2015; KBE 2002; PC 2009; FRS 2013
Professor of Surgery, since 1996, Paul Hamlyn Professor of Surgery, since 2005, and Director, Institute of Global Health Innovation, since 2010, Imperial College London; Consultant Surgeon: St Mary’s Hospital, Paddington, since 1994; Royal Marsden Hospital, since 2005; Executive Chair, World Innovation Summit for Health, Qatar Foundation, since 2013
PhD, DSc; FRS 1991; FMedSci
scientific consultant; Director, Wellcome Trust, 1998–2003
Hon. Professor in Palliative Medicine, since 1996, and Vice-Dean, School of Medicine, 2000–05, Cardiff University (formerly University of Wales College of Medicine); President: Royal Society of Medicine, 2006–08; British Medical Association, 2014–15
CBE 2000; DPhil
Professor of Pharmacology, Oxford University, 1996–2013; Senior Research Fellow, Lincoln College, Oxford, 1999–2018 (Fellow, 1985–99); Hon. Research Fellow, St Hilda’s College, Oxford, since 1999; Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Neuro-Bio Ltd, since 2014 (Chief Scientific Officer, 2013–14)
Vice Lord-Lieutenant, District of Wigtown, Dumfries and Galloway, 2009–14
KCVO 2017; OBE 2004; PhD
Lord-Lieutenant of Rutland, 2003–18
KBE 2022
PC 2014; PhD; FRCS, FRCP; Professor of Surgery, University College London, 2011–21, now Emeritus; Consultant Surgeon, University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, since 2006; Director, Thrombosis Research Institute, London, since 2009
CBE 2000
Vice-President, Royal National Institute of Blind People (formerly Royal National Institute for the Blind), since 2009 (Chairman, 2000–09); President, International Council for Education of People with Visual Impairment, 2010–16 (Member, Executive Committee, 1987–2010)
CBE 1999; MD, DSc; FRCP, FRCPath, FMedSci; FRSE
Professor of Dermatology, 1978–2001, Professorial Research Fellow, since 2001, Department of Public Health and Health Policy, University of Glasgow
Born 29 Dec. 1912; s of Joseph Alexander Mair and Jane Anderson; m 1940, Isobelle Margaret Williamson (d 1969); three s; died 31 May 2002
Director of Social Work, Edinburgh, ...
Professor of Surgery, University of London at Guy’s, King’s and St Thomas’ School of Medicine of King’s College London (formerly United Medical Schools of Guy’s and St Thomas’ Hospitals), 1971–98, now Emeritus; Director of Surgery, 1985–98, and Consultant Surgeon, 1971–98, Guy’s Hospital; Consultant Surgeon to Mercy Ships, since 2000
4th Bt cr 1911; BSc, MB BS, MD; FRCPath, FRCP
Professor of Medical Microbiology, St George’s, University of London (formerly St George’s Hospital Medical School), since 1989