Somerville, Shirley-Anne
Somerville, Shirley-Anne
Born 2 Sept. 1974
Member (SNP) Dunfermline, Scottish Parliament, since 2016; Cabinet Secretary for Social Justice, since 2023
Kirkcaldy High Sch.; Univ. of Strathclyde (BA Hons Econs and Pol. 1996); Univ. of Stirling (Dip. Housing Studies 1999); Queen Margaret Univ. Coll. (Dip. Public Relns)
Policy and Public Affairs Officer, Chartered Inst. of Housing, 2001–04; Media and Campaigns Officer, Royal Coll. of Nursing, 2004–07; public affairs consultant, 2011; Campaign Strategist, SNP, 2012; Dir of Communities, Yes Scotland, 2012–13; Dep. Chief Exec., SNP, 2013–16. MSP (SNP) Lothians, Sept. 2007–2011; contested (SNP) Edinburgh Northern and Leith, Scottish Parlt, 2011. Minister for Further Educn, Higher Educn and Sci., Scottish Parlt, 2016–18; Cabinet Sec. for Social Security and Older People, 2018–21, for Educn and Skills, 2021–23. Trustee, Shelter UK, 2011–
hill-walking, golf
Scottish Parliament, Edinburgh EH99 1SP