Who's Who in 2023?

November 30, 2022

Who's Who 2023 is the 175th edition of one of the world's longest established and most comprehensive general reference books, brought up to date for the year ahead with over 300 new names for 2023.

It contains more than 33,000 autobiographical entries, carefully updated for maximum accuracy from information personally supplied by the biographee. People are chosen for invitation as holders of key appointments and by our  Selection Board on the basis of their particular individual achievements. After 174  years, Who’s Who is still the most reliable directory of the noteworthy and  influential people in every area of public life.

The online version, published by Oxford University Press, is available at www.ukwhoswho.com.

Who’s Who 2023 is the first edition since 1953 to have a change of monarch in the Royal Family pages. Children of the Queen became siblings of the King, and the new Prince and Princess of Wales moved up in the order of succession. The death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II has necessitated alterations beyond just the Royal Family. Updates were needed to a wide spectrum of Who’s Who entries, including Lords and Ladies in Waiting, Women of the Bedchamber, Ushers and Equerries. Queen’s Counsel became King’s Counsel, and Chaplains to the Queen became Chaplains to the King.

There are new names this year from the media and arts, including Neil McIntosh, Editor of The Scotsman, and Emily Sheffield, columnist of the Evening Standard. Also appearing for the first time are writer and comedian David Baddiel, whose books include Jews Don’t Count and The Boy Who Got Accidentally Famous, and actress, film writer and director Emerald Fennell, known for playing Camilla in The Crown. Architect Ptolemy Dean, OBE, Surveyor of the Fabric, Westminster Abbey makes his debut in Who’s Who along with Minnie Moll, Chief Executive of the Design Council, who enjoys driving a 1953 Fergie tractor in her spare time.


New entrants this year include Andrew Cosslett, CBE, Chair of Kingfisher and ITV, and Yekemi Otaru who started her career as a petroleum engineer and is now Chief Growth Officer of business consultancy Doqaru Ltd as well as Chancellor of the University of the West of Scotland. Also making a first appearance is Inderveer Singh Hothi, President of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland and Cultural Adviser to the Mayor of London. Meanwhile Professor of Real Estate at UCL Yolande Barnes tells us that Lady Penelope (Thunderbirds) was an early role model.


Port and Douro wine producer Paul Symington, CMG is a new entrant in Who’s Who 2023, along with Sir James Walker, CBE, Executive Director since 1962 of Walker’s Shortbread. Also included for the first time is John Vincent, MBE, co-founder of Leon Restaurants and co-author of books including Leon: happy salads and Leon: happy curries. Food features in the recreations section of a number of entrants, including Mark Gatley, KC (foraging for edible fungi), Dr Benjamin Calvert, Vice-Chancellor of the University of South Wales (advocating pasty consumption), and London Assembly Member Hina Bokhari (makes an excellent Malteser cake).


New names this year include Dr Richard Horne, FRS, Head of Space Weather and Atmosphere at the British Antarctic Survey, Dr Sally Burtles, Director of the Lister Institute of Preventive Medicine, and Sir Peter Horby, Professor of Emerging Infectious Diseases and Global Health and Director of the Pandemic Science Institute at the University of Oxford. When not working, Professor of Engineering Science Philip Torr, FRS enjoys an interesting combination of ‘martial arts, salsa, bachata dance, war games’, while Professor of Infectious Diseases Oliver Pybus, FRS likes Armagnac and freaky music.


The inclusion of recreations provides an extra insight into the lives of this year’s new entrants. Delivering swift justice are His Honour Judge Duddridge, His Honour Judge Falk and His Honour Judge Hassall who all list karate. Also living dangerously are barrister Glyn Samuel, a World War II re-enactor in his spare time, and Madelaine McTernan, CB, solicitor and Director General at the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, who includes ‘diving with sharks’ amongst her hobbies.


Dame Sara Llewellin, DBE is a new entrant in Who’s Who 2023; she began as a refuge worker at Wandsworth Women’s Aid and is now Chief Executive, Barrow Cadbury Trust. Other new names include Susan Ferns, President of Trades Union Congress for 2021-22, and Dr Caroline Pryer, former teacher and now Vice Lord-Lieutenant of Northumberland, who enjoys a wide range of recreations from blackcock tail taxidermy and fossil hunting to cross stitch and granny duties.