General Abbreviations

Some of the designatory letters in this list are used merely for economy of space and do not necessarily imply any professional or other qualification.


AA Anti-aircraft
  Automobile Association
  Architectural Association
  Augustinians of the Assumption
  Associate in Arts
AAA Amateur Athletic Association
  American Accounting Association
  Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm
AAAL American Academy of Arts and Letters
AA&QMG Assistant Adjutant and Quartermaster-General
AAArb Member, Association of Arbitrators (South Africa)
AAAS American Association for the Advancement of Science
AABC (Register of) Architects Accredited in Building Conservation
AAC Army Air Corps
  Amateur Athletic Club
AADB Accountancy and Actuarial Discipline Board
AAF Auxiliary Air Force (now see RAuxAF)
AAFCE Allied Air Forces in Central Europe
AAG Assistant Adjutant-General
AAI Associate, Chartered Auctioneers’ and Estate Agents’ Institute (later, after amalgamation, ARICS)
AAIL American Academy and Institute of Arts and Letters (now see AAAL)
AAMC Australian Army Medical Corps (now see RAAMC)
A&AEE Aeroplane and Armament Experimental Establishment
A&E Accident and Emergency
A&R Artists and Repertoire
A and SH Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders
AAPS Aquatic and Atmospheric Physical Sciences
AAS American Astronomical Society
AASA Associate, Australian Society of Accountants (now see FCPA)
AASC Australian Army Service Corps
AATSE Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering
AAUQ Associate in Accountancy, University of Queensland
AB Bachelor of Arts (US)
  able-bodied seaman
  Alberta (postal)
ABA Amateur Boxing Association
  Antiquarian Booksellers’ Association
  American Bar Association
ABAE Amateur Boxing Association of England
ABBSI Associate Member, British Boot and Shoe Institute
ABC Australian Broadcasting Commission
  American Broadcasting Companies
  Amateur Boxing Club
  Associate, Birmingham Conservatoire
  Accredited Business Communicator
ABCC Association of British Chambers of Commerce
ABF Army Benevolent Fund
ABI Association of British Insurers
ABIPP Associate, British Institute of Professional Photography
ABM Advisory Board of Ministry
ABNM American Board of Nuclear Medicine
ABP Associated British Ports
Abp Archbishop
ABPI Association of British Pharmaceutical Industry
ABPsS Associate, British Psychological Society (now see AFBPsS)
ABRC Advisory Board for the Research Councils
ABSA Association for Business Sponsorship of the Arts
ABSM Associate, Birmingham and Midland Institute School of Music
ABTA Association of British Travel Agents
AC Companion, Order of Australia
  Ante Christum (before Christ)
ACA Associate, Institute of Chartered Accountants
Acad. Academy
ACARD Advisory Council for Applied Research and Development
ACAS Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service
  Assistant Chief of the Air Staff
ACC Association of County Councils
  Anglican Consultative Council
ACCA (Associate,) Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (formerly Chartered Association of Certified Accountants)
ACCE Association of County Chief Executives
ACCEL American College of Cardiology Extended Learning
ACCM Advisory Council for the Church’s Ministry (now see ABM)
ACCT Army Cadet Charitable Trust
AcDip Academic Diploma in the History of Art
AcDipEd Academic Diploma in Education
ACDP Australian Committee of Directors and Principals
ACDS Assistant Chief of Defence Staff
ACE Association of Consulting Engineers
  Member, Association of Conference Executives
  Allied Command Europe
ACENVO Association of Chief Executives of National Voluntary Organisations (now see ACEVO)
ACEO Association of Chief Education Officers
ACEVO Association of Chief Executives of Voluntary Organisations
ACF Army Cadet Force
ACFA Army Cadet Force Association
ACFAS Association Canadienne-Française pour l’avancement des sciences
ACFHE Association of Colleges for Further and Higher Education
ACG Assistant Chaplain-General
ACGI Associate, City and Guilds of London Institute
ACGS Assistant Chief of the General Staff
ACI Airports Council International (Europe)
ACIArb Associate, Chartered Institute of Arbitrators
ACIB Associate, Chartered Institute of Bankers
ACIBS Associate, Chartered Institute of Bankers in Scotland
ACIEA Associate, Chartered Institute of Educational Assessors
ACIHort Associate, Chartered Institute of Horticulture
ACII Associate, Chartered Insurance Institute
ACIM Associate, Chartered Institute of Marketing
ACIPP Associate, Chartered Institute of Payroll Professionals
ACIS Associate, Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators (formerly Chartered Institute of Secretaries)
ACLS American Council of Learned Societies
ACM Association of Computing Machinery
ACMA Associate, Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (formerly Institute of Cost and Management Accountants)
ACMI Associate, Chartered Management Institute
ACNS Assistant Chief of Naval Staff
ACommA Associate, Society of Commercial Accountants (now see ASCA)
ACORD Advisory Committee on Research and Development
ACOS Assistant Chief of Staff
ACOST Advisory Council on Science and Technology
ACP Association of Clinical Pathologists
  Associate, College of Preceptors
ACPO Association of Chief Police Officers
ACR Accredited Conservator-Restorer
ACRE Action with Rural Communities in England
ACS American Chemical Society
  Additional Curates Society
acsc passed Advanced Command and Staff Course
ACSM Associate, Camborne School of Mines
AcSS Member, Academy of Learned Societies for the Social Sciences (now see FAcSS)
ACT Australian Capital Territory
  Australian College of Theology
  Associate, College of Technology
  Association of Corporate Treasurers
ACTT Association of Cinematograph, Television and Allied Technicians
ACTU Australian Council of Trade Unions
ACU Association of Commonwealth Universities
ACWA Associate, Institute of Cost and Works Accountants (now see ACMA)
AD Dame of the Order of Australia
  Anno Domini (in the year of the Lord)
  Air Defence
ADAS Agricultural Development and Advisory Service
ADASS Association of Directors of Adult Social Services
ADB Asian Development Bank
  Associate of the Drama Board (Education)
ADC Aide-de-camp
  Association of District Councils
ADCM Archbishop of Canterbury’s Diploma in Church Music
AD Corps Army Dental Corps (now RADC)
ADC(P) Personal Aide-de-camp to HM The Queen
ADEME Assistant Director Electrical and Mechanical Engineering
Ad eund Ad eundem gradum
  and see under aeg
ADGMS Assistant Director-General of Medical Services
ADipC Advanced Postgraduate Diploma in Management Consulting
Adjt Adjutant
ADJAG Assistant Deputy Judge Advocate General
ADM Advanced Diploma in Midwifery
Adm. Admiral
ADMS Assistant Director of Medical Services
ADOS Assistant Director of Ordnance Services
ADP Automatic Data Processing
ADPA Associate Diploma of Public Administration
ADS&T Assistant Director of Supplies and Transport
ADSS Association of Directors of Social Services
ADSW Association of Directors of Social Work
Adv. Advisory
AdvCert Advanced Certificate
AdvDip Advanced Diploma
ADVS Assistant Director of Veterinary Services
ADWE&M Assistant Director of Works, Electrical and Mechanical
AE Air Efficiency Award
AEA Atomic Energy Authority
  Air Efficiency Award (now see AE)
  American Economic Association
AEAF Allied Expeditionary Air Force
AEC Agriculture Executive Council
  Army Educational Corps (now see RAEC)
  Atomic Energy Commission
AEE Atomic Energy Establishment
AEEU Amalgamated Engineering and Electrical Union
AEF Amalgamated Union of Engineering and Foundry Workers (later AEU, then AEEU)
  American Expeditionary Forces
  Air Experience Flight
aeg ad eundem gradum (to the same degree-of the admission of a graduate of one university to the same degree at another without examination)
AEI Associated Electrical Industries
AELTC All England Lawn Tennis Club
AEM Air Efficiency Medal
AER Army Emergency Reserve
AERE Atomic Energy Research Establishment (Harwell)
Æt. Ætat.
  Ætatis (aged)
AEU Amalgamated Engineering Union (later AEEU)
AEWVH Association for the Education and Welfare of the Visually Handicapped
AF Admiral of the Fleet
AFB Air Force Base
AFBPsS Associate Fellow, British Psychological Society
AFC Air Force Cross
  Association Football Club
AFCEA Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association
AFCENT Allied Forces in Central Europe
AFD Doctor of Fine Arts (US)
AFDS Air Fighting Development Squadron
AFGE Associate Fellow, Guild of Glass Engravers
AFHQ Allied Force Headquarters
AFI American Film Institute
AFIAP Artiste, Fédération Internationale de l’Art Photographique
AFIAS Associate Fellow, Institute of Aeronautical Sciences (US) (now see AFAIAA)
AFIMA Associate Fellow, Institute of Mathematics and its Applications
AFM Air Force Medal
AFNORTH Allied Forces in Northern Europe
AFOM Associate, Faculty of Occupational Medicine
AFRAeS Associate Fellow, Royal Aeronautical Society (now see MRAeS)
AFRC Agricultural and Food Research Council (now see BBSRC)
AFRHistS Associate Fellow, Royal Historical Society
AFSOUTH Allied Forces in Southern Europe
AFV Armoured Fighting Vehicles
AG Attorney-General
AGARD Advisory Group for Aerospace Research and Development
AGAvA Associate, Guild of Aviation Artists
AGC Adjutant General’s Corps
AGI Alliance Graphique Internationale
  Associate, Institute of Certificated Grocers
AGR Advanced Gas-cooled Reactor
AGRA Army Group Royal Artillery
  Association of Genealogists and Record Agents
AGRI Animal Genetic Resources Information
AGSM Associate, Guildhall School of Music and Drama
  Australian Graduate School of Management
AHA Area Health Authority
  American Hospitals Association
  Associate, Institute of Health Service Administrators (later AHSM)
AHA(T) Area Health Authority (Teaching)
AHI Association of Heritage Interpretation
AHQ Army Headquarters
AHRB Arts and Humanities Research Board (now see AHRC)
AHRC Arts and Humanities Research Council
AHSM Associate, Institute of Health Services Management
ai ad interim
AI Artificial Intelligence
AIA Associate, Institute of Actuaries
  American Institute of Architects
  Association of International Artists
AIAA American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
AIACE Association Internationale des Anciens des Communautés Européennes
AIAgrE Associate, Institution of Agricultural Engineers
AIAS Associate Surveyor Member, Incorporated Association of Architects and Surveyors
AIB Associate, Institute of Bankers (now see ACIB)
AIBD Associate, Institute of British Decorators
AIC Agricultural Improvement Council
  Associate of the Institute of Chemistry (later ARIC, MRIC; now see MRSC)
aic armour infantry course
AICA Associate Member, Commonwealth Institute of Accountants
  Association Internationale des Critiques d’Art
AICE Associate, Institution of Civil Engineers
AIChE American Institute of Chemical Engineers
AICPA American Institute of Certified Public Accountants
AICS Associate, Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers
AID Artificial Insemination by Donor
AIDB Accountancy Investigation and Discipline Board (now see AADB)
AIDS Acquired Immunity Deficiency Syndrome
AIE Associate, Institute of Education
AIEE Associate, Institution of Electrical Engineers
AIF Australian Imperial Forces
AIFireE Associate, Institution of Fire Engineers
AIG Adjutant-Inspector-General
AIH Associate, Institute of Housing
AIHort Associate, Institute of Horticulture (now see ACIHort)
AIIA Associate, Insurance Institute of America
  Associate, Indian Institute of Architects
AIIMR Associate, Institute of Investment Management and Research (later ASIP; now see CFA)
AIIRA Associate, International Industrial Relations Association
AIL Associate, Institute of Linguists
AILA Associate, Institute of Landscape Architects (later ALI)
AIM Associate, Institution of Metallurgists (later MIM)
  Australian Institute of Management
  Alternative Investment Market
  Advanced Institute of Management Research
AIMarE Associate, Institute of Marine Engineers
AIMBE American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering
AIMC Associate, Institute of Management Consultants
AIME American Institute of Mechanical Engineers
AIMgt Associate, Institute of Management (now see ACMI)
AIMMM Associate, Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining
AIMSW Associate, Institute of Medical Social Work
AInstP Associate, Institute of Physics
AIP Association of Independent Producers
  American Institute of Physics
AIPR Associate, Institute of Public Relations
AIQS Associate Member, Institute of Quantity Surveyors
AIRCENT Allied Air Forces Central Europe
AIRTO Association of Independent Research and Technology Organizations
AIS Associate, Institute of Statisticians (later MIS)
AIStructE Associate, Institution of Structural Engineers
AITP Associate, Institute of Town Planners, India
AJAG Assistant Judge Advocate General
AJEX Association of Jewish Ex-Service Men and Women
AK Knight, Order of Australia
  Alaska (postal)
AKC Associate, King’s College London
AL Alabama (postal)
ALA Associate, Library Association (now see MCLIP)
  Association of London Authorities
Ala Alabama
ALAA Associate, Library Association of Australia
ALAI Associate, Library Association of Ireland
ALAM Associate, London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art
ALCD Associate, London College of Divinity
ALCM Associate, London College of Music
ALCM (TD) Associate, London College of Music (Teaching Diploma)
ALCS Authors’ Licensing and Collecting Society (formerly Authors’ Lending and Copyright Society)
ALI Argyll Light Infantry
  Associate, Landscape Institute (now see MLI)
ALICE Autistic and Language Impaired Children’s Education
ALLC Association for Literary and Linguistic Computing
ALM Master of Liberal Arts
ALP Australian Labor Party
ALPSP Association of Learned and Professional Society Publishers
ALS Associate, Linnean Society
  Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
Alta Alberta
ALVA Association of Leading Visitor Attractions
AM Albert Medal
  Member, Order of Australia
  Master of Arts (US)
  Alpes Maritimes
AMA Association of Metropolitan Authorities
  Assistant Masters Association (later AMMA, now see ATL)
  Associate, Museums Association
  Australian Medical Association
AMARC Associated Marine and Related Charities
Amb. Ambulance
AMBIM Associate Member, British Institute of Management (later AIMgt)
AMC Association of Municipal Corporations
AMCST Associate, Manchester College of Science and Technology
AMCT Associate, Manchester College of Technology
AMDEA Association of Manufacturers of Domestic Electrical Appliances
AMF Australian Military Forces
AMFL Allied Command Europe Mobile Force Land
AMICE Associate Member, Institution of Civil Engineers (now see MICE)
AMIChemE Associate Member, Institution of Chemical Engineers
AMIEE Associate Member, Institution of Electrical Engineers (later MIEE)
AMIERE Associate Member, Institution of Electronic and Radio Engineers
AMIMechE Associate Member, Institution of Mechanical Engineers (now see MIMechE)
AMInstCE Associate Member, Institution of Civil Engineers (now see MICE)
AmInstEE American Institute of Electrical Engineers
AMMA Assistant Masters & Mistresses Association (now see ATL)
AMN Ahli Mangku Negara (Malaysia)
AMP Advanced Management Program
  Air Member for Personnel
AMRAeS Associate Member, Royal Aeronautical Society
AMRC Association of Medical Research Charities
AMREF African Medical and Research Foundation
AMRI Associate Member, Royal Institution
AMRS Associate, Market Research Society
AMRSH Associate Member, Royal Society of Health
AMS Assistant Military Secretary
  Army Medical Services
AMSI Associate Member, Securities Institute
AMSO Air Member for Supply and Organisation
AMTRI Advanced Manufacturing Technology Research Institute
AMusA Associate Musician of Australia
Anat. Anatomy
ANC African National Congress
Anon. Anonymously
ANU Australian National University
ANZAAS Australian and New Zealand Association for the Advancement of Science
Anzac Australian and New Zealand Army Corps
AO Officer, Order of Australia
  Air Officer
AOA Air Officer in charge of Administration
AOC Air Officer Commanding
AOC-in-C Air Officer Commanding-in-Chief
AOD Army Ordnance Department
AOE Alberta Order of Excellence
AOER Army Officers Emergency Reserve
APA American Psychiatric Association
APACS Association of Payment and Clearing Systems
APD Army Pay Department
APEX Association of Professional, Executive, Clerical and Computer Staff
APHA American Public Health Association
APIS Army Photographic Intelligence Service
APM Assistant Provost Marshal
APMI Associate, Pensions Management Institute
APNI Alliance Party of Northern Ireland
APR Accredited Public Relations Practitioner
APS Aborigines Protection Society
  American Physical Society
  American Philosophical Society
APSW Association of Psychiatric Social Workers
APT&C Administrative, Professional, Technical and Clerical
APTC Army Physical Training Corps
AQ Administration and Quartering
AQMG Assistant Quartermaster-General
AR Associated Rediffusion (Television)
  Arkansas (postal)
ARA Associate, Royal Academy
  Armada de la República Argentina
ARACI Associate, Royal Australian Chemical Institute
ARAD Associate, Royal Academy of Dancing
ARAeS Associate, Royal Aeronautical Society
ARAgS Associate, Royal Agricultural Societies (ie of England, Scotland and Wales)
ARAIA Associate, Royal Australian Institute of Architects
ARAM Associate, Royal Academy of Music
ARAS Associate, Royal Astronomical Society
ARB Architects’ Registration Board
ARBA Associate, Royal Society of British Artists
ARBS Associate, Royal Society of British Sculptors
ARC Architects’ Registration Council (now see ARB)
  Agricultural Research Council (later AFRC)
  Aeronautical Research Council
  Arthritis and Rheumatism Council
ARCA Associate, Royal College of Art
  Associate, Royal Canadian Academy
ARCamA Associate, Royal Cambrian Academy of Art
