Bennett of Manor Castle

Bennett of Manor Castle

Born Sydney, Australia 10 Feb. 1966; d of John and Joy Bennett
Leader, Green Party, 2012–16
Univ. of Sydney (BAgrSc Hons); Univ. of New England, Armidale (BA Hons Asian Studies); Univ. of Leicester (MA Mass Communications)
Reporter and sub-editor, Northern Daily Leader, Cootamunda Herald, Eastern Riverina Observer, Australia; volunteer, Office of Nat. Commn on Women’s Affairs, Thailand, 1995–96; sub-editor: Bangkok Post, 1996–99; The Times, 2000–04; Independent, 2004–05; Ed., Guardian Weekly, 2007–12. Blogger, 2006–. Contested (Green): Holborn and St Pancras, 2015; Sheffield Central, 2017. Co-Chair, All Party Parly Gp on Hong Kong; Vice-Chair, All Party Parly Gp on Agroecol., on the Human Microbiome, on Immigration Detention, on Legal Aid. Mem., Editl Bd, Green Eur. jl, 2013–15, 2021–; Contrib. Ed., Left Foot Forward, 2019–. Founder, Carnival of Feminists, 2005–09. Trustee: Fawcett Soc., 2010–14; Eur. Green Foundn, 2016–20. Gov., Netley Primary Sch., 2008–16
women’s history, walking, baking and crocheting
House of Lords SW1A 0PW