O’Neill, Prof. Hugh St Clair
O’Neill, Prof. Hugh St Clair
PhD; FRS 2012; FAA
Born Farnborough, Hants 5 Sept. 1953; s of Captain Barry O’Neill and Barbara O’Neill; m 1985, Marlene Quincey; one s one d
Research Professor, School of Earth, Atmosphere and Environment, Monash University, since 2021
Wellington Coll.; St Edmund Hall, Oxford (BA 1975); Univ. of Manchester (PhD 1978)
Res. Fellow, Res. Sch. of Earth Scis, ANU, 1981–86; Staff Scientist, Bayerisches Geoinstitut, Univ. of Bayreuth, Germany, 1987–94; Research School of Earth Sciences, Australian National University: Sen. Fellow, 1994–2004; Prof., 2004–12; Associate Dir, 2006–13; Distinguished Prof., 2012–14; Laureate Prof., Res. Sch. of Earth Scis, ANU, 2014–21. FAA 2008; Australian Res. Council Laureate Fellow, 2013–19
contrib. papers to learned scientific jls
field work, walking, theatre, popular history