ARCIC Anglican-Roman Catholic International Commission
ARCM Associate, Royal College of Music
ARCO Associate, Royal College of Organists
ARCO(CHM) Associate, Royal College of Organists with Diploma in Choir Training
ARCP Affiliate, Royal College of Physicians
ARCS Associate, Royal College of Science
  Accreditation Review and Consulting Service (now see ISI)
ARCST Associate, Royal College of Science and Technology (Glasgow)
ARCUK Architects’ Registration Council of the United Kingdom (now see ARB)
ARCVS Associate, Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons
ARE Associate, Royal Society of Painter-Printmakers (formerly of Painter-Etchers and Engravers)
  Arab Republic of Egypt
  Admiralty Research Establishment
AREINZ Associate, Real Estate Institute, New Zealand
ARHistS Associate, Royal Historical Society
ARIAS Associate, Royal Incorporation of Architects in Scotland
ARIBA Associate, Royal Institute of British Architects (now see RIBA)
ARIC Associate, Royal Institute of Chemistry (later MRIC; now see MRSC)
ARICS Professional Associate, Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (now see MRICS)
ARINA Associate, Royal Institution of Naval Architects
ARLIS Art Libraries Association
ARMS Associate, Royal Society of Miniature Painters
ARP Air Raid Precautions
ARPS Associate, Royal Photographic Society
ARR Association of Radiation Research
ARRC Associate, Royal Red Cross
  Allied (formerly Allied Command Europe) Rapid Reaction Corps
ARSA Associate, Royal Scottish Academy
ARSC Association for Recorded Sound Collections
ARSCM Associate, Royal School of Church Music
ARSM Associate, Royal School of Mines
ARTC Associate, Royal Technical College (Glasgow) (now see ARCST)
ARVO Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology
ARWA Associate, Royal West of England Academy
ARWS Associate, Royal Society of Painters in Water-Colours
AS Anglo-Saxon
ASA Associate Member, Society of Actuaries
  Associate of Society of Actuaries (US)
  Australian Society of Accountants
  Army Sailing Association
  Advertising Standards Authority
  Alment Aksjeselskap
ASAA Associate, Society of Incorporated Accountants and Auditors
ASAI Associate, Society of Architectural Illustrators
ASAQS Association of South African Quantity Surveyors
ASBAH Association for Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus
ASC Administrative Staff College, Henley
ASCAP American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers
ASCE American Society of Civil Engineers
ASCHB Association for Study of Conservation of Historic Buildings
ASCL Association of School and College Leaders
AScW Association of Scientific Workers (later ASTMS)
ASD Armament Supply Department
ASE Amalgamated Society of Engineers (later AUEW, then AEU, subsequently AEEU)
  Association for Science Education
ASEAN Association of South East Asian Nations
ASEEES Association for Slavic, East European and Eurasian Studies
ASH Action on Smoking and Health
ASIAD Associate, Society of Industrial Artists and Designers
ASIP Associate, UK Society of Investment Professionals (now see CFA)
ASLE American Society of Lubrication Engineers
ASLEF Associated Society of Locomotive Engineers and Firemen
  Association for Information Management (formerly Association of Special Libraries and Information Bureaux)
ASM Association of Senior Members
  Australian Service Medal
ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers
  Association for the Study of Medical Education
ASO Air Staff Officer
ASSET Association of Supervisory Staffs, Executives and Technicians (later ASTMS)
Asst Assistant
ASTA Association of Short Circuit Testing Authorities
ASTC Administrative Service Training Course
ASTMS Association of Scientific, Technical and Managerial Staffs (subsequently part of MSF)
ASTS Army School of Training Support
ASVU Army Security Vetting Unit
ASWE Admiralty Surface Weapons Establishment
ATA Air Transport Auxiliary
ATAE Association of Tutors in Adult Education
ATAF Allied Tactical Air Force
ATC Air Training Corps
  Art Teacher’s Certificate
ATCDE Association of Teachers in Colleges and Departments of Education (now see NATFHE)
ATCL Associate, Trinity College of Music, London
ATD Art Teacher’s Diploma
ATI Associate, Textile Institute
ATII Associate Member, Chartered Institute (formerly Incorporated Institute, then Institute) of Taxation
ATL Association of Teachers and Lecturers
ato Ammunition Technical Officer
ATP Association of Tennis Professionals
  Airline Transport Pilot’s Licence (Aeroplanes), or (Helicopters)
ATR (BC) Art Therapist Registered (Board Certified)
ATS Auxiliary Territorial Service (later WRAC)
ATTI Association of Teachers in Technical Institutions (now see NATFHE)
ATV Associated Television (formerly Association TeleVision)
AUA American Urological Association
  Association of University Administrators
AUEW Amalgamated Union of Engineering Workers (later AEU, then AEEU)
AUS Army of the United States
AUT Association of University Teachers
AVCC Australian Vice-Chancellors’ Committee
AVD Army Veterinary Department
AVMA Association for Victims of Medical Accidents
AVR Army Volunteer Reserve
AWA Anglian Water Authority
AWHCT Associate, West Ham College of Technology
AWO Association of Water Officers (now see IWO)
AWRE Atomic Weapons Research Establishment
aws Graduate of Air Warfare Course
AZ Arizona (postal)


b born
BA Bachelor of Arts
BAA British Airports Authority
  British Accounting Association
BAAB British Amateur Athletic Board
BAAL British Association for Applied Linguistics
BAAS British Association for the Advancement of Science
BAC British Aircraft Corporation
BAcc Bachelor of Accountancy
BaccPhil Baccalaureate in Philosophy
BACS British Academy of Composers & Songwriters (now see BASCA)
BACSA British Association for Cemeteries in South Asia
BACUP British Association of Cancer United Patients
BADA British American Drama Academy
BAe British Aerospace
BAED Bachelor of Arts in Environmental Design
BAFTA British Academy of Film and Television Arts
BAgricAdmin Bachelor of Agricultural Administration
BAgrSc Bachelor of Agricultural Science
BAI Baccalarius in Arte Ingeniaria (Bachelor of Engineering)
BAIE British Association of Industrial Editors
BALPA British Air Line Pilots’ Association
BAME Black, Asian and minority ethnic
BAO Bachelor of Art of Obstetrics
BAOMS British Association of Oral and Maxillo-Facial Surgeons
BAOR British Army of the Rhine (formerly on the Rhine)
BAOS British Association of Oral Surgeons (now see BAOMS)
BAppSc(MT) Bachelor of Applied Science (Medical Technology)
BAPS British Association of Plastic Surgeons
BARB Broadcasters’ Audience Research Board
BARC British Automobile Racing Club
BArch Bachelor of Architecture
Bart Baronet
BAS Bachelor in Agricultural Science
BASc Bachelor of Applied Science
BASCA British Academy of Songwriters, Composers and Authors
BASE British Association for Service to the Elderly
BASEEFA British Approvals Service for Electrical Equipment in Flammable Atmospheres
BASES British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences
BASHH British Association for Sexual Health and HIV
BASIC British American Security Information Council
BASW British Association of Social Workers
Batt. Battery
BBA British Bankers’ Association
  Bachelor of Business Administration
BBB of C British Boxing Board of Control
BBC British Broadcasting Corporation
BBFC British Board of Film Classification
BBS Bachelor of Business Studies
BBSRC Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council
BC Before Christ
  British Columbia
  Borough Council
BCA Bachelor of Commerce and Administration
BCC British Council of Churches (later CCBI)
BCE Bachelor of Civil Engineering
  Before the Christian Era
BCh BChir
  Bachelor of Surgery
BChD Bachelor of Dental Surgery
BCL Bachelor of Civil Law
BCMF British Ceramic Manufacturers’ Federation
BCom BComm
  Bachelor of Commerce
BCompt Bachelor of Accounting
BComSc Bachelor of Commercial Science
BCPC British Crop Protection Council
BCS Bengal Civil Service
  British Computer Society
  Bachelor of Combined Studies
BCSA British Constructional Steelwork Association
BCSC British Council of Shopping Centres
BCTS Bristol Certificate in Theological Studies
BCURA British Coal Utilization Research Association
BD Bachelor of Divinity
Bd Board
BDA British Dental Association
  British Deaf Association
  British Dyslexia Association
Bde Brigade
BDQ Bachelor of Divinity Qualifying
BDS Bachelor of Dental Surgery
BDSc Bachelor of Dental Science
BE Bachelor of Engineering
  British Element
BEA British East Africa
  British European Airways
  British Epilepsy Association
BEAMA Federation of British Electrotechnical and Allied Manufacturers’ Associations (formerly British Electrical and Allied Manufacturers’ Association)
BE&A Bachelor of Engineering and Architecture (Malta)
BEARR British Emergency Aid for Russia and the Republics
BEC Business Education Council (now see BTEC)
BEc Bachelor of Economics
BECTU Broadcasting, Entertainment, Cinematograph and Theatre Union
BEd Bachelor of Education
Beds Bedfordshire
BEE Bachelor of Electrical Engineering
BEF British Expeditionary Force
  British Equestrian Federation
BEIS Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy
BEM British Empire Medal
BEMAS British Educational Management and Administration Society
BEME Brigade Electrical and Mechanical Engineer
BEng Bachelor of Engineering
BEO Base Engineer Officer
Berks Berkshire
BERR Department for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform
BES Bachelor of Environmental Studies
BESO British Executive Service Overseas
BEVA British Equine Veterinary Association
BFA Bachelor of Fine Arts
BFI British Film Institute
BFMIRA British Food Manufacturing Industries Research Association
BFPO British Forces Post Office
BFSS British Field Sports Society
BFUW British Federation of University Women (now see BFWG)
BGCStJ Bailiff Grand Cross, Most Venerable Order of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem
BGS Brigadier General Staff
BHA British Hospitality Association
BHB Bachelor of Human Biology
Bhd Berhad
BHF British Heart Foundation
BHL Bachelor of Hebrew Letters
BHRA British Hydromechanics Research Association
BHRCA British Hotels, Restaurants and Caterers’ Association (now see BHA)
BHS British Horse Society
BHSc Bachelor of Home Science
BI British Invisibles
BIBA British Insurance Brokers’ Association
BIBRA British Industrial Biological Research Association
BICC British Insulated Callender’s Cables
BICERA British Internal Combustion Engine Research Association (now see BICERI)
BICERI British Internal Combustion Engine Research Institute
BICSc British Institute of Cleaning Science
BID Business Improvement District
BIDA British Interior Design Association
BIEC British Invisible Exports Council (now see BI)
BIEE British Institute of Energy Economics
BIFA British Independent Film Awards
BIFU Banking Insurance and Finance Union
BII British Institute of Innkeeping
BIIBA British Insurance & Investment Brokers’ Association (now see BIBA)
BIM British Institute of Management
BIR British Institute of Radiology
BIS Bank for International Settlements
  British Interplanetary Society
  Department for Business, Innovation and Skills
BISPA British Independent Steel Producers Association
BISRA British Iron and Steel Research Association
BITC Business in the Community
BJ Bachelor of Journalism
BJOG British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology
BJP Bharatiya Janata Party
BJSM British Joint Services Mission
BJur Bachelor of Law
BKSTS British Kinematograph, Sound and Television Society
BL Bachelor of Law
  British Library
BLE Bachelor of Land Economy
BLegS Bachelor of Legal Studies
BLESMA British Limbless Ex-Servicemen’s Association
BLitt Bachelor of Letters
BM British Museum
  Bachelor of Medicine
  Brigade Major
  British Monomark
BMA British Medical Association
BMedSci Bachelor of Medical Science
BMet Bachelor of Metallurgy
BMEWS Ballistic Missile Early Warning System
BMG British Military Government
BMH British Military Hospital
BMilSc Bachelor of Military Science
BMJ British Medical Journal
BMR Bureau of Mineral Resources
BMRA Brigade Major Royal Artillery
BMS Bachelor of Management Studies
BMus Bachelor of Music
Bn Battalion
BN Bachelor of Nursing
BNA British Nursing Association
BNC Brasenose College
BNF British National Formulary
BNFL British Nuclear Fuels Ltd
BNOC British National Oil Corporation
  British National Opera Company
BNP Banque Nationale de Paris
  British National Party
BNSC British National Space Centre
BNSc Bachelor of Nursing Science
BOAC British Overseas Airways Corporation
BOst Bachelor of Osteopathy
BoT Board of Trade
Bot. Botany
BOTB British Overseas Trade Board
BOU British Ornithologists’ Union
Bp Bishop
BPA British Paediatric Association (later CPCH; now see RCPCH)
  Bachelor of Performing Arts
BPG Broadcasting Press Guild
BPharm Bachelor of Pharmacy
BPhty Bachelor of Physiotherapy
BPIF British Printing Industries Federation
BPMF British Postgraduate Medical Federation
BProc Bachelor of Procurationis
BPsS British Psychological Society
BR British Rail
Br. Branch
BRA Brigadier Royal Artillery
  British Rheumatism & Arthritis Association
BRB British Railways Board
BRCS British Red Cross Society
BRE Building Research Establishment
Brig. Brigadier
BRIT British Recording Industry Trust
BritIRE British Institution of Radio Engineers (now see IERE)
BRNC Britannia Royal Naval College
BRS British Road Services
BRTP Bachelor of Regional and Town Planning
BRurSc Bachelor of Rural Science
BS Bachelor of Surgery
  Bachelor of Science
  British Standard
BSA Bachelor of Scientific Agriculture
  Birmingham Small Arms
  Building Societies’ Association
BSAP British South Africa Police
BSBI Botanical Society of the British Isles
BSC British Steel Corporation
  Bengal Staff Corps
BSc Bachelor of Science
  Bachelor of Science in Agriculture
BSc(Dent) Bachelor of Science in Dentistry
BScEcon Bachelor of Science in Economics
BScEng Bachelor of Science in Engineering
BSc (Est. Man.) Bachelor of Science in Estate Management
BScN Bachelor of Science in Nursing
BScSoc Bachelor of Social Sciences
BSE Bachelor of Science in Engineering (US)
  Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy
BSEE Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering
BSES British Schools Exploring Society
BSF British Salonica Force
BSFA British Science Fiction Association
BSFS Bachelor of Science in Foreign Service
BSI British Standards Institution
BSIA British Security Industry Association
BSJA British Show Jumping Association
BSME Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering
  British Society of Magazine Editors
BSN Bachelor of Science in Nursing
BSNS Bachelor of Naval Science
BSocSc Bachelor of Social Science
BSocStud Bachelor of Social Studies
BSRA British Ship Research Association
BSRIA Building Services Research and Information Association
BSS Bachelor of Science (Social Science)
BSSc Bachelor of Social Science
BST Bachelor of Sacred Theology
BSurv Bachelor of Surveying
BSW Bachelor of Social Work
BT Bachelor of Teaching
  British Telecommunications
Bt Baronet
BTA British Tourist Authority (formerly British Travel Association)
BTCV British Trust for Conservation Volunteers
BTDB British Transport Docks Board (now see ABP)
BTEC Business and Technology (formerly Technician) Education Council
BTech Bachelor of Technology
BTh Bachelor of Theology
BTP Bachelor of Town Planning
BTS Bachelor of Theological Studies
Btss Baronetess
BUAS British Universities Association of Slavists
Bucks Buckinghamshire
BUGB Baptist Union of Great Britain
BUNAC British Universities North America Club
BUniv Bachelor of the University
BUPA British United Provident Association
BURA British Urban Regeneration Association
BV Besloten Vennootschap
BVA British Veterinary Association
  British Video Association
BVC Bar Vocational Course
BVCA British Private Equity and Venture Capital Association
BVetMed Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine
BVI British Virgin Islands
BVM Blessed Virgin Mary
BVMS Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine and Surgery
BVPA British Veterinary Poultry Association
BVSc Bachelor of Veterinary Science
BWI British West Indies
BWM British War Medal
C Conservative


c child
  circa (about)
CA Central America
  County Alderman
  Chartered Accountant (Scotland and Canada)
  California (postal)
CAA Civil Aviation Authority
CAABU Council for the Advancement of Arab and British Understanding
CAAV (Member of) Central Association of Agricultural Valuers
CAB Citizens’ Advice Bureau
  Centre for Agricultural and Biosciences (formerly Commonwealth Agricultural Bureau)
CABE Commission for Architecture and the Built Environment
CACTM Central Advisory Council of Training for the Ministry (later ACCM; now see ABM)
CAER Conservative Action for Electoral Reform
CAF Charities Aid Foundation
CAFCASS Child and Family Court Advisory and Support Service
CAFOD Catholic Agency for Overseas Development
CAJ Committee on the Administration of Justice
Calif California
CAM Communications, Advertising and Marketing
Cambs Cambridgeshire
CAMC Canadian Army Medical Corps
CAMRA Campaign for Real Ale
CAMS Certificate of Advanced Musical Study
C&G City and Guilds of London Institute
Cantab Cantabrigiensis (of Cambridge)
Cantuar Cantuariensis (of Canterbury)
CAP Common Agricultural Policy
Capt. Captain
CARD Campaign against Racial Discrimination
CARDS Community Assistance for Reconstruction, Development and Stabilisation
CARE Cottage and Rural Enterprises
CARICOM Caribbean Community
CARIFTA Caribbean Free Trade Area (now see CARICOM)
Carms Carmarthenshire
CAS Chief of the Air Staff
CASE Council for the Advancement and Support of Education
CASt Certificate of Advanced Study
CAT College of Advanced Technology
  Countryside Around Towns
CATE Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education
Cav. Cavalry
CAWU Clerical and Administrative Workers’ Union (later APEX)
CB Companion, Order of the Bath
