Wegerif, Prof. Rupert Boudewijn
Wegerif, Prof. Rupert Boudewijn
Born Dartford 2 Sept. 1959; s of Boudewijn Wegerif and Gillian Mary Basil Cochrane; m 1998, Julieta Alejandra Pérez Linares; one s
Professor of Education (2000), University of Cambridge, since 2017; Fellow, since 2017 and Director, Digital Education Futures Initiative, since 2020, Hughes Hall, Cambridge
Univ. of Kent (BA 1st Cl. Hons Philosophy with Social Anthropol. 1983); Bristol Univ. (PGCE RE and English 1991); Queen Mary and Westfield Coll., Univ. of London (MSc IT (Dist.) 1992); Open Univ. (PhD Psychol. and Educnl Technol. 1996)
Res. Fellow, Sch. of Educn, 1995–2001, Sen. Res. Fellow, Faculty of Educn and Lang. Studies, 2001–04, Open Univ.; Reader in Educn, Univ. of Southampton, 2004–06; Prof. of Educn, Univ. of Exeter, 2006–17
(ed jtly) Computers and Talk in the Primary Classroom, 1997; (jtly) Thinking Together: a programme of activities for developing speaking, listening and thinking skills for children aged 8–11, 2000, 2nd edn 2004; (with L. Dawes) Thinking and Learning with ICT: raising achievement in primary classrooms, 2004; (with S. Williams) Radical Encouragement: changing cultures of thinking, 2005; Dialogic, Education and Technology: expanding the space of learning, 2007; Mind-Expanding: teaching for thinking and creativity, 2010; Dialogic: education for the internet age, 2013; (ed jtly) Science Education for Diversity, 2013; (ed jtly) The Routledge International Handbook of Research on Teaching Thinking, 2015; (with N. Phillipson) Dialogic Education: mastering core concepts through thinking together, 2017; (ed jtly) Theory of Teaching Thinking: international perspectives, 2018; (ed jtly) The Routledge International Handbook of Research on Dialogic Education, 2019; (with R. Kershner, S. Hennessy and A. Ahmed) Research Methods for Educational Dialogue, 2020; (with L. Major) The Theory of Educational Technology: towards a dialogic foundation for design, 2024; contrib. papers to scientific jls incl. Thinking Skills and Creativity, Learning and Instruction, British Educnl Res.
travel, walking, films
5 Cavendish Court, Cavendish Road, Cambridge CB1 3FZ
07972 816259
Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge, 184 Hills Road, Cambridge CB2 8PQ