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date: 10 February 2025

Bennett of Manor Castle free

Baroness cr 2019 (Life Peer), of Camden in the London Borough of Camden (Natalie Louise Bennett)

Bennett of Manor Castle free

Baroness cr 2019 (Life Peer), of Camden in the London Borough of Camden (Natalie Louise Bennett)

Born Sydney, Australia 10 Feb. 1966; d of John and Joy Bennett

Leader, Green Party, 2012–16


Univ. of Sydney (BAgrSc Hons); Univ. of New England, Armidale (BA Hons Asian Studies); Univ. of Leicester (MA Mass Communications)


Reporter and sub-editor, Northern Daily Leader, Cootamunda Herald, Eastern Riverina Observer, Australia; volunteer, Office of Nat. Commn on Women’s Affairs, Thailand, 1995–96; sub-editor: Bangkok Post, 1996–99; The Times, 2000–04; Independent, 2004–05; Ed., Guardian Weekly, 2007–12. Blogger, 2006–. Contested (Green): Holborn and St Pancras, 2015; Sheffield Central, 2017. Co-Chair, All Party Parly Gp on Hong Kong; Vice-Chair, All Party Parly Gp on Agroecol., on the Human Microbiome, on Immigration Detention, on Legal Aid. Mem., Editl Bd, Green Eur. jl, 2013–15, 2021–; Contrib. Ed., Left Foot Forward, 2019–. Founder, Carnival of Feminists, 2005–09. Trustee: Fawcett Soc., 2010–14; Eur. Green Foundn, 2016–20. Gov., Netley Primary Sch., 2008–16


women’s history, walking, baking and crocheting


House of Lords SW1A 0PW