  County Borough
CBC County Borough Council
CBE Commander, Order of the British Empire
CBI Confederation of British Industry
CBII Companion, British Institute of Innkeeping
CBIM Companion, British Institute of Management (later CIMgt)
CBiol Chartered Biologist
CBNS Commander British Navy Staff
CBS Columbia Broadcasting System
CBSI Chartered Building Societies Institute (now see CIB)
CBSO City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra
CC Companion, Order of Canada
  City Council
  County Council
  Cricket Club
  Cycling Club
  County Court
CCAB Consultative Committee of Accountancy Bodies
CCAHC Central Council for Agricultural and Horticultural Co-operation
CCBE Commission Consultative des Barreaux de la Communauté Européenne
CCBI Council of Churches for Britain and Ireland (now see CTBI)
CCC Corpus Christi College
  Central Criminal Court
  County Cricket Club
CCE Chartered Civil Engineer
CCETSW Central Council for Education and Training in Social Work
CCF Combined Cadet Force
CCFM Combined Cadet Forces Medal
CCG Control Commission Germany
  Clinical Commissioning Group
CCH Cacique’s Crown of Honour, Order of Service of Guyana
CChem Chartered Chemist
CCIPD Companion, Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development
CCIS Command Control Information System
CCJ Council of Christians and Jews
CCLRC Council for the Central Laboratory of the Research Councils
CCMI Companion, Chartered Management Institute
CCMS Committee on the Challenges of Modern Society
CCPR Central Council of Physical Recreation
CCQI Companion, Chartered Quality Institute
CCRA Commander Corps of Royal Artillery
CCRE Commander Corps of Royal Engineers
CCREME Commander Corps of Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers
CCRSigs Commander Corps of Royal Signals
CCS Casualty Clearing Station
  Ceylon Civil Service
  Countryside Commission for Scotland
CCSU Council of Civil Service Unions
CCTA Commission de Coöpération Technique pour l’Afrique
  Central Computer and Telecommunications Authority
CCTS Combat Crew Training Squadron
CD Canadian Forces Decoration
  Commander, Order of Distinction (Jamaica)
  Civil Defence
  Compact Disc
CDA Co-operative Development Agency
  Christian Democratic Alliance
CDC Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
CDEE Chemical Defence Experimental Establishment
CDipAF Certified Diploma in Accounting and Finance
CDir Chartered Director
CDISS Centre for Defence and International Security Studies
Cdo Commando
Cdre Commodore
CDS Chief of the Defence Staff
CDU Christlich-Demokratische Union
CE Civil Engineer
CEA Central Electricity Authority
CEC Commission of the European Communities
CECAM Centre Européen de Calcul Atomique et Moléculaire
CECD Confédération Européenne du Commerce de Détail
CEDA Committee for Economic Development of Australia
CEDEP Centre Européen d’Education Permanente
CEDR Centre for Effective Dispute Resolution
CEE Communauté Economique Européenne
CEED Centre for Economic and Environmental Development
CEF Canadian Expeditionary Force
CeFA Certificate for Financial Advisers
CEFAS Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science
CEFIC Conseil Européen des Fédérations de l’Industrie Chimique
CEGB Central Electricity Generating Board
CEH Centre for Ecology & Hydrology
CEI Council of Engineering Institutions
CEIR Corporation for Economic and Industrial Research
CELTA Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages
CEM Council of European Municipalities (now see CEMR)
  College of Emergency Medicine
CeMAP Certificate in Mortgage Advice and Practice
CEMR Council of European Municipalities and Regions
CEMS Church of England Men’s Society
CEN Comité Européen de Normalisation
CENELEC European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization
CEng Chartered Engineer
Cento Central Treaty Organisation
CEnv Chartered Environmentalist
CEO Chief Executive Officer
CEPS Center for Economic Policy Studies
CERA Chartered Enterprise Risk Analyst
CeRGI Certificate of Regulated General Insurance
CERL Central Electricity Research Laboratories
CERN Organisation (formerly Centre) Européenne pour la Recherche Nucléaire
CERT Charities Effectiveness Review Trust
CertCPE Certificate in Clinical Pastoral Education
CertDS Certificate in Dramatic Studies
Cert Ed Certificate of Education
CertHE Certificate in Higher Education
CertITP Certificate of International Teachers’ Program (Harvard)
CertTP Certificate in Town Planning
CEST Centre for Exploitation of Science and Technology
CET Council for Educational Technology
CETSW Council for Education and Training in Social Work
CF Chaplain to the Forces
  Companion, Order of Fiji
  Churchill Fellow
  Corporate Finance
  Corporate Financier
CFA Canadian Field Artillery
  Chartered Financial Analyst
CFE Central Fighter Establishment
CFM Cadet Forces Medal
CFO Chief Financial Officer
CFPS Certificate of Further Professional Studies
CFR Commander, Order of the Federal Republic of Nigeria
CFS Central Flying School
  Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
CGA Community of the Glorious Ascension
  Country Gentlemen’s Association
CGeog Chartered Geographer
CGeol Chartered Geologist
CGIA Insignia Award of City and Guilds of London Institute (now see FCGI)
CGLI City and Guilds of London Institute (now see C&G)
CGM Conspicuous Gallantry Medal
CGMA Chartered Global Management Accountant
CGRM Commandant-General Royal Marines
CGS Chief of the General Staff
CH Companion of Honour
Chap. Chaplain
ChapStJ Chaplain, Order of St John of Jerusalem (now see ChStJ)
CHAR Campaign for the Homeless and Rootless
CHB Companion of Honour of Barbados
ChB Bachelor of Surgery
CHC Community Health Council
CHIU Committee for Heads of Irish Universities
ChLJ Chaplain, Order of St Lazarus of Jerusalem
(CHM) see under ARCO(CHM), FRCO(CHM)
ChM Master of Surgery
Chm. Chairman or Chairwoman
CHN Community of the Holy Name
CHort Chartered Horticulturalist
ChStJ Chaplain, Most Venerable Order of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem
CI Imperial Order of the Crown of India
  Channel Islands
CIA Chemical Industries Association
  Central Intelligence Agency
CIAgrE Companion, Institution of Agricultural Engineers
CIArb Chartered Institute of Arbitrators
CIB Chartered Institute of Bankers
CIBS Chartered Institution of Building Services (now see CIBSE)
CIBSE Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers
CIC Chemical Institute of Canada
  Community Interest Company
CICAP Criminal Injuries Compensation Appeal Panel
CICB Criminal Injuries Compensation Board
CICHE Committee for International Co-operation in Higher Education
CICI Confederation of Information Communication Industries
CID Criminal Investigation Department
CIE Companion, Order of the Indian Empire
  Confédération Internationale des Etudiants
CIEEM Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management
CIES Companion, Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders in Scotland
CIEx Companion, Institute of Export
CIFE Council (formerly Conference) for Independent Further Education
CIGasE Companion, Institution of Gas Engineers (now see CIGEM)
CIGEM Companion, Institution of Gas Engineers and Managers
CIGRE Conférence Internationale des Grands Réseaux Electriques
CIGS Chief of the Imperial General Staff (now see CGS)
CIHM Companion, Institute of Healthcare Management
CIHR Canadian Institutes of Health Research
CIHT Chartered Institution of Highways and Transportation
CIIA Canadian Institute of International Affairs
CIL Corpus inscriptionum latinarum
CILIP Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
CILT Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport
CIM China Inland Mission
  Chartered Institute of Marketing
CIMA Chartered Institute of Management Accountants
CIMarE Companion, Institute of Marine Engineers
CIMEMME Companion, Institution of Mining Electrical and Mining Mechanical Engineers
CIMgt Companion, Institute of Management (now see CCMI)
CIMGTechE Companion, Institution of Mechanical and General Technician Engineers
CIMO Commission for Instruments and Methods of Observation
CIMR Cambridge Institute for Medical Research
C-in-C Commander-in-Chief
CINCHAN Allied Commander-in-Chief Channel
CInstLM Companion, Institute of Leadership and Management
CINOA Confédération Internationale des Négotiants en Œuvres d’Art
CIO Charitable Incorporated Organisation
CIOB Chartered Institute of Building
CIPA Chartered Institute of Patent Agents
CIPD Companion, Institute of Personnel and Development (now see CCIPD)
  Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development
CIPFA Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy
CIPM Companion, Institute of Personnel Management (later CIPD)
CIPR Chartered Institute of Public Relations
CIQA Companion, Institute of Quality Assurance (now see CCQI)
CIR Commission on Industrial Relations
CIRES Co-operative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences
CIRIA Construction Industry Research and Information Association
CIRP Collège Internationale pour Recherche et Production
CIS Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators (formerly Chartered Institute of Secretaries)
  Command Control Communications and Information Systems
  Commonwealth of Independent States
CISAC Confédération Internationale des Sociétés d’Auteurs et Compositeurs
  Centre for International Security and Arms Control
CISI Chartered Institute for Securities & Investment
CIT Chartered Institute of Transport
  California Institute of Technology
CITB Construction Industry Training Board
CITD Certificate of Institute of Training and Development
CITP Chartered Information Technology Professional
CIV City Imperial Volunteers
CIWEM Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management
CJM Congregation of Jesus and Mary (Eudist Fathers)
CL Commander, Order of Leopold
cl cum laude
Cl. Class
CLA Country Land & Business Association (formerly Country Landowners’ Association)
CLIC Cancer and Leukemia in Childhood
CLit Companion of Literature (Royal Society of Literature Award)
CLJ Commander, Order of St Lazarus of Jerusalem
CLP Constituency Labour Party
CLRAE Congress (formerly Conference) of Local and Regional Authorities of Europe
CLY City of London Yeomanry
CM Member, Order of Canada
  Congregation of the Mission (Vincentians)
  Master in Surgery
  Certificated Master
  Canadian Militia
CMA Canadian Medical Association
  Cost and Management Accountant (NZ)
  Competition and Markets Authority
CMarEng Chartered Marine Engineer
CMarSci Chartered Marine Scientist
CMath Chartered Mathematician
CMB Central Midwives’ Board
CMC Certified Management Consultant
  Civil Mediation Council
CME Continuing Ministerial Education
CMet Chartered Meteorologist
CMF Commonwealth Military Forces
  Central Mediterranean Force
CMG Companion, Order of St Michael and St George
CMgr Chartered Manager
CMILT Chartered Member, Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport
CMIWSc Certified Member, Institute of Wood Science
CMJ Commander, Supreme Military Order of the Temple of Jerusalem
CMktr Chartered Marketer
CMLI Chartered Member, Landscape Institute
CMLJ Commander of Merit, Order of St Lazarus of Jerusalem
CMM Commander, Order of Military Merit (Canada)
CMO Chief Medical Officer
CMP Corps of Military Police (now see CRMP)
CMS Church Mission (formerly Church Missionary) Society
  Certificate in Management Studies
CMT Chaconia Medal of Trinidad
CNAA Council for National Academic Awards
CND Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament
CNI Companion, Nautical Institute
CNO Chief of Naval Operations
CNOCS Captain Naval Operational Command Systems
CNR Canadian National Railways
CNRS Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique
CNS Clinical Nurse Specialist
CNZM Companion, New Zealand Order of Merit
CO Commanding Officer
  Commonwealth Office (after Aug. 1966) (now see FCO)
  Colonial Office (before Aug. 1966)
  Conscientious Objector
  Colorado (postal)
  Congregation of the Oratory
Co. County
Coal.L Co.L
  Coalition Liberal
Coal.U Co.U
  Coalition Unionist
COBSEO Confederation of British Service and Ex-Service Organisations
CODEST Committee for the Development of European Science and Technology
C of E Church of England
C of I Church of Ireland
C of S Chief of Staff
  Church of Scotland
COHSE Confederation of Health Service Employees
COI Central Office of Information
CoID Council of Industrial Design (now Design Council)
Col Colonel
Coll. College
Colo Colorado
Col.-Sergt Colour-Sergeant
Com Communist
Comd Command
Comdg Commanding
Comdr Commander
Comdt Commandant
COMEC Council of the Military Education Committees of the Universities of the UK
Commn Commission
Commnd Commissioned
CompICE Companion, Institution of Civil Engineers
CompIEE Companion, Institution of Electrical Engineers (later FIEE)
CompIERE Companion, Institution of Electronic and Radio Engineers
CompIGasE Companion, Institution of Gas Engineers
CompILE Companion, Institution of Lighting Engineers
CompIMechE Companion, Institution of Mechanical Engineers
CompInstE Companion, Institute of Energy
CompInstMC Companion, Institute of Measurement and Control
CompOR Companion, Operational Research Society
CompTI Companion of the Textile Institute
Comr Commissioner
Comy-Gen. Commissary-General
CON Commander, Order of the Niger
ConfEd Confederation of Education Service Managers
Conn Connecticut
Const. Constitutional
CONUL Council of National and University Librarians
COO Chief Operating Officer
Co-op. Co-operative
COP Conference of the Parties
COPA Comité des Organisations Professionels Agricoles de la CEE
COPEC Conference of Politics, Economics and Christianity
COPUS Committee on the Public Understanding of Science
Corp. Corporation
Corresp. Mem. Corresponding Member
COS Chief of Staff
  Charity Organization Society
CoSIRA Council for Small Industries in Rural Areas
COSLA Convention of Scottish Local Authorities
COSPAR Committee on Space Research
COSSAC Chief of Staff to Supreme Allied Commander
COTC Coronavirus disease
COVID Canadian Officers’ Training Corps
CP Central Provinces
  Cape Province
  Congregation of the Passion
CPA Commonwealth Parliamentary Association
  Chartered Patent Agent
  Certified Public Accountant (USA)
CPAG Child Poverty Action Group
CPAGB Credit, Photographic Alliance of Great Britain
CPAS Church Pastoral Aid Society
CPC Conservative Political Centre
CPCH College of Paediatrics and Child Health (now see RCPCH)
CPD Continuing Professional Development
CPE Common Professional Examination
  Clinical Pastoral Education
CPEng Chartered Professional Engineer (of Institution of Engineers of Australia)
CPFA Member or Associate, Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy
CPHVA Community Practitioners & Health Visitors’ Association
CPhys Chartered Physicist
CPL Chief Personnel and Logistics
CPLS Certificate of Professional Legal Studies
CPM Colonial Police Medal
CPR Canadian Pacific Railway
CPRE Campaign to Protect Rural England (formerly Council for the Protection of Rural England)
CPRW Campaign for the Protection of Rural Wales
CPS Crown Prosecution Service
  Certificate in Pastoral Studies
CPSA Civil and Public Services Association (now see PCS)
  Church of the Province of South Africa
CPSU Communist Party of the Soviet Union
CPsychol Chartered Psychologist
CPU Commonwealth Press Union
CQ Chevalier, National Order of Quebec
CQI Chartered Quality Institute
CQP Chartered Quality Professional
CQSW Certificate of Qualification in Social Work
CR Community of the Resurrection
cr created or creation
CRA Commander, Royal Artillery
CRAC Careers Research and Advisory Centre
CRadP Chartered Radiation Protection Professional
CRAeS Companion, Royal Aeronautical Society
CRASC Commander, Royal Army Service Corps
CRC Cancer Research Campaign (now see CRUK)
  Community Relations Council
CRE Commander, Royal Engineers
  Commission for Racial Equality
  Commercial Relations and Exports
  Conference of Rectors of European Universities (formerly Association of European Universities)
Cres. Crescent
CRMP Corps of Royal Military Police
CRNCM Companion, Royal Northern College of Music
CRO Commonwealth Relations Office (now see FCO)
CRSNZ Companion, Royal Society of New Zealand
CRUK Cancer Research United Kingdom
CS Civil Service
  Clerk to the Signet
  Companion, Order of Samoa
CSA Confederate States of America
  Child Support Agency
CSAB Civil Service Appeal Board
CSB Bachelor of Christian Science
CSC Conspicuous Service Cross
  Congregation of the Holy Cross
CSCA Civil Service Clerical Association (later CPSA)
CSCE Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe
CSci Chartered Scientist
CSD Civil Service Department
  Co-operative Secretaries Diploma
  Chartered Society of Designers
CSDE Central Servicing Development Establishment
CSEU Confederation of Shipbuilding and Engineering Unions
CSG Companion, Order of the Star of Ghana
  Company of the Servants of God
CSI Companion, Order of the Star of India
  Cross, Order of Solomon Islands
CSIR Commonwealth Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (now see CSIRO)
  Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, India
CSIRO Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (Australia)
CSM Civil Service Medal (Fiji)
  Companion, Star of Merit (Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis)
  Companion, Star of Melanesia (Papua New Guinea)
CSO Chief Scientific Officer
  Chief Signal Officer
  Chief Staff Officer
  Central Statistical Office (now see ONS)
CSP Chartered Society of Physiotherapists
  Civil Service of Pakistan
CSPQ Certificat de Spécialiste de la Province de Québec
CSS Companion, Star of Sarawak
  Council for Science and Society
  Certificate in Social Studies
CSSB Civil Service Selection Board
CSSD Czech Social Democratic Party
CSSp Holy Ghost Father
CSSR Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer (Redemptorist Order)
CStat Chartered Statistician
CSTI Council of Science and Technology Institutes
