Whitbread, Jasmine
Whitbread, Jasmine
Born 1 Sept. 1963; d of Gerald and Ursula Whitbread; m 1994, Howard Exton-Smith; one s one d
non-executive Chair, Travis Perkins plc, since 2021
Bristol Univ. (BA Hons English); Stanford Univ. (Exec. Prog.)
Dir, Global Mktg, Cortex Corp., 1986–90; Mgt Trainer, Nat. Union of Disabled Persons of Uganda/VSO, 1990–92; Man. Dir, Thomson Financial, 1994–99; Regl Dir, W Africa, 1999–2002, Internat. Dir, 2002–05, Oxfam GB; Chief Exec., Save the Children UK, 2005–10; CEO, Save the Children Internat., 2010–15; Chief Exec., London First, 2016–21. Non-executive Director: BT plc, 2011–19; Standard Chartered plc, 2015–; WPP plc, 2019–. Hon. LLD Bristol, 2014
competing with City of Oxford Rowing Club