CStJ Commander, Most Venerable Order of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem
CSU Christlich-Soziale Union in Bayern
CSV Community Service Volunteers
CSW Certificate in Social Work
CT Connecticut (postal)
CTA Chaplain Territorial Army
  Chartered Tax Adviser
CTBI Churches Together in Britain and Ireland
CTC Cyclists’ Touring Club
  Commando Training Centre
  City Technology College
CText Chartered Textile Technologist
CTh Certificate in Theology
CTL Companion, Trinity Laban
CTM Certificate of Theology for Ministry
CTPP Chartered Transport Planning Professional
CTS Certificate in Terrorism Studies
CU Cambridge University
CUAC Cambridge University Athletic Club
  Colleges and Universities of the Anglican Communion
CUAFC Cambridge University Association Football Club
CUCC Cambridge University Cricket Club
CUF Common University Fund
CUNY City University of New York
CUP Cambridge University Press
CUPGRA Cambridge University Postgraduate Research Association
CURUFC Cambridge University Rugby Union Football Club
CV Cross of Valour (Canada)
CVCP Committee of Vice-Chancellors and Principals of the Universities of the United Kingdom (now see UUK)
CVO Commander, Royal Victorian Order
CVS Council for Voluntary Service
CWA Crime Writers Association
CWEM Chartered Water and Environmental Manager
CWGC Commonwealth War Graves Commission
CWS Co-operative Wholesale Society
CWU Communication Workers Union


D Duke
d died
DA Dame of St Andrew, Order of Barbados
  Diploma in Anaesthesia
  Diploma in Art
  Doctor of Arts
DAA Diploma in Archive Administration
DAA&QMG Deputy Assistant Adjutant and Quartermaster-General
DAAD Designers and Art Directors Association
DAAG Deputy Assistant Adjutant-General
DA&QMG Deputy Adjutant and Quartermaster-General
DAC Development Assistance Committee
  Diocesan Advisory Committee
DAcad Doctor of the Academy
DACG Deputy Assistant Chaplain-General
DACLAM Diplomate, American College of Laboratory Animal Medicine
DACOS Deputy Assistant Chief of Staff
DAD Deputy Assistant Director
DAdmin Doctor of Administration
DADMS Deputy Assistant Director of Medical Services
DADOS Deputy Assistant Director of Ordnance Services
DADQ Deputy Assistant Director of Quartering
DADST Deputy Assistant Director of Supplies and Transport
DAEd Diploma in Art Education
DAG Deputy Adjutant-General
DAgr Doctor of Agriculture
DAgrFor Doctor of Agriculture and Forestry
DAgrSc Doctor of Agricultural Science
DAMS Deputy Assistant Military Secretary
D&AD Design and Art Direction (formerly Designers and Art Directors Association)
DAppSc Doctor of Applied Science
DAQMG Deputy Assistant Quartermaster-General
DArch Doctor of Architecture
DArt Doctor of Art
DArts Doctor of Arts
DASc Doctor in Agricultural Sciences
DASS Diploma in Applied Social Studies
DATA Draughtsmen’s and Allied Technicians’ Association (later AUEW(TASS))
DATEC Art and Design Committee, Technician Education Council
DAvMed Diploma in Aviation Medicine, Royal College of Physicians
DBA Doctor of Business Administration
DBE Dame Commander, Order of the British Empire
DBT Department for Business and Trade
DBTS Diploma in Biblical and Theological Studies
DBus Doctor of Business
DC District Council
  District of Columbia
DCA Doctor of Creative Arts
  Department for Constitutional Affairs
DCAS Deputy Chief of the Air Staff
DCB Dame Commander, Order of the Bath
DCC Diploma of Chelsea College
DCCH Diploma in Community Child Health
DCDS Deputy Chief of Defence Staff
DCE Diploma of a College of Education
DCG Deputy Chaplain-General
DCGS Deputy Chief of the General Staff
DCh Doctor of Surgery
DCH Diploma in Child Health
DChA Diploma in Charity Accounting
DCHS Dame Commander, Order of the Holy Sepulchre
DCL Doctor of Civil Law
  Doctor of Canon Law
DCLG Department for Communities and Local Government
DCLI Duke of Cornwall’s Light Infantry
DCLJ Dame Commander, Order of St Lazarus of Jerusalem
DCM Distinguished Conduct Medal
DCMG Dame Commander, Order of St Michael and St George
DCMS Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (formerly Department for Culture, Media and Sport)
DCnL Doctor of Canon Law
DCNZM Distinguished Companion, New Zealand Order of Merit
DCO Duke of Cambridge’s Own
DCom DComm
  Doctor of Commerce
DCP Diploma in Clinical Pathology
  Diploma in Conservation of Paintings
DCS Deputy Chief of Staff
  Doctor of Commercial Sciences
DCSF Department for Children, Schools and Families
DCSG Dame Commander, Order of St Gregory the Great
DCSO Deputy Chief Scientific Officer
DCT Doctor of Christian Theology
DCVO Dame Commander, Royal Victorian Order
DD Doctor of Divinity
DDAM Diploma in Disability Assessment Medicine
DDes Doctor of Design
DDGAMS Deputy Director General, Army Medical Services
DDH Diploma in Dental Health
DDL Deputy Director of Labour
DDME Deputy Director of Mechanical Engineering
DDMI Deputy Director of Military Intelligence
DDMO Deputy Director of Military Operations
DDMS Deputy Director of Medical Services
DDMT Deputy Director of Military Training
DDNI Deputy Director of Naval Intelligence
DDO Diploma in Dental Orthopaedics
DDPH Diploma in Dental Public Health
DDPR Deputy Director of Public Relations
DDPS Deputy Director of Personal Services
DDR Deutsche Demokratische Republik
DDRA Deputy Director Royal Artillery
DDra Doctor of Drama
DDS Doctor of Dental Surgery
  Director of Dental Services
DDSc Doctor of Dental Science
DDSD Deputy Director Staff Duties
DDSM Defense Distinguished Service Medal
DDST Deputy Director of Supplies and Transport
DDWE&M Deputy Director of Works, Electrical and Mechanical
DE Doctor of Engineering
  Delaware (postal)
DEA Department of Economic Affairs
  Diplôme d’Etudes Approfondies
DEc Doctor of Economics
DECC Department of Energy and Climate Change
decd deceased
DEcon Doctor of Economics
DEconSc Doctor of Economic Science
DEd Doctor of Education
DEFRA Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
DEI Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Deleg. Delegate
DEME Directorate of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering
DEMS Defensively Equipped Merchant Ships
(DemU) Democratic Unionist
DenD Docteur en Droit
DEng Doctor of Engineering
DenM Docteur en Médicine
DEOVR Duke of Edinburgh’s Own Volunteer Rifles
DEP Department of Employment and Productivity
  European Progressive Democrats
Dep. Deputy
DERA Defence Evaluation and Research Agency
DES Department of Education and Science (later DFE)
  Dr in Environmental Studies
DèsL Docteur ès lettres
DèS DèsSc
  Docteur ès sciences
DESNZ Department for Energy Security and Net Zero
DesRCA Designer of the Royal College of Art
DESS Diplôme d’Etudes Supérieures Specialisées
DESU Diplôme d’Etudes Supérieures d’Université
DETR Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions
DExEU Department for Exiting the European Union
DFA Doctor of Fine Arts
DFAS Decorative and Fine Art Society
DFC Distinguished Flying Cross
DFE, DfE Department for Education
  Department for Education and Employment (later DFES)
  Department for Education and Skills
DFFP Diploma in Fertility and Family Planning
DFH Diploma of Faraday House
DFID Department for International Development
DFil Doctor en Filosofía
DFM Distinguished Flying Medal
  Diploma of Forensic Medicine
DFPHM Diplomate Member, Faculty of Public Health Medicine
DfT Department for Transport
DG Director General
  Directorate General
  Dragoon Guards
DGAA Distressed Gentlefolks Aid Association
DGAMS Director-General Army Medical Services
DGCHS Dame Grand Cross, Order of the Holy Sepulchre
DGDP Diploma in General Dental Practice, Royal College of Physicians
DGEME Director General Electrical and Mechanical Engineering
DGLP(A) Director General Logistic Policy (Army)
DGMS Director-General of Medical Services
DGMT Director-General of Military Training
DGMW Director-General of Military Works
DGNPS Director-General of Naval Personal Services
DGP Director-General of Personnel
DGPS Director-General of Personal Services
DGS Diploma in Graduate Studies
DGStJ Dame of Grace, Order of St John of Jerusalem (now see DStJ)
DGU Doctor of Griffith University
DH Doctor of Humanities
  Doctor of Health
DHA District Health Authority
  Doctor honoris causa
DHE Defence Housing Executive
DHEW Department of Health Education and Welfare (US)
DHL Doctor of Humane Letters
  Doctor of Hebrew Literature
DHLitt Doctor of Humane Letters
DHM Dean Hole Medal
DHMSA Diploma in the History of Medicine (Society of Apothecaries)
DHQ District Headquarters
DHS Dame, Order of the Holy Sepulchre
DHSC Department of Health and Social Care
DHSS Department of Health and Social Security
DHum Doctor of Humanities
DHumLit Doctor of Humane Letters
DIA Diploma in Industrial Administration
DIB Doctor of International Business
DIC Diploma of the Imperial College
DIFC Dubai International Financial Centre
DIG Deputy Inspector-General
DIH Diploma in Industrial Health
DIMP Darjah Indera Mahkota Pahang (Malaysia)
DIntLaw Diploma in International Law
Dio. Diocese
DipA Diploma of Arts in Theology
DipAA Diploma in Applied Art
DipABRSM Diploma, Associated Board of Royal Schools of Music
DipAD Diploma in Art and Design
DipAE Diploma in Adult Education
DipAe Diploma in Aeronautics
DipAgr Diploma in Agriculture
DipArch Diploma in Architecture
DipASE Diploma in Advanced Study of Education, College of Preceptors
DipASS Diploma in Applied Social Studies
DipBA Diploma in Business Administration
DipBS Diploma in Fine Art, Byam Shaw School
DipCAM Diploma in Communications, Advertising and Marketing of CAM Foundation
DipCAT Diploma in Cognitive Analytic Therapy
DipCD Diploma in Civic Design
DipCE Diploma in Civil Engineering
  Diploma of a College of Education (Scotland)
DipChA Diploma in Chartered Accounting
DipCII Diploma in Insurance, Chartered Insurance Institute
DipCons Diploma in Conservation
DipCS Diploma in Classical Studies
DipECLAM Diplomate, European College of Laboratory Animal Medicine
DipEcon Diploma in Economics
DipECVO Diploma in Veterinary Ophthalmology, European College of Veterinary Ophthalmologists
DipEd Diploma in Education
DipEE Diploma in Electrical Engineering
DipEl Diploma in Electronics
DipESL Diploma in English as a Second Language
DipEth Diploma in Ethnology
DipEurHum Diploma in European Humanities
DipEVPC Diplomate, European Veterinary Parasitology College
DipFBOM Diploma in Farm Business Organisation and Management
DipFD Diploma in Funeral Directing
DipFE Diploma in Further Education
DipFM Diploma in Forensic Medicine
  Diploma in Financial Management
DipFMS Diploma in Forensic Medicine and Science
DipFS Diploma in Financial Services
DipGSM Diploma in Music, Guildhall School of Music and Drama
DipHA Diploma in Hospital Administration
DipHE Diploma in Higher Education
DipHSM Diploma in Health Services Management
DipHIC Diploma in Hospital Infection Control
DipHum Diploma in Humanities
DipHV Diploma in Health Visiting
DipICArb Diploma in International Commercial Arbitration
DipIT Diploma in Information Technology
DipLA Diploma in Landscape Architecture
DipLaw Diploma in Law
DipLib Diploma of Librarianship
DipLLP Diploma in Law and Legal Practice
DipLP Diploma in Legal Practice
DipLS Diploma of Legal Studies
DipM Diploma in Marketing
DipMed Diploma in Medicine
DipMin Diploma in Ministry
DipN Diploma in Nursing
DipNEC Diploma of Northampton Engineering College (now City University)
DIPP Diploma of Interventional Pain Practice
DipPA Diploma of Practitioners in Advertising (now see DipCAM)
DipPE Diploma in Physical Education
DipPFS Diploma in Financial Planning, Chartered Insurance Institute
DipPSA Diploma in Public Service Administration
DipPSW Diploma in Psychiatric Social Work
DipPsych Diploma in Psychology
DipRE Diploma in Religious Education
DipREM Diploma in Rural Estate Management
DipRS Diploma in Religious Studies
DipSMS Diploma in School Management Studies
DipSoc Diploma in Sociology
DipSocSc Diploma in Social Science
DipSRAA Diploma in the Study of Records and Administration of Archives
DipStat Diploma in Statistics
DipSW Diploma in Social Work
DipTA Diploma in Tropical Agriculture
DipT&CP Diploma in Town and Country Planning
DipTh Diploma in Theology
DipTMHA Diploma in Training and Further Education of Mentally Handicapped Adults
DipTP Diploma in Town Planning
DipTPT Diploma in Theory and Practice of Teaching
DipTRP Diploma in Town and Regional Planning
DipURP Diploma in Urban and Regional Planning
DipYCS Diploma in Youth and Community Studies
DIS Diploma in Industrial Studies
DistTP Distinction in Town Planning
DIT Department for International Trade
DIur Doctor of Law
DIUS Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills
Div. Division
DJAG Deputy Judge Advocate General
DJPD Dato Jasa Purba Di-Raja Negeri Sembilan (Malaysia)
DJStJ Dame of Justice, Order of St John of Jerusalem (now see DStJ)
DJur Doctor Juris (Doctor of Law)
DK Most Esteemed Family Order (Brunei)
DL Deputy Lieutenant
  Democratie Libérale
DLAS Diploma in Laboratory Animal Science, Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons
DLaws Doctor of Laws
DLC Diploma of Loughborough College
DLES Doctor of Letters in Economic Studies
DLI Durham Light Infantry
DLIS Diploma in Library and Information Studies
DLit DLitt
  Doctor of Literature
  Doctor of Letters
DLittS Doctor of Sacred Letters
DLJ Dame of Grace, Order of St Lazarus of Jerusalem
DLO Diploma in Laryngology and Otology
DLP Diploma in Legal Practice
  Democratic Labour Party
DLR Docklands Light Railway
DLUHC Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities
DM Doctor of Medicine
DMA Diploma in Municipal Administration
DMan Doctor of Management
DMCC Diploma in the Medical Care of Catastrophe, Society of Apothecaries
DMD Doctor of Medical Dentistry (Australia)
DME Director of Mechanical Engineering
DMed Doctor of Medicine
DMedSci Doctor of Medical Science
DMet Doctor of Metallurgy
DMI Director of Military Intelligence
DMin Doctor of Ministry
DMiss Doctor of Missiology
DMJ Diploma in Medical Jurisprudence
DMJ(Path) Diploma in Medical Jurisprudence (Pathology)
DMLJ Dame of Merit, Order of St Lazarus of Jerusalem
DMO Director of Military Operations
DMR Diploma in Medical Radiology
DMRD Diploma in Medical Radiological Diagnosis
DMRE Diploma in Medical Radiology and Electrology
DMRT Diploma in Medical Radio-Therapy
DMS Director of Medical Services
  Decoration for Meritorious Service (South Africa)
  Diploma in Management Studies
DMSc Doctor of Medical Science
DMT Director of Military Training
DMus Doctor of Music
DN Diploma in Nursing
DNB Dictionary of National Biography
DNE Director of Naval Equipment
DNH Department of National Heritage
DNI Director of Naval Intelligence
DNursing Professional Doctorate in Nursing
DNZM Dame Companion, New Zealand Order of Merit
DO Diploma in Ophthalmology
DOAE Defence Operational Analysis Establishment
DObstRCOG Diploma of Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (now see DRCOG)
DOC District Officer Commanding
DocArts Doctor of Arts
DocEng Doctor of Engineering
DoE Department of the Environment
DoH Department of Health
DoI Department of Industry
DOL Doctor of Oriental Learning
Dom. Dominus (Lord)
DOMS Diploma in Ophthalmic Medicine and Surgery
DOR Director of Operational Requirements
DOrthRCS Diploma in Orthodontics, Royal College of Surgeons
DOS Director of Ordnance Services
  Doctor of Ocular Science
DP Data Processing
DPA Diploma in Public Administration
  Discharged Prisoners’ Aid
  Doctor of Public Administration
DPD Diploma in Public Dentistry
DPEc Doctor of Political Economy
DPed Doctor of Pedagogy
DPH Diploma in Public Health
DPh DPhil
  Doctor of Philosophy
DPharm Doctor of Pharmacy
DPhilMed Diploma in Philosophy of Medicine
DPhysMed Diploma in Physical Medicine
DPLG Diplômé par le Gouvernement
DPM Diploma in Psychological Medicine
  Diploma in Personnel Management
DPMS Dato Paduka Mahkota Selangor (Malaysia)
DPMSA Diploma in Philosophy and Ethics of Medicine, Society of Apothecaries
DPP Director of Public Prosecutions
DPR Director of Public Relations
DProf Doctor of Professional Studies
DPS Director of Postal Services
  Director of Personal Services
  Doctor of Public Service
  Diploma in Pastoral Studies
DPSA Diploma in Public and Social Administration
DPSE Diploma in Professional Studies in Education
DPSM Diploma in Public Sector Management
DPSN Diploma in Professional Studies in Nursing
DPsych Doctor of Psychology
DQMG Deputy Quartermaster-General
Dr Doctor
DRA Defence Research Agency (later DERA)
DRAC Director Royal Armoured Corps
DRC Diploma of Royal College of Science and Technology, Glasgow
DRCOG Diploma of Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
DRD Diploma in Restorative Dentistry
Dr hab. Doctor of Habilitation
Dr ing Doctor of Engineering
Dr jur Doctor of Laws
DrŒcPol Doctor Œconomiæ Politicæ (Doctor of Political Economy)
Dr phil Doctor of Philosophy
Dr rer. nat. Doctor of Natural Science
Dr rer. pol. Doctor of Political Science
Dr rer. soc. oec. Doctor of Social and Economic Sciences
DRS Diploma in Religious Studies
Drs Doctorandus
DRSAMD Diploma of the Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama
DS Directing Staff
  Doctor of Science
DSA Diploma in Social Administration
DSAC Defence Scientific Advisory Council
DSAO Diplomatic Service Administration Office
DSC Distinguished Service Cross
DSc Doctor of Science
DScA Docteur en sciences agricoles
DSc(Eng) Doctor of Engineering Science
DSCHE Diploma of the Scottish Council for Health Education
DSCM Diploma of the Sydney Conservatorium of Music
DScMil Doctor of Military Science
DSc (SocSci) Doctor of Science in Social Science
DSD Director Staff Duties
  Diploma in Speech and Drama
DSF Director Special Forces
DSG Dame, Order of St Gregory the Great
DSIR Department of Scientific and Industrial Research (later SRC; then SERC)
DSIT Department for Science, Innovation and Technology
DSL Doctor of Sacred Letters
DSLJ Dato Seri Laila Jasa (Brunei)
DSM Distinguished Service Medal
DSMOM Dame, Sovereign Military Order of Malta
DSNB Dato Setia Negara Brunei
DSNS Dato Setia Negeri Sembilan (Malaysia)
DSO Companion of the Distinguished Service Order
DSocSc Doctor of Social Science
DSP Director of Selection of Personnel
  Docteur en sciences politiques (Montreal)
dsp decessit sine prole (died without issue)
DSport Doctor of Sport
DSS Department of Social Security
  Doctor of Sacred Scripture
Dss Deaconess
DSSc Doctor of Social Science
DST Director of Supplies and Transport
DStJ Dame of Grace, Most Venerable Order of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem
  Dame of Justice, Most Venerable Order of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem
DSTL Defence Science and Technology Laboratory
DTA Diploma in Tropical Agriculture
DTech Doctor of Technology
DTH Diploma in Tropical Hygiene
DTh DTheol
  Doctor of Theology
DThMin Doctor of Theology and Ministry
DThPT Diploma in Theory and Practice of Teaching
DTI Department of Trade and Industry
DTLR Department for Transport, Local Government and the Regions
DTM&H Diploma in Tropical Medicine and Hygiene
DU DUniv
  Honorary Doctor of the University
Dunelm Dunelmensis (of Durham)
DUP Democratic Unionist Party
  Docteur de l’Université de Paris
DVA Diploma of Veterinary Anaesthesia
DVH Diploma in Veterinary Hygiene
DVLA Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency
DVLC Driver and Vehicle Licensing Centre
  Doctor of Veterinary Medicine
  Doctor of Veterinary Medicine and Surgery
DVO Driver, Vehicle and Operator
DVOphthal Diploma in Veterinary Ophthalmology
DVR Diploma in Veterinary Radiology
DVSc Doctor of Veterinary Science
DVSM Diploma in Veterinary State Medicine
DWP Department for Work and Pensions


E East
e eldest
EA Environment Agency
EAA Edinburgh Architectural Association
EACR European Association for Cancer Research
EADS European Aeronautics Defence and Space Company
EAF East African Forces
EAGA Energy Action Grants Agency
EAHY European Architectural Heritage Year
EASD European Association of Securities Dealers
  European Association for the Study of Diabetes
EBC English Benedictine Congregation
Ebor Eboracensis (of York)
EBRD European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
EBSQ European Board of Surgery Qualification
EBU European Broadcasting Union
EC Etoile du Courage (Canada)
  European Community
  European Commission
  Emergency Commission
ECA Economic Co-operation Administration
  Economic Commission for Africa
ECAFE Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East (now see ESCAP)
ECB England and Wales Cricket Board
ECCTIS Education Courses and Credit Transfer Information Systems
ECE Economic Commission for Europe
ECGD Export Credits Guarantee Department
ECHR European Court of Human Rights
ECLAC United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean
ECOSOC Economic and Social Committee of the United Nations
ECR European Conservatives and Reformists Group
ECSC European Coal and Steel Community
ED Efficiency Decoration
  Doctor of Engineering (US)
  European Democrat
ed edited
EdB Bachelor of Education
EDC Economic Development Committee
EdD Doctor of Education
EDF European Development Fund
EDG European Democratic Group
  Employment Department Group
EDI Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
  Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
Edin. Edinburgh
Edn Edition
EDP Executive Development Programme
EdS Specialist in Education
EDSAC Electronic Delay Storage Automatic Calculator
Educ Educated
Educn Education
EEA European Environment Agency
EEC European Economic Community (now see EC)
  Commission of the European Communities
EEF Engineering Employers’ Federation
  Egyptian Expeditionary Force
EETPU Electrical Electronic Telecommunication & Plumbing Union (later AEEU)
EETS Early English Text Society
EFCE European Federation of Chemical Engineering
EFIAP Excellence, Fédération Internationale de l’Art Photographique
EFQM European Foundation Quality Management
EFTA European Free Trade Association
EGCLJ Ecclesiastical Grand Cross Chaplain, Order of St Lazarus of Jerusalem
eh ehrenhalber (honorary)
EI East Indian
  East Indies
EIA Engineering Industries Association
EIB European Investment Bank
EIEMA Electrical Installation Equipment Manufacturers’ Association
E-in-C Engineer-in-Chief
EIS Educational Institute of Scotland
EISCAT European Incoherent Scatter Association
EIU Economist Intelligence Unit
ELBS English Language Book Society
ELDR European Liberal, Democrat and Reform Party
ELT English Language Teaching
EM Edward Medal
  Earl Marshal
EMBL European Molecular Biology Laboratory
EMBO European Molecular Biology Organisation
EMEA European Medicines Agency (formerly European Agency for the Evaluation of Medical Products)
  Europe, Middle East and Africa
EMH Elizabeth Medal of Honour
EMI European Monetary Institute
EMP Electro Magnetic Pulse
  Executive Management Program Diploma
EMS Emergency Medical Service
EMU European Monetary Union
Eng. England
EngD Doctor of Engineering
Engr Engineer
ENO English National Opera
ENT Ear Nose and Throat
ENTO Employment National Training Organisation
EO Executive Officer
EOC Equal Opportunities Commission
EOPH Examined Officer of Public Health
EORTC European Organisation for Research on Treatment of Cancer
EOT Employee Ownership Trust
EP European Parliament
EPOS Electronic Point of Sale
EPP European People’s Party
EPSA Excellence, Photographic Society of America
EPSRC Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
EPsS Experimental Psychology Society
er elder
ER Eastern Region (BR)
  East Riding
ERA Electrical Research Association
ERC Electronics Research Council
ERD Emergency Reserve Decoration (Army)
ESA European Space Agency
ESC European Society of Cardiology
ESCAP Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific
ESCP-EAP Ecole Supérieure de Commerce de Paris-Ecole des Affaires de Paris
ESF European Science Foundation
ESG Environmental, Social and Governance
ESL English as a Second Language
ESOL English for Speakers of Other Languages
ESP English for Special Purposes
ESPID European Society for Paediatric Infectious Diseases
EsqStJ Esquire, Most Venerable Order of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem
ESRC Economic and Social Research Council
  Electricity Supply Research Council
ESRO European Space Research Organization (now see ESA)
ESSKA European Society for Surgery of the Knee and Arthroscopy
ESTA European Science and Technology Assembly
ESU English-Speaking Union
ETA Engineering Training Authority
ETH Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule
ETS Educational and Training Services
ETS(A) Educational and Training Services (Army)
ETU Electrical Trades Union
ETUC European Trade Union Confederation
ETUCE European Trade Union Committee for Education
EU European Union
Euratom European Atomic Energy Community
EurBiol European Biologist (now see EurProBiol)
EurChem European Chemist
EurGeol European Geologist
Eur Ing European Engineer
EUROM European Federation for Optics and Precision Mechanics
EurProBiol European Professional Biologist
EUW European Union of Women
eV eingetragener Verein
EVPC European Veterinary Parasitology College
Ext Extinct


FA Football Association
FAA Fellow, Australian Academy of Science
FAAAI Fellow, Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (formerly American Association for Artificial Intelligence)
  Fleet Air Arm
FAAAI Fellow, American Association for Artificial Intelligence
FAAAS Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science
FAACR Fellow, American Association for Cancer Research
FAAHMS Fellow, Australian Academy of Health and Sciences
FAAN Fellow, American Academy of Neurology
  Fellow, American Academy of Nursing
FAAO Fellow, American Academy of Optometry
FAAP Fellow, American Academy of Pediatrics
FAARM Fellow, American Academy of Reproductive Medicine
FAAV Fellow, Central Association of Agricultural Valuers
FAAVCT Fellow, American Academy of Veterinary and Comparative Toxicology
FABE Fellow, Association of Building Engineers
FAcadMEd Fellow, Academy of Medical Educators
FACB Fellow, National Academy of Clinical Biochemistry, USA
FACC Fellow, American College of Cardiology
FACCA Fellow, Association of Certified and Corporate Accountants (now see FCCA)
FACCP Fellow, American College of Chest Physicians
FACD Fellow, American College of Dentistry
FACDS Fellow, Australian College of Dental Surgeons (now see FRACDS)
FACE Fellow, Australian College of Educators (formerly of Education)
FACerS Fellow, American Ceramic Society
FAChAM Fellow, Australasian Chapter of Addiction Medicine, Royal Australian College of Physicians
FAChPM Fellow, Australasian Chapter of Palliative Medicine, Royal Australian College of Physicians
FACHSE Fellow, Australian College of Health Service Executives
FACI Fellow, Australian Chemical Institute (now see FRACI)
FACM Fellow, Associaton of Computing Machinery
FACMA Fellow, Australian College of Medical Administrators (now see FRACMA)
FACMG Fellow, American College of Medicinal Genetics
FACOG Fellow, American College of Obstetricians and Gynæcologists
FACOM Fellow, Australian College of Occupational Medicine
FACP Fellow, American College of Physicians
FACPM Fellow, American College of Preventive Medicine
FACR Fellow, American College of Radiology
FACRM Fellow, Australian College of Rehabilitation Medicine
FACS Fellow, American College of Surgeons
FAcSS Fellow, Academy of Social Sciences
FACVSc Fellow, Australian College of Veterinary Scientists
FACVT Fellow, American College of Veterinary Toxicology (now see FAAVCT)
FADM Fellow, Academy of Dental Materials
FADO Fellow, Association of Dispensing Opticians
FAEM Faculty of Accident and Emergency Medicine (now see CEM)
FAeSI Fellow, Aeronautical Society of India
FAFMS Fellow, Academy of Forensic Medical Sciences
FAfN Fellow, Association for Nutrition
FAFPHM Fellow, Australian Faculty of Public Health Medicine
FAGS Fellow, American Geographical Society
FAHA Fellow, Australian Academy of the Humanities
  Fellow, American Heart Association
FAHMS Fellow, Australian Academy of Health and Medical Sciences
FAI Fellow, Chartered Auctioneers’ and Estate Agents’ Institute (now (after amalgamation) see FRICS)
  Fédération Aéronautique Internationale
FAIA Fellow, American Institute of Architects
  Fellow, Association of International Accountants
FAIAA Fellow, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
FAIAS Fellow, Australian Institute of Agricultural Science (now see FAIAST)
FAIAST Fellow, Australian Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology
FAIB Fellow, Australian Institute of Bankers
FAIBF Fellow, Australasian Institute of Bankers + Finance
FAIBiol Fellow, Australian Institute of Biology
FAICD Fellow, Australian Institute of Company Directors
FAIChE Fellow, American Institute of Chemical Engineers
FAIE Fellow, Australian Institute of Energy
FAIEx Fellow, Australian Institute of Export
FAIFST Fellow, Australian Institute of Food Science and Technology
FAII Fellow, Australian Insurance Institute
FAIIA Fellow, Australian Information Industry Association
FAIM Fellow, Australian Institute of Management
FAIMBE Fellow, American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering
FAIP Fellow, Australian Institute of Physics
FAISB Fellow, Society for the Study of Artificial Intelligence and the Simulation of Behaviour
FAM Fellow, Academy of Marketing
FAMA Fellow, Australian Medical Association
FAMI Fellow, Australian Marketing Institute
FAMINZ(Arb) Fellow, Arbitrators and Mediators Institute of New Zealand
FAMM Fellow, Academy of Medicine, Malaysia
FAmNucSoc Fellow, American Nuclear Society
FAMS Fellow, Ancient Monuments Society
  Fellow, Academy of Medicine, Singapore
  Fellow, American Mathematical Society
FANA Fellow, American Neurological Association
F and GP Finance and General Purposes
FANY First Aid Nursing Yeomanry
FANZCA Fellow, Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists
FANZCP Fellow, Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists (now see FRANZCP)
FAO Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
FAoP Fellow, Association of Physicians of Great Britain and Ireland
FAOrthA Fellow, Australian Orthopaedic Association
FAPA Fellow, American Psychiatric Association
FAPHA Fellow, American Public Health Association
FAPI Fellow, Association of Physicians of India
FAPM Fellow, Association for Project Management (formerly of Project Managers)
FAPS Fellow, American Phytopathological Society
FAPT Fellow, Association for Preservation Technology (US)
FArborA Fellow, Arboricultural Association
FARE Federation of Alcoholic Rehabilitation Establishments
FARELF Far East Land Forces
FARVO Fellow, Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology
FAS Fellow, Antiquarian Society
  Fellow, Nigerian Academy of Science
  Funding Agency for Schools
  Fellow, Anatomical Society
FASA Fellow, Australian Society of Accountants (now see FCPA)
FASc Fellow, Indian Academy of Sciences
fasc. fascicule
FASCE Fellow, American Society of Civil Engineers
FASI Fellow, Architects’ and Surveyors’ Institute
FASL Fellow, Association for Scottish Literature (formerly for Scottish Literary Studies)
FASME Fellow, American Society of Mechanical Engineers
FASPOG Fellow, Australian Society for Psychosomatic Obstetrics and Gynaecology
FASSA Fellow, Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia
FAusIMM Fellow, Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy
FAustCOG Fellow, Australian College of Obstetricians and Gynæcologists (later FRACOG; now see FRANZCOG)
FAustMS Fellow, Australian Mathematical Society
FBA Fellow, British Academy
  Federation of British Artists
FBAHA Fellow, British Association of Hotel Accountants
FBAM Fellow, British Academy of Management
FBC Fellow, Birmingham Conservatoire (now see FRBC)
FBCartS Fellow, British Cartographic Society
FBCO Fellow, British College of Optometrists (formerly of Ophthalmic Opticians (Optometrists)) (now see FCOptom)
FBCS Fellow, British Computer Society
FBCS CITP Fellow, British Computer Society, with Chartered Professional Status
FBEng Fellow, Association of Building Engineers
FBES Fellow, Biological Engineering Society (now see FIPEM)
FBHA Fellow, British Hospitality Association
FBHI Fellow, British Horological Institute
FBHS Fellow, British Horse Society Fellow, British Hypertension Society
FBI Federation of British Industries (now see CBI)
  Federal Bureau of Investigation
FBIAT Fellow, British Institute of Architectural Technicians
FBIBA Fellow, British Insurance Brokers’ Association (now see FBIIBA)
FBID Fellow, British Institute of Interior Design
FBIDA Fellow, British Interior Design Association
FBIDST Fellow, British Institute of Dental and Surgical Technologists
FBII Fellow, British Institute of Innkeeping
FBIIBA Fellow, British Insurance and Investment Brokers’ Association
FBIM Fellow, British Institute of Management (later FIMgt)
FBINZ Fellow, Bankers’ Institute of New Zealand
FBIPM Fellow, British Institute of Payroll Management (now see FIPPM)
FBIPP Fellow, British Institute of Professional Photography
FBIR Fellow, British Institute of Radiology
FBIRA Fellow, British Institute of Regulatory Affairs
FBIS Fellow, British Interplanetary Society
FBKS Fellow, British Kinematograph Society (now see FBKSTS)
FBKSTS Fellow, British Kinematograph, Sound and Television Society
FBNA Fellow, British Naturalists’ Association
FBOA Fellow, British Optical Association
FBOU Fellow, British Ornithologists’ Union
FBPharmacolS Fellow, British Pharmacological Society (now see FBPhS)
FBPhS Fellow, British Pharmacological Society
FBPICS Fellow, British Production and Inventory Control Society
FBPsS Fellow, British Psychological Society
FBritIRE Fellow, British Institution of Radio Engineers (later FIERE)
FBS Fellow, Building Societies Institute (later FCBSI; now see FCIB)
FBSA Fellow, British Science Association
FBSE Fellow, Biomaterials Science and Engineering
FBSG Fellow, British Society for Geomorphology
FBSI Fellow, Boot and Shoe Institution (now see FCFI)
FBSM Fellow, Birmingham School of Music (now see FBC)
FBTS Fellow, British Toxicology Society
FC Football Club
FCA Fellow, Institute of Chartered Accountants
  Fellow, Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia
  Fellow, New Zealand Society of Accountants
  Federation of Canadian Artists
FCABE Fellow, Chartered Association of Building Engineers
FCAE Fellow, Canadian Academy of Engineering
FCAHS Fellow, Canadian Academy of Health Sciences
FCAI Fellow, New Zealand Institute of Cost Accountants
  Fellow, Canadian Aeronautical Institute (now see FCASI)
  Fellow, College of Anaesthetists of Ireland
FCAM Fellow, CAM Foundation
FCAnaes Fellow, College of Anaesthetists (now see FRCA)
FCARCSI Fellow, College of Anaesthetists, Royal College of Surgeons of Ireland
FCA(SA) Fellow, College of Anaesthetists (South Africa)
FCASI Fellow, Canadian Aeronautics and Space Institute
FCBI Fellow, Chartered Banker Institute
FCBSI Fellow, Chartered Building Societies Institute (merged with Chartered Institute of Bankers; now see FCIB)
FCCA Fellow, Chartered Association of Certified Accountants
FCCEA Fellow, Commonwealth Council for Educational Administration
FCCP Fellow, American College of Chest Physicians
FCCS Fellow, Corporation of Secretaries (formerly of Certified Secretaries)
FCCT Fellow, Canadian College of Teachers Fellow, Chartered College of Teaching
FCDO Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office
FCDSHK Fellow, College of Dental Surgeons of Hong Kong
FCEC Federation of Civil Engineering Contractors
FCEM Fellow, College of Emergency Medicine (now see FRCEM)
FCFE Fellow, Chartered Institution for Further Education
FCFI Fellow, Clothing and Footwear Institute
FCG Fellow, Chartered Governance Institute
FCGA Fellow, Certified General Accountants of Canada
FCGC Fellow, Council of Geriatric Cardiology
FCGDent Fellow, College of General Dentistry
FCGI Fellow, City and Guilds of London Institute
FCGP Fellow, College of General Practitioners (now see FRCGP)
FChS Fellow, Society of Chiropodists
FCI Fellow, Institute of Commerce
FCIA Fellow, Corporation of Insurance Agents
FCIArb Fellow, Chartered Institute of Arbitrators
FCIB Fellow, Corporation of Insurance Brokers
  Fellow, Chartered Institute of Bankers
FCIBS Fellow, Chartered Institution of Building Services (now see FCBI)
  Fellow, Chartered Institute of Bankers in Scotland
FCIBSE Fellow, Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers
FCIC Fellow, Chemical Institute of Canada (formerly Canadian Institute of Chemistry)
FCICM Fellow, Chartered Institute of Credit Management
FCIEEM Fellow, Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management
FCIEH Fellow, Chartered Institute of Environmental Health
FCIFE Fellow, Chartered Institution for Further Education
FCIH Fellow, Chartered Institute of Housing
FCIHort Fellow, Chartered Institute of Horticulture
FCIHT Fellow, Chartered Institution of Highways & Transportation
FCII Fellow, Chartered Insurance Institute
FCIJ Fellow, Chartered Institute of Journalists
FCIL Fellow, Chartered Institute of Linguists
FCILA Fellow, Chartered Institute of Loss Adjusters
FCILT Chartered Fellow, Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport
FCIM Fellow, Chartered Institute of Marketing
  Fellow, Institute of Corporate Managers (Australia)
FCInstCES Fellow, Chartered Institution of Civil Engineering Surveyors
FCIOB Fellow, Chartered Institute of Building
FCIPA Fellow, Chartered Institute of Patent Agents (now see CPA)
FCIPD Fellow, Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development
FCIPHE Fellow, Chartered Institute of Plumbing and Heating Engineering
FCIPR Fellow, Chartered Institute of Public Relations
FCIPS Fellow, Chartered Institute of Procurement (formerly Purchasing) and Supply
FCIS Fellow, Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators (formerly Chartered Institute of Secretaries) (now see FCG)
FCISA Fellow, Chartered Institute of Secretaries and Administrators (Australia)
FCIT Fellow, Chartered Institute of Transport (now see FCILT)
FCIWEM Fellow, Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management
FCIWM Fellow, Chartered Institution of Wastes Management
FCJEI Fellow, Commonwealth Judicial Education Institute
FCLIP Fellow, Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
FCM Faculty of Community Medicine
FCMA Fellow, Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (formerly Institute of Cost and Management Accountants)
  Fellow, Communications Management Association
FCMC Fellow grade, Certified Management Consultant
FCMI Fellow, Chartered Management Institute
FCMSA Fellow, College of Medicine of South Africa
FCNA Fellow, College of Nursing, Australia
FCO Foreign and Commonwealth Office
FCOG(SA) Fellow, South African College of Obstetrics and Gynæcology
FCollH Fellow, College of Handicraft
FCollP Fellow, College of Preceptors
FCollT Fellow, College of Teachers
FCommA Fellow, Society of Commercial Accountants (now see FSCA)
FCOphth Fellow, College of Ophthalmologists (now see FRCOphth)
FCOptom Fellow, College of Optometrists
FCOT Fellow, College of Teachers
FCP Fellow, College of Preceptors
FCPA Fellow, Australian Society of Certified Practising Accountants
FCPath Fellow, College of Pathologists (now see FRCPath)
FCPCH Fellow, College of Paediatrics and Child Health (now see FRCPCH)
FCP (ECSA) Fellow, East, Central and Southern Africa College of Physicians
FCPFA Fellow Chartered Public Finance Accountant
FCPodMed Fellow, College of Podiatry in Podiatric Medicine (now see FRCPodM)
FCPS Fellow, College of Physicians and Surgeons
FCP(SoAf) Fellow, College of Physicians, South Africa
FCPSO(SoAf) Fellow, College of Physicians and Surgeons and Obstetricians, South Africa
FCPS (Pak) Fellow, College of Physicians and Surgeons of Pakistan
FCQI Fellow, Chartered Quality Institute
FCRA Fellow, College of Radiologists of Australia (now see FRACR)
FCS Federation of Conservative Students
FCS FChemSoc
  Fellow, Chemical Society (now absorbed into Royal Society of Chemistry)
FCSD Fellow, Chartered Society of Designers
FCSFS Fellow, Chartered Society of Forensic Sciences
FCSHK Fellow, College of Surgeons of Hong Kong
FCSI Fellow, Chartered Institute for Securities & Investment
FCSLT Fellow, College of Speech and Language Therapists (now see FRCSLT)
FCSM Fellow, Cambridge School of Music
FCSP Fellow, Chartered Society of Physiotherapy
  Fellow, College of Surgeons, South Africa
FCSSL Fellow, College of Surgeons of Sri Lanka
FCST Fellow, College of Speech Therapists (later FCSLT; now see FRCSLT)
FCT Federal Capital Territory (now see ACT)
  Fellow, Association of Corporate Treasurers
  Fellow, College of Teachers
FCTB Fellow, College of Teachers of the Blind
FCU Fighter Control Unit
FCWA Fellow, Institute of Costs and Works Accountants (now see FCMA)
FD Doctor of Philosophy
FDA Association of First Division Civil Servants
FdA Foundation Degree of Arts
FDF Food and Drink Federation
FDI Fédération Dentaire Internationale
FDP Freie Demokratische Partei
FDS Fellow in Dental Surgery
FdSc Foundation Degree in Science
FDSRCPSGlas Fellow in Dental Surgery, Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow
  Fellow in Dental Surgery, Royal College of Surgeons of England
FDSRCSE Fellow in Dental Surgery, Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh
FE Far East
  Further Education
FEA Fellow, English Association
FEAF Far East Air Force
FEAN Fellow, European Academy of Neurology
FEANI Fédération Européenne d’Associations Nationales d’Ingénieurs
FEBS Federation of European Biochemical Societies
  Fellow, European Board of Surgery
FECI Fellow, Institute of Employment Consultants
FECTS Fellow, European Association for Cardiothoracic Surgery
FEE Fédération des Expertes Comptables Européens
FEF Far East Fleet
  Further Education Funding Council for England
FEFCW Further Education Funding Council for Wales
FEI Fédération Equestre Internationale
  Fellow, Energy Institute
FEIC Fellow, Engineering Institute of Canada
FEIDCT Fellow, Educational Institute of Design Craft and Technology
FEIS Fellow, Educational Institute of Scotland
FEMAC Fellow, European Marketing Academy
FEng Fellow, Royal Academy (formerly Fellowship) of Engineering (now see FREng)
FEPS Federation of European Physiological Societies
FERS Fellow, European Respiratory Society
FES Fellow, Entomological Society
  Fellow, Ethnological Society
FESC Fellow, European Society of Cardiology
FETCS Fellow, European Board of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeons
FEurASc Fellow, European Academy of Sciences
FF Fianna Fáil
  Field Force
FFA Fellow, Faculty of Actuaries (in Scotland)
  Fellow, Institute of Financial Accountants
FFAEM Fellow, Faculty of Accident and Emergency Medicine (later FCEM)
FFARACS Fellow, Faculty of Anaesthetists, Royal Australasian College of Surgeons (now see FANZCA)
FFARCS Fellow, Faculty of Anaesthetists, Royal College of Surgeons of England (now see FRCA)
FFARCSI Fellow, Faculty of Anaesthetists, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland (now see FCAI)
FFAS Fellow, Faculty of Architects and Surveyors, London (now see FASI)
FFA(SA) Fellow, Faculty of Anaesthetists (South Africa) (now see FCA(SA))
FFB Fellow, Faculty of Building
FFCI Fellow, Faculty of Clinical Informatics
FFCM Fellow, Faculty of Community Medicine (now see FFPH)
  Fellow, Faculty of Church Music
FFCMI Fellow, Faculty of Community Medicine of Ireland
FFCS Founding Fellow, Contemporary Scotland
FFDRCSI Fellow, Faculty of Dentistry, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland
FFFLM Fellow, Faculty of Forensic and Legal Medicine, Royal College of Physicians
FFFP Fellow, Faculty of Family Planning & Reproductive Health Care of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (now see FFSRH)
FFGDP(UK) Fellow, Faculty of General Dental Practitioners of the Royal College of Surgeons (now see FCGDent)
FFHom Fellow, Faculty of Homeopathy
FFI Finance for Industry
  Fauna & Flora International
FFICM Fellow, Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine
FFOM Fellow, Faculty of Occupational Medicine
FFOMI Fellow, Faculty of Occupational Medicine of Ireland
FFOP (RCPA) Fellow, Faculty of Oral Pathology, Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia
FFPath, RCPI Fellow, Faculty of Pathologists of the Royal College of Physicians of Ireland
FFPH Fellow, Faculty of Public Health
FFPHM Fellow, Faculty of Public Health Medicine (now see FFPH)
FFPHMI Fellow, Faculty of Public Health Medicine of Ireland
FFPM Fellow, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Medicine
FFPMRCA Fellow, Faculty of Pain Medicine, Royal College of Anaesthetists
FFPRHC Faculty of Family Planning & Reproductive Health Care, Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (now see FSRH)
FFPS Fauna and Flora Preservation Society (now see FFI)
FFR Fellow, Faculty of Radiologists (now see FRCR)
FFRRCSI Fellow, Faculty of Radiologists of the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland
FFSEM Fellow, Faculty of Sports and Exercise Medicine, Royal College of Physicians of Ireland and Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland
FFSRH Fellow, Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
FFSSoc Fellow, Forensic Science Society (now see FCSFS)
FFSTEd Fellow, Faculty of Surgical Trainers, Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh
FFTM(Glas) Fellow, Faculty of Travel Medicine, Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow
FG Fine Gael
FGA Fellow, Gemmological Association
FGCL Fellow, Goldsmiths’ College, London
FGCM Fellow, Guild of Church Musicians
FGDP(UK) Fellow, Faculty of General Dental Practice of the Royal College of Surgeons of England
FGDS Fédération de la Gauche Démocratique et Socialiste
FGE Fellow, Guild of Glass Engravers
FGGE Fellow, Guild of Glass Engravers (now see FGE)
FGI Fellow, Institute of Certificated Grocers
FGMS Fellow, Guild of Musicians and Singers
FGS Fellow, Geological Society
  Fellow, Guildhall School of Music and Drama
FGSM Fellow, Guildhall School of Music and Drama (now see FGS)
FGSM(MT) Fellow, Guildhall School of Music and Drama (Music Therapy)
FHA Fellow, Institute of Health Service Administrators (formerly Hospital Administrators) (later FHSM)
  Fellow, Historical Association
FHAS Fellow, Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland
FHCIMA Fellow, Hotel Catering and International (formerly Institutional) Management Association (now see FIH)
FHEA Fellow, Higher Education Academy
FHKAES Fellow, Hong Kong Academy of Engineering Sciences
FHKAM Fellow, Hong Kong Academy of Medicine
FHKCCM Fellow, Hong Kong College of Community Medicine
FHKCP Fellow, Hong Kong College of Physicians
FHKCPath Fellow, Hong Kong College of Pathologists
FHKCS Fellow, Hong Kong College of Surgeons
FHKIE Fellow, Hong Kong Institution of Engineers
FHMAAAS Foreign Honorary Member, American Academy of Arts and Sciences
FHRS Fellow, Heart Rhythm Society
FHS Fellow, Heraldry Society
  Forces Help Society and Lord Roberts Workshops (now see SSAFA)
FHSA Family Health Services Authority
FHSM Fellow, Institute of Health Services Management (later FIHM)
FIA Fellow, Institute and Faculty of Actuaries (formerly Institute of Actuaries)
FIAA Fellow, Institute of Actuaries of Australia
FIAAS Fellow, Institute of Australian Agricultural Science
FIAA&S Fellow, Incorporated Association of Architects and Surveyors
FIACM Fellow, International Association of Computational Mechanics
FIAE Fellow, Irish Academy of Engineering
FIAFoST Fellow, International Academy of Food Science and Technology
FIAgrE Fellow, Institution of Agricultural Engineers
FIAgrM Fellow, Institute of Agricultural Management
FIALD Fellow, International Association of Lighting Designers
FIAM Fellow, International Academy of Management
FIAMBE Fellow, International Academy for Medical and Biological Engineering
FIAP Fellow, Institution of Analysts and Programmers
  Fellow, Indian Academy of Paediatrics
FIArb Fellow, Institute of Arbitrators (now see FCIArb)
FIArbA Fellow, Institute of Arbitrators of Australia
FIAS Fellow, Institute of Aeronautical Sciences (US) (now see FAIAA)
FIASc Fellow, Indian Academy of Sciences
FIASSID Fellow, International Association for the Scientific Study of Intellectual Disability
FIB Fellow, Institute of Bankers (now see FCIB)
FIBA Fellow, Institute of Business Administration, Australia (now see FCIM)
FIBC Fellow, Institute of Business Consulting (now see FIC)
FIBI Fellow, Institute of Bankers of Ireland
FIBiol Fellow, Institute of Biology (later FSB, now see FRSB)
FIBiotech Fellow, Institute for Biotechnical Studies
FIBMS Fellow, Institute of Biomedical Sciences
FIBScot Fellow, Institute of Bankers in Scotland (now see FCIBS)
FIC Fellow, Institute of Chemistry (then FRIC; now see FRSC)
  Fellow, Imperial College, London
  Fellow, Institute of Consulting
FICA Fellow, Commonwealth Institute of Accountants
  Fellow, Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (now see FCA)
FICAI Fellow, Institute of Chartered Accountants in Ireland
FICB Fellow, Institute of Canadian Bankers
FICD Fellow, Institute of Civil Defence
  Fellow, Indian College of Dentists
  Fellow, International College of Dentists
FICE Fellow, Institution of Civil Engineers
FICeram Fellow, Institute of Ceramics (later FIM)
FICES Fellow, Institution of Chartered Engineering Surveyors
FICFM Fellow, Institute of Charity Fundraising Managers (now see FInstF)
FICFor Fellow, Institute of Chartered Foresters
FIChemE Fellow, Institution of Chemical Engineers
FICM Fellow, Institute of Credit Management (now see FCICM)
FICMA Fellow, Institute of Cost and Management Accountants
FICOG Fellow, Indian College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
FICorr Fellow, Institute of Corrosion
FICorrST Fellow, Institution of Corrosion Science and Technology (now see FICorr)
FICPD Fellow, Institute of Continuing Professional Development
FICPEM Fellow, Institute of Civil Protection and Emergency Management
FICS Fellow, Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers
  Fellow, International College of Surgeons
FICT Fellow, Institute of Concrete Technology
FIDA Fellow, Institute of Directors, Australia (now see FAICD)
FIDDA Fellow, Interior Decorators and Designers Association (now see FBIDA)
FIDE Fédération Internationale des Echecs
  Fellow, Institute of Design Engineers
  Fédération Internationale pour le Droit Européen
FIDEM Fédération Internationale de la Médaille d’Art
FIDM Fellow, Institute of Direct Marketing
FIDPM Fellow, Institute of Data Processing Management
FIEAust Fellow, Institution of Engineers, Australia
FIED Fellow, Institution of Engineering Designers
FIEE Fellow, Institution of Electrical Engineers (now see FIET)
FIEEE Fellow, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (NY)
FIEEIE Fellow, Institution of Electronics and Electrical Incorporated Engineers (later FIIE)
FIEEM Fellow, Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management (now see FCIEEM)
FIEHK Fellow, Institution of Engineering, Hong Kong
FIEI Fellow, Institution of Engineering Inspection (later FIQA)
  Fellow, Institution of Engineers of Ireland
FIEIE Fellow, Institution of Electronic Incorporated Engineers (later FIEEIE)
FIEJ Fédération Internationale des Editeurs de Journaux et Publications
FIEMA Fellow, Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment
FIEnvSc Fellow, Institution of Environmental Sciences
FIERE Fellow, Institution of Electronic and Radio Engineers (later FIEE)
FIES Fellow, Illuminating Engineering Society (later FIllumES; now see FCIBSE)
  Fellow, Institution of Engineers in Scotland (formerly Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders in Scotland)
FIET Fédération Internationale des Employés, Techniciens et Cadres
  Fellow, Institution of Engineering and Technology
FIEx Fellow, Institute of Export
FIExpE Fellow, Institute of Explosives Engineers
FIFA Fédération Internationale de Football Association
FIFEM Fellow, International Federation of Emergency Medicine
FIFF Fellow, Institute of Freight Forwarders (now see FIFP)
FIFireE Fellow, Institution of Fire Engineers
FIFM Fellow, Institute of Fisheries Management
FIFor Fellow, Institute of Foresters (now see FICFor)
FIFP Fellow, Institute of Freight Professionals
FIFST Fellow, Institute of Food Science and Technology
FIGasE Fellow, Institution of Gas Engineers (now see FIGEM)
FIGCM Fellow, Incorporated Guild of Church Musicians
FIGD Fellow, Institute of Grocery Distribution
FIGEM Fellow, Institution of Gas Engineers and Managers
FIGO International Federation of Gynaecology and Obstetrics
FIH Fellow, Institute of Housing (now see FCIH)
  Fellow, Institute of the Horse
  Fellow, Institute of Hospitality
FIHE Fellow, Institute of Health Education
FIHEEM Fellow, Institute of Healthcare Engineering and Estate Management
FIHM Fellow, Institute of Housing Managers (later FIH; now see FCIH)
  Fellow, Institute of Healthcare Management
FIHort Fellow, Institute of Horticulture (now see FCIHort)
FIHospE Fellow, Institute of Hospital Engineering
FIHT Fellow, Institution of Highways & Transportation (now see FCIHT)
FIHVE Fellow, Institution of Heating & Ventilating Engineers (later FCIBS and MCIBS)
FIIA Fellow, Institute of Industrial Administration (later CBIM and FBIM)
  Fellow, Institute of Internal Auditors
FIIB Fellow, International Institute of Biotechnology
FIIC Fellow, International Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works
FIIDA Fellow, International Interior Design Association
FIIE Fellow, Institution of Incorporated Engineers in Electronic, Electrical and Mechanical Engineering (now see FIET)
FIIM Fellow, Institution of Industrial Managers
FIInfSc Fellow, Institute of Information Scientists (now see FCLIP)
FIIP Fellow, Institute of Incorporated Photographers (now see FBIPP)
FIIT Fellow, Institute of Indirect Taxation
FIL Fellow, Institute of Linguists (now see FCIL)
FILA Fellow, Institute of Landscape Architects (now see FLI)
FILAM Fellow, Institute of Leisure and Amenity Management
FILDM Fellow, Institute of Logistics and Distribution Management (later FILog)
FilDr Doctor of Philosophy
Fil.Hed. Filosofie Hedersdoktor
FIllumES Fellow, Illuminating Engineering Society (now see FCIBSE)
FILog Fellow, Institute of Logistics (later FILT)
FILT Fellow, Institute of Logistics and Transport (now see FCILT)
FIM Fellow, Institute of Materials (formerly Institution of Metallurgists, then Institute of Metals) (now see FIMMM)
FIMA Fellow, Institute of Mathematics and its Applications
FIMarE Fellow, Institute of Marine Engineers (now see FIMarEST)
FIMarEST Fellow, Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology
FIMatM Fellow, Institute of Materials Management (later FILog)
FIMBRA Financial Intermediaries, Managers and Brokers Regulatory Association
FIMC Fellow, Institute of Management Consultants (now see FCMC)
FIMCB Fellow, International Management Centre from Buckingham
FIMCRCSE Fellow in Immediate Medical Care, Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh
FIMechE Fellow, Institution of Mechanical Engineers
FIMF Fellow, Institute of Materials Finishing
FIMfgE Fellow, Institution of Manufacturing Engineers (later FIEE)
FIMgt Fellow, Institute of Management (now see FCMI)
FIMH Fellow, Institute of Materials Handling (later FIMatM)
  Fellow, Institute of Military History
FIMI Fellow, Institute of the Motor Industry
FIMinE Fellow, Institution of Mining Engineers (later FIMM)
FIMIT Fellow, Institute of Musical Instrument Technology
FIMLS Fellow, Institute of Medical Laboratory Sciences (now see FIBMS)
FIMLT Fellow, Institute of Medical Laboratory Technology (later FIMLS)
FIMM Fellow, Institution of Mining and Metallurgy (now see FIMMM)
FIMMA Fellow, Institute of Metals and Materials Australasia
FIMMM Fellow, Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining
FIMS Fellow, Institute of Mathematical Statistics
FIMT Fellow, Institute of the Motor Trade (now see FIMI)
FIMTA Fellow, Institute of Municipal Treasurers and Accountants (now see IPFA)
FIMunE Fellow, Institution of Municipal Engineers (now amalgamated with Institution of Civil Engineers)
FIN Fellow, Institute of Navigation (now see FRIN)
FINRA Financial Industry Regulatory Authority
FInstAM Fellow, Institute of Administrative Management
FInstArb(NZ) Fellow, Institute of Arbitrators of New Zealand
FInstBiol Fellow, Institute of Biology (later FIBiol)
FInstCES Fellow, Institution of Civil Engineering Surveyors (now see FCInstCES)
FInstD Fellow, Institute of Directors
FInstE Fellow, Institute of Energy (now see FEI)
FInstF Fellow, Institute of Fuel (later FInstE)
  Fellow, Institute of Fundraising
FInstFF Fellow, Institute of Freight Forwarders Ltd (later FIFF)
FInstHE Fellow, Institution of Highways Engineers (later FIHT, now see FCIHT)
FInstKT Fellow, Institute of Knowledge Transfer
FInstLEx Fellow, Institute of Legal Executives
FInstLM Fellow, Institute of Leadership and Management
FInstM Fellow, Institute of Meat
  Fellow, Institute of Marketing (now see FCIM)
FInstMC Fellow, Institute of Measurement and Control
FInstMSM Fellow, Institute of Marketing and Sales Management (later FInstM; now see FCIM)
FInstMet Fellow, Institute of Metals (later part of Metals Society; then FIM)
FInstNDT Fellow, Institute of Non-Destructive Testing
FInstP Fellow, Institute of Physics
FInstPet Fellow, Institute of Petroleum (now see FEI)
FInstPkg Fellow, Institute of Packaging
FInstPS Fellow, Institute of Purchasing and Supply (now see FCIPS)
FInstRE Fellow, Institution of Royal Engineers
FInstSM Fellow, Institute of Sales Management (now see FInstSMM)
FInstSMM Fellow, Institute of Sales and Marketing Management
FInstTT Fellow, Institute of Travel & Tourism
FInstW Fellow, Institute of Welding (now see FWeldI)
FINucE Fellow, Institution of Nuclear Engineers (now see FNucI)
FIOA Fellow, Institute of Acoustics
FIOB Fellow, Institute of Building (now see FCIOB)
FIOH Fellow, Institute of Occupational Hygiene
FIOM Fellow, Institute of Office Management (now see FIAM)
FIOP Fellow, Institute of Printing (now see FIP3)
FIOSH Fellow, Institution of Occupational Safety and Health
FIP Fellow, Australian Institute of Petroleum
FIPA Fellow, Institute of Practitioners in Advertising
  Fellow, Insolvency Practitioners Association
FIPAA Fellow, Institute of Public Administration Australia
FIPD Fellow, Institute of Personnel and Development (now see FCIPD)
FIPDM Fellow, Institute of Physical Distribution Management (later FILDM)
FIPEM Fellow, Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine
FIPENZ Fellow, Institution of Professional Engineers, New Zealand
FIPG Fellow, Institute of Professional Goldsmiths
FIPharmM Fellow, Institute of Pharmacy Management
FIPHE Fellow, Institution of Public Health Engineers (later FIWEM)
FIPlantE Fellow, Institution of Plant Engineers
FIPM Fellow, Institute of Personnel Management (later FIPD)
FIPPM Fellow, Institute of Payroll and Pensions Management
FIPR Fellow, Institute of Public Relations (now see FCIPR)
FIProdE Fellow, Institution of Production Engineers (later FIMfgE)
FIPSM Fellow, Institute of Physical Sciences in Medicine (now see FIPEM)
FIP3 Fellow, Institute of Paper, Printing and Publishing
FIQ Fellow, Institute of Quarrying
FIQA Fellow, Institute of Quality Assurance (now see FCQI)
FIRI Fellow, Institution of the Rubber Industry (later FPRI)
FIRM Fellow, Institute of Risk Management
FIRO Fellow, Institution of Railway Operators
FIRRV Fellow, Institute of Revenues Rating and Valuation
FIRSE Fellow, Institute of Railway Signalling Engineers
FIRTE Fellow, Institute of Road Transport Engineers
FIS Fellow, Institute of Statisticians
FISA Fellow, Incorporated Secretaries’ Association
  Fédération Internationale des Sociétés d’Aviron
FISE Fellow, Institution of Sales Engineers
  Fellow, Institution of Sanitary Engineers
FISITA Fédération Internationale des Sociétés d’Ingénieurs des Techniques de l’Automobile
FISM Fellow, Institute of Supervisory Managers (now see FInstLM)
  Fellow, Institute of Sports Medicine
FISOB Fellow, Incorporated Society of Organ Builders
FISPAL Fellow, Institute for Sport, Parks and Leisure
FISTC Fellow, Institute of Scientific and Technical Communicators
FISTD Fellow, Imperial Society of Teachers of Dancing
FIStructE Fellow, Institution of Structural Engineers
FITD Fellow, Institute of Training and Development (later FIPD)
FITE Fellow, Institution of Electrical and Electronics Technician Engineers
FITSA Fellow, Institute of Trading Standards Administration
FIW Fellow, Welding Institute (now see FWeldI)
FIWE Fellow, Institution of Water Engineers (later FIWES)
FIWEM Fellow, Institution of Water and Environmental Management (now see FCIWEM)
FIWES Fellow, Institution of Water Engineers and Scientists (later FIWEM)
FIWM Fellow, Institution of Works Managers (now see FIIM)
  Fellow, Institute of Wastes Management (now see FCIWM)
FIWO Fellow, Institute of Water Officers
FIWPC Fellow, Institute of Water Pollution Control (later FIWEM)
FIWSc Fellow, Institute of Wood Science
FIWSP Fellow, Institute of Work Study Practitioners (now see FMS)
FJI Fellow, Institute of Journalists (now see FCIJ)
FJIE Fellow, Junior Institution of Engineers (now see CIMGTechE)
FKC Fellow, King’s College London
FKCHMS Fellow, King’s College Hospital Medical School
FL Florida (postal)
FLA Fellow, Library Association (now see FCLIP)
Fla Florida
FLAS Fellow, Chartered Land Agents’ Society (now (after amalgamation) see FRICS)
FLCM Fellow, London College of Music
FLI Fellow, Landscape Institute
FLIA Fellow, Life Insurance Association
FLLA Fellow, Association of Lawyers and Legal Advisers
FLS Fellow, Linnean Society
FLSW Fellow, Learned Society of Wales
Flt Flight
FM Field-Marshal
FMA Fellow, Museums Association
FMAAT Fellow Member, Association of Accounting Technicians
FMBA Fellow, Marine Biological Association
FMedSci Fellow, Academy of Medical Sciences
FMES Fellow, Minerals Engineering Society
FMI Foundation for Manufacturing and Industry
FMinSoc Fellow, Mineralogical Society of Great Britain and Ireland
FMLM Faculty of Medical Leadership and Management
FMS Federated Malay States
  Fellow, Medical Society
  Fellow, Institute of Management Services
FMSA Fellow, Mineralogical Society of America
FNA Fellow, Indian National Science Academy
FNAEA Fellow, National Association of Estate Agents
FNCO Fleet Naval Constructor Officer
FNECInst Fellow, North East Coast Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders
FNI Fellow, Nautical Institute
  Fellow, National Institute of Sciences in India (now see FNA)
FNIA Fellow, Nigerian Institute of Architects
FNM Free National Movement
FNMCP Fellow, Nigerian Medical College of Physicians
FNMSM Fellow, North and Midlands School of Music
FNucI Fellow, Nuclear Institute
FNZIA Fellow, New Zealand Institute of Architects
FNZIAS Fellow, New Zealand Institute of Agricultural Science
FNZIC Fellow, New Zealand Institute of Chemistry
FNZIE Fellow, New Zealand Institution of Engineers (now see FIPENZ)
FNZIM Fellow, New Zealand Institute of Management
FNZPsS Fellow, New Zealand Psychological Society
FO Foreign Office (now see FCO)
  Field Officer
  Flag Officer
  Flying Officer
FODC Franciscan Order of the Divine Compassion
FOIC Flag Officer in charge
FOMA Flag Officer, Maritime Aviation
FOMI Faculty of Occupational Medicine of Ireland
FONA Flag Officer, Naval Aviation
FONAC Flag Officer, Naval Air Command
For. Foreign
FOSA Fellow, Optical Society of America
FOST Flag Officer Sea Training
FPA Family Planning Association
FPC Family Practitioner Committee (later FHSA)
  Financial Planning Certificate
FPH Faculty of Public Health
FPHM Faculty of Public Health Medicine (see now FPH)
FPhS Fellow, Philosophical Society of England
FPhysiol Fellow, Physiological Society of London (now see FTPS)
FPhysS Fellow, Physical Society
FPI Fellow, Plastics Institute (later FPRI)
FPIA Fellow, Plastics Institute of Australia
  Fellow, Planning Institute of Australia
FPM Faculty of Pharmaceutical Medicine
FPMI Fellow, Pensions Management Institute
FPRI Fellow, Plastics and Rubber Institute (later FIM)
FPS Fellow, Pharmaceutical Society (now also FRPharmS)
  Fauna Preservation Society (later FFPS)
FPWI Fellow, Permanent Way Institution
FQNI Fellow, Queen’s Nursing Institute
FRA Fellow, Royal Academy
FRAC Fellow, Royal Agricultural College
FRACDS Fellow, Royal Australian College of Dental Surgeons
FRACGP Fellow, Royal Australian College of General Practitioners
FRACI Fellow, Royal Australian Chemical Institute
FRACMA Fellow, Royal Australian College of Medical Administrators
FRACO Fellow, Royal Australian College of Ophthalmologists
FRACOG Fellow, Royal Australian College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (now see FRANZCOG)
FRACP Fellow, Royal Australasian College of Physicians
FRACR Fellow, Royal Australasian College of Radiologists
FRACS Fellow, Royal Australasian College of Surgeons
FRAD Fellow, Royal Academy of Dancing
FRAeS Fellow, Royal Aeronautical Society
FRAgS Fellow, Royal Agricultural Societies (ie of England, Scotland and Wales)
FRAHS Fellow, Royal Australian Historical Society
FRAI Fellow, Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain & Ireland
FRAIA Fellow, Royal Australian Institute of Architects
FRAIB Fellow, Royal Australian Institute of Building
FRAIC Fellow, Royal Architectural Institute of Canada
FRAIPA Fellow, Royal Australian Institute of Public Administration
FRAM Fellow, Royal Academy of Music
FRAME Fund for the Replacement of Animals in Medical Experiments
FRANZCO Fellow, Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Ophthalmologists
FRANZCOG Fellow, Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
FRANZCP Fellow, Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists
FRANZCR Fellow, Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Radiologists
FRAPI Fellow, Royal Australian Planning Institute (now see FPIA)
FRAS Fellow, Royal Astronomical Society
  Fellow, Royal Asiatic Society
FRASE Fellow, Royal Agricultural Society of England
FRBC Fellow, Royal Birmingham Conservatoire
FRBS Fellow, Royal Society of British Sculptors (now see FRSS)
  Fellow, Royal Botanic Society
FRCA Fellow, Royal College of Art
  Fellow, Royal College of Anaesthetists
FRCCO Fellow, Royal Canadian College of Organists
FRCD(Can.) Fellow, Royal College of Dentists of Canada
FRCEM Fellow, Royal College of Emergency Medicine
FRCGP Fellow, Royal College of General Practitioners
FRCGS Fellow, Royal Canadian Geographical Society
FRCM Fellow, Royal College of Music
FRCN Fellow, Royal College of Nursing
FRCO Fellow, Royal College of Organists
FRCO(CHM) Fellow, Royal College of Organists with Diploma in Choir Training
FRCOG Fellow, Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
FRCOphth Fellow, Royal College of Ophthalmologists
FRCP Fellow, Royal College of Physicians, London
FRCPA Fellow, Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia
FRCP&S (Canada) Fellow, Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada
FRCPath Fellow, Royal College of Pathologists
FRCPC Fellow, Royal College of Physicians of Canada
FRCPCH Fellow, Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health
  Fellow, Royal College of Physicians, Edinburgh
FRCPGlas Fellow, Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow
FRCPI Fellow, Royal College of Physicians of Ireland
FRCPodM Fellow, Royal College of Podiatry in Podiatric Medicine
FRCPSGlas Hon. Fellow, Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow
FRCPsych Fellow, Royal College of Psychiatrists
FRCR Fellow, Royal College of Radiologists
FRCS Fellow, Royal College of Surgeons of England Fellow, Royal Conservatoire of Scotland
FRCSCan Fellow, Royal College of Surgeons of Canada
  Fellow, Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh
FRCSGlas Fellow, Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow
FRCSI Fellow, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland
FRCSLT Fellow, Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists
FRCSoc Fellow, Royal Commonwealth Society
FRCS (OMFS) Fellow, Royal College of Surgeons of England (Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery)
FRCST Fellow, Royal College of Surgeons of Thailand
FRCUS Fellow, Royal College of University Surgeons (Denmark)
FRCVS Fellow, Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons
FREconS Fellow, Royal Economic Society
FREng Fellow, Royal Academy of Engineering
FRES Fellow, Royal Entomological Society of London
FRFPSG Fellow, Royal Faculty of Physicians and Surgeons, Glasgow (now see FRCPGlas)
FRG Federal Republic of Germany
FRGS Fellow, Royal Geographical Society
FRGSA Fellow, Royal Geographical Society of Australasia
FRHistS Fellow, Royal Historical Society
FRHS Fellow, Royal Horticultural Society (now see MRHS)
FRI Fellow, Royal Institution
FRIAI Fellow, Royal Institute of the Architects of Ireland
FRIAS Fellow, Royal Incorporation of Architects of Scotland
  Royal Institute for the Advancement of Science
FRIBA Fellow, Royal Institute of British Architects (and see RIBA)
FRIC Fellow, Royal Institute of Chemistry (now see FRSC)
FRICS Fellow, Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors
FRIH Fellow, Royal Institute of Horticulture (NZ)
FRIN Fellow, Royal Institute of Navigation
FRINA Fellow, Royal Institution of Naval Architects
FRIPA Fellow, Royal Institute of Public Administration (the Institute no longer has Fellows)
FRIPH Fellow, Royal Institute of Public Health (now see FRSPH)
FRIPHH Fellow, Royal Institute of Public Health and Hygiene (later FRIPH; now see FRSPH)
FRMCM Fellow, Royal Manchester College of Music
FRMedSoc Fellow, Royal Medical Society
FRMetS Fellow, Royal Meteorological Society
FRMIA Fellow, Retail Management Institute of Australia
FRMS Fellow, Royal Microscopical Society
FRNCM Fellow, Royal Northern College of Music
FRNS Fellow, Royal Numismatic Society
FRPharmS Fellow, Royal Pharmaceutical Society
FRPS Fellow, Royal Photographic Society
FRPSL Fellow, Royal Philatelic Society, London
FRS Fellow, Royal Society
FRSA Fellow, Royal Society of Arts
FRSAI Fellow, Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland
FRSAMD Fellow, Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama
FRSB Fellow, Royal Society of Biology
FRSC Fellow, Royal Society of Canada
  Fellow, Royal Society of Chemistry
FRS(Can) Fellow, Royal Society of Canada (used when a person is also a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry)
FRSCM Hon. Fellow, Royal School of Church Music
FRSC(UK) Fellow, Royal Society of Chemistry (used when a person is also a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada)
FRSE Fellow, Royal Society of Edinburgh
FRSGS Fellow, Royal Scottish Geographical Society
FRSH Fellow, Royal Society for the Promotion of Health (now see FRSPH)
FRSL Fellow, Royal Society of Literature
FRSM Fellow, Royal Schools of Music
FRSN Fellow, Royal Society of New South Wales
FRSocMed Fellow, Royal Society of Medicine
FRSNZ Fellow, Royal Society of New Zealand
FRSPH Fellow, Royal Society for Public Health
FRSPS Fellow, Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry Society
FRSS Fellow, Royal Society of Sculptors
FRSSA Fellow, Royal Scottish Society for the Arts
FRSSAf Fellow, Royal Society of South Africa
FRSTM&H Fellow, Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene
FRSV Fellow, Royal Society of Victoria
FRTPI Fellow, Royal Town Planning Institute
FRTS Fellow, Royal Television Society
FRUSI Fellow, Royal United Services Institute
FRVA Fellow, Rating and Valuation Association (now see IRRV)
FRVC Fellow, Royal Veterinary College
FRWCMD Fellow, Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama
FRZSScot Fellow, Royal Zoological Society of Scotland
FS Field Security
fs Graduate, Royal Air Force Staff College
FSA Fellow, Society of Antiquaries
  Financial Services Authority
FSACOG Fellow, South African College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
FSAE Fellow, Society of Automotive Engineers
  Fellow, Society of Art Education
FSAI Fellow, Society of Architectural Illustrators
FSArc Fellow, Society of Architects (merged with the RIBA 1952)
FSaRS Fellow, Safety and Reliability Society
FSAScot Fellow, Society of Antiquaries of Scotland
FSB Fellow, Society of Biology (now see FRSB)
FSBE Fellow, Society of Business Economists
fsc Foreign Staff College
FSCA Fellow, Society of Company and Commercial Accountants
FScotvec Fellow, Scottish Vocational Education Council
FSCRE Fellow, Scottish Council for Research in Education
FSDC Fellow, Society of Dyers and Colourists
FSE Fellow, Society of Engineers
  Fellow, Society for the Environment
FSEDA Fellow, Staff and Higher Educational Development Association
FSES Fellow, Society for Educational Studies
FSG Fellow, Society of Genealogists
FSGD Fellow, Society of Garden Designers
FSGT Fellow, Society of Glass Technology
FSI Fellow, Chartered Surveyors’ Institution (now see FRICS)
  Fellow, Securities Institute (later Securities & Investment Institute, now see FCSI)
FSIA Fellow, Securities Institute of Australia
  Fellow, Society of Industrial Artists (later FSIAD)
FSIAD Fellow, Society of Industrial Artists and Designers (now see FCSD)
FSIP Fellow, Society of Investment Professionals
FSLCOG Fellow, Sri Lankan College of Obstetrics and Gynaecology
FSLCPaed Fellow, Sri Lanka College of Paediatricians
FSLTC Fellow, Society of Leather Technologists and Chemists
FSMA Fellow, Incorporated Sales Managers’ Association (later FInstMSM, then FInstM)
FSMC Freeman of the Spectacle-Makers’ Company
FSME Fellow, Society of Manufacturing Engineers
FSMPTE Fellow, Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers (US)
FSMS Fellow, Strategic Management Society
FSNAD Fellow, Society of Numismatic Artists and Designers
FSNAME Fellow, American Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers
FSOE Fellow, Society of Operations Engineers
FSOGC Fellow, Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada
FSPE Fellow, Society of Professional Economists
FSPI Fellow, Society of Practitioners of Insolvency
FSQA Fellow, Scottish Qualifications Authority
FSRH Faculty of Sexual and Reproduction Healthcare, Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
FSRHE Fellow, Society for Research into Higher Education
FSRP Fellow, Society for Radiological Protection
FSS Fellow, Royal Statistical Society
FSSI Fellow, Society of Scribes and Illuminators
FSTD Fellow, Society of Typographic Designers
FSVA Fellow, Incorporated Society of Valuers and Auctioneers (now see RICS)
FT Financial Times
FTC Flying Training Command
  Full Technological Certificate, City and Guilds of London Institute
FTCD Fellow, Trinity College, Dublin
FTCL Fellow, Trinity College of Music, London
FTI Fellow, Textile Institute
FTII Fellow, Chartered Institute (formerly Incorporated Institute, then Institute) of Taxation
FTMA Fellow, Telecommunications Managers Association (now see FCMA)
FTPS Fellow, The Physiological Society
FTS Fellow, Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering (now see FTSE)
  Flying Training School
  Fellow, Tourism Society
FTSE Fellow, Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering
FUCEB Fellow, University of Central England in Birmingham
FUCUA Federation of University Conservative and Unionist Associations (now see FCS)
FUMIST Fellow, University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology
FVCM Fellow, Victoria College of Music
FVRDE Fighting Vehicles Research and Development Establishment
FWAAS Fellow, World Academy of Arts and Sciences
FWACP Fellow, West African College of Physicians
FWAG Farming and Wildlife Advisory Group
FWCB Fellow, Worshipful Company of Blacksmiths
FWCMD Fellow, Welsh College of Music and Drama (now see FRWCMD)
FWeldI Fellow, Welding Institute
FWES Fellow, Women’s Engineering Society
FWSOM Fellow, Institute of Practitioners in Work Study, Organisation and Method (now see FMS)
FZS Fellow, Zoological Society
FZSScot Fellow, Zoological Society of Scotland (now see FRZSScot)


GA Geologists’ Association
  Gaelic Athletic (Club)
  Georgia (postal)
Ga Georgia
GAA Gaelic Athletic Association
GAI Guild of Architectural Ironmongers
GAICD Graduate Member, Australian Institute of Company Directors
GAP Gap Activity Projects
GAPAN Guild of Air Pilots and Air Navigators
GATT General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (now World Trade Organisation)
GB Great Britain
GBA Governing Bodies Association
GBE Knight or Dame Grand Cross, Order of the British Empire
GBGSA Governing Bodies of Girls’ Schools Association (formerly Association of Governing Bodies of Girls’ Public Schools)
GBM Grand Bauhinia Medal (Hong Kong)
GBS Gold Bauhinia Star (Hong Kong)
GC George Cross
GCB Knight or Dame Grand Cross, Order of the Bath
GCBS General Council of British Shipping
GCC General Chiropractic Council
GCCC Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge
GCCF Grand Commander, Companion Order of Freedom (Zambia)
GCFR Grand Commander, Order of the Federal Republic of Nigeria
GCH Knight Grand Cross, Hanoverian Order
GCHQ Government Communications Headquarters
GCIE Knight Grand Commander, Order of the Indian Empire
GCL Grand Chief, Order of Logohu (Papua New Guinea)
GCLJ Grand Cross, Order of St Lazarus of Jerusalem
GCM Gold Crown of Merit (Barbados)
GCMA Global Certified Management Accountant
GCMG Knight or Dame Grand Cross, Order of St Michael and St George
GCMJ Knight or Dame Grand Cross, Supreme Military Order of the Temple of Jerusalem
GCNG Knight Grand Cross, Order of the Nation (Grenada)
GCON Grand Cross, Order of the Niger
GCSE General Certificate of Secondary Education
GCSG Knight Grand Cross, Order of St Gregory the Great
GCSI Knight Grand Commander, Order of the Star of India
GCSJ Knight Grand Cross of Justice, Sovereign Order of St John of Jerusalem (Knights Hospitaller)
GCSK Grand Commander, Order of the Star and Key of the Indian Ocean (Mauritius)
GCSL Grand Cross, Order of St Lucia
GCStG Knight Grand Cross, Order of St George
GCStJ Bailiff or Dame Grand Cross, Most Venerable Order of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem
GCVO Knight or Dame Grand Cross, Royal Victorian Order
gd grand-daughter
GDBA Guide Dogs for the Blind Association
GDC General Dental Council
GDL Graduate Diploma in Law
Gdns Gardens
GDR German Democratic Republic
GDST Girls’ Day School Trust
Gen. General
Ges. Gesellschaft
GFD Geophysical Fluid Dynamics
GFMD Global Fellow in Medicines Development
GFS Girls’ Friendly Society
ggd great-grand-daughter
ggs great-grandson
GGSM Graduate in Music, Guildhall School of Music and Drama
GHQ General Headquarters
Gib. Gibraltar
GIMechE Graduate, Institution of Mechanical Engineers
GIS Geographic Information Systems
GKT Guy’s, King’s and St Thomas’ (Medical and Dental School of King’s College London)
GL Grand Lodge
GLA Greater London Authority
GLAA Greater London Arts Association (now see GLAB)
GLC Greater London Council
Glos Gloucestershire
GM George Medal
  Grand Medal (Ghana)
  genetically modified
GMB (Union for) General, Municipal, Boilermakers
GMBATU General, Municipal, Boilermakers and Allied Trades Union (now see GMB)
GmbH Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung
GMBPS Graduate Member, British Psychological Society
GMC General Medical Council
  Guild of Memorial Craftsmen
  General Management Course (Henley)
GMH Gibraltar Medallion of Honour
GMWU General and Municipal Workers’ Union (later GMBATU; now see GMB)
GNC General Nursing Council
GNVQ General National Vocational Qualification
GNZM Knight or Dame Grand Companion, New Zealand Order of Merit
GOC General Officer Commanding
GOC-in-C General Officer Commanding-in-Chief
GOE General Ordination Examination
GOMLJ Grand Officer of Merit, Order of St Lazarus of Jerusalem
GOQ Grand Officer, National Order of Quebec
GOSK Grand Officer, Order of the Star and Key of the Indian Ocean (Mauritius)
Gov. Governor
Govt Government
GP General Practitioner
  Grand Prix
Gp Group
GPDST Girls’ Public Day School Trust (now see GDST)
GPMU Graphical, Paper and Media Union
GPO General Post Office
GR General Reconaissance
Gr. Greek
GRNCM Graduate of the Royal Northern College of Music
GRSM Graduate of the Royal Schools of Music
GS General Staff
  Grammar School
g s grandson
GSA Girls’ Schools Association
GSD Gibraltar Social Democrats
GSM General Service Medal
  (Member of) Guildhall School of Music and Drama
GSMD Guildhall School of Music and Drama
GSO General Staff Officer
GTCL Graduate, Trinity College of Music
GTS General Theological Seminary (New York)
GWR Great Western Railway


HA Historical Association
  Health Authority
HAA Heavy Anti-Aircraft
HAC Honourable Artillery Company
HACAS Housing Association Consultancy and Advisory Service
Hants Hampshire
HAT Housing Action Trust
HBM His (or Her) Britannic Majesty (Majesty’s)
  Humming Bird Gold Medal (Trinidad)
hc honoris causa (honorary)
HCA Hospital Corporation of America
HCF Honorary Chaplain to the Forces
HCIMA Hotel, Catering and International (formerly Institutional) Management Association
HCO Higher Clerical Officer
HCPC Health and Care Professions Council
HCSC Higher Command and Staff Course
HDA Hawkesbury Diploma in Agriculture (Australia)
  Health Development Agency
HDD Higher Dental Diploma
HDE Higher Diploma in Education
HDFA Higher Diploma in Fine Art
HDipEd Higher Diploma in Education
HDR Habilitation à diriger des recherches
HE His (or Her) Excellency
  His Eminence
  Higher Education
HEA Health Education Authority (later HDA)
HEC Ecole des Hautes Etudes Commerciales
  Higher Education Corporation
HEFCE Higher Education Funding Council for England
HEFCW Higher Education Funding Council for Wales
HEH His (or Her) Exalted Highness
Heir-pres. Heir-presumptive
HEO Higher Executive Officer
HEQC Higher Education Quality Council (now see QAA)
HERDA-SW Higher Education Regional Development Association - South West
HERO Higher Education Research Opportunities
Herts Hertfordshire
HFEA Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority
HGTAC Home Grown Timber Advisory Committee
HH His (or Her) Highness
  His Holiness
  Member, Hesketh Hubbard Art Society
HHA Historic Houses Association
HHD Doctor of Humanities (US)
HI Hawaii (postal)
HIH His (or Her) Imperial Highness
HIllH His (or Her) Illustrious Highness
HIM His (or Her) Imperial Majesty
HIV Human Immunodeficiency Virus
HJ Hilal-e-Jurat (Pakistan)
HKIA Hong Kong Institute of Architects
HKSAR Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
HLD Doctor of Humane Letters
HLF Heritage Lottery Fund
HLI Highland Light Infantry
HM His (or Her) Majesty, or Majesty’s
HMA Head Masters’ Association
HMAS His (or Her) Majesty’s Australian Ship
HMC Headmasters’ and Headmistresses’ (formerly Headmasters’) Conference
  Hospital Management Committee
HMCIC His (or Her) Majesty’s Chief Inspector of Constabulary
HMCS His (or Her) Majesty’s Canadian Ship
HMHS His (or Her) Majesty’s Hospital Ship
HMI His (or Her) Majesty’s Inspector
HMMTB His (or Her) Majesty’s Motor Torpedo Boat
HMNZS His (or Her) Majesty’s New Zealand Ship
HMOCS His (or Her) Majesty’s Overseas Civil Service
HMP His (or Her) Majesty’s Prison
HMPPS His (or Her) Majesty’s Prison and Probation Service
HMRC His (or Her) Majesty’s Revenue and Customs
HMS His (or Her) Majesty’s Ship
HMSO His (or Her) Majesty’s Stationery Office
HNC Higher National Certificate
HND Higher National Diploma
H of C House of Commons
H of L House of Lords
Hon. Honourable
HPA Health Protection Agency
HPk Hilal-e-Pakistan
HPV Human Papilloma Virus
HQ Headquarters
HQA Hilali-Quaid-i-Azam (Pakistan)
HR Human Resources
HRA Horseracing Regulatory Authority
HRGI Honorary Member, The Royal Glasgow Institute of the Fine Arts
HRH His (or Her) Royal Highness
HRHA Honorary Member, Royal Hibernian Academy
HRI Honorary Member, Royal Institute of Painters in Water Colours
HROI Honorary Member, Royal Institute of Oil Painters
HRSA Honorary Member, Royal Scottish Academy
HRSW Honorary Member, Royal Scottish Water Colour Society
HRUA Hon. Member, Royal Ulster Academy
HSC Health and Safety Commission
  Higher School Certificate
HSE Health and Safety Executive
HSH His (or Her) Serene Highness
HSO Higher Scientific Officer
HSS Health and Social Services
Hum. Humanity
  Humanities (Classics)
Hunts Huntingdonshire
HVCert Health Visitor’s Certificate
HWA Historical Writers’ Association


I Island
IA Indian Army
  Iowa (postal)
IAA International Academy of Architecture
IAAF International Association of Athletics Federations (formerly International Amateur Athletic Federation)
IABSE International Association of Bridge and Structural Engineers
IAC Indian Armoured Corps
  Institute of Amateur Cinematographers
IACP International Association of Chiefs of Police
IACR Institute of Arable Crops Research
IADB Inter American Development Bank
IADR International Association for Dental Research
IAEA International Atomic Energy Agency
IAF Indian Air Force
  Indian Auxiliary Force
IAHS International Association of Hydrological Sciences
IALD Member, International Association of Lighting Designers
IAM Institute of Advanced Motorists
  Institute of Aviation Medicine
IAMAS International Association of Meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences
IAMC Indian Army Medical Corps
IAO Incorporated Association of Organists
IAOC Indian Army Ordnance Corps
IAPS Independent Association of Prep Schools (formerly Incorporated Association of Preparatory Schools)
IAPSO International Association for the Physical Sciences of the Oceans
IARO Indian Army Reserve of Officers
IAS Indian Administrative Service
  Institute for Advanced Studies
  International Academy of Science
IASC International Arctic Science Committee
IASE Institute of Advanced Studies in Education
IASPEI International Association of Seismology and Physics of the Earth’s Interior
IATA International Air Transport Association
IATUL International Association of Technological University Libraries
IAU International Astronomical Union
IAVCEI International Assembly of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth’s Interior
IAWPRC International Association on Water Pollution Research and Control
ib. ibid.
  ibidem (in the same place)
IB International Baccalaureate
IBA Independent Broadcasting Authority
  International Bar Association
IBBY International Board for Books for Young People
IBCA International Braille Chess Association
IBG Institute of British Geographers (now part of RGS)
IBRD International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (World Bank)
IBRO International Bank Research Organisation
  International Brain Research Organisation
IBTE Institution of British Telecommunications Engineers
IBVM Institute of the Blessed Virgin Mary
i/c in charge
  in command
ICA Institute of Contemporary Arts
  Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (now see ICAEW)
ICAC Independent Commission Against Corruption, Hong Kong
ICAEW Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales
ICAI Institute of Chartered Accountants in Ireland
ICAO International Civil Aviation Organization
ICAS Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland
ICBP International Council for Bird Preservation
ICC International Chamber of Commerce
  International Cricket Council (formerly International Cricket Conference)
ICCA International Council for Commercial Arbitration
ICCROM International Centre for Conservation at Rome
ICD Iuris Canonici Doctor (Doctor of Canon Law)
  Independence Commemorative Decoration (Rhodesia)
ICD.D Institute of Corporate Directors Director (Canada)
ICE Institution of Civil Engineers
ICED International Council for Educational Development
ICEF International Federation of Chemical, Energy and General Workers’ Unions
ICES International Council for the Exploration of the Sea
ICF International Federation of Chemical and General Workers’ Unions (now see ICEF)
ICFC Industrial and Commercial Finance Corporation (later part of Investors in Industry)
ICFR International Centre for Financial Regulation
ICFTU International Confederation of Free Trade Unions
ICH International Conference on Harmonisation
ICHCA International Cargo Handling Co-ordination Association
IChemE Institution of Chemical Engineers
ICI Imperial Chemical Industries
ICJ International Commission of Jurists
ICL International Computers Ltd
ICM International Confederation of Midwives
ICMA Institute of Cost and Management Accountants (now see CIMA)
ICNL International Center for Not for Profit Law
ICOM International Council of Museums
ICOMOS International Council on Monuments and Sites
ICorrST Institution of Corrosion Science and Technology (now see ICorr)
ICPO International Criminal Police Organization (Interpol)
ICRC International Committee of the Red Cross
ICREA Institució Catalana de Recerca i Estudis Avançats
ICRF Imperial Cancer Research Fund (now see CRUK)
ICS Indian Civil Service
ICSA Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators
ICSD International Council for Scientific Development
ICSID International Council of Societies of Industrial Design
  International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes
ICSM Imperial College School of Medicine
ICSTIS Independent Committee for Supervision of Telephone Information Services
ICSTM Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, London
ICSU International Council for Science (formerly International Council of Scientific Unions)
ICT International Computers and Tabulators Ltd (later ICL)
  Information and Communications Technology
ID Independence Decoration (Rhodesia)
  Idaho (postal)
IDA International Development Association
IDB Internal Drainage Board
  Industrial Development Board
IDC Imperial Defence College (now see RCDS)
  Inter-Diocesan Certificate
idc completed a course at, or served for a year on the Staff of, the Imperial Defence College (now see rcds)
IDDA Interior Decorators and Designers Association (now see BIDA)
IDeA Improvement and Development Agency for Local Government
IDRC International Development Research Centre
IDS Institute of Development Studies
  Industry Department for Scotland
IEA Institute of Economic Affairs
IEC International Electrotechnical Commission
IED Institution of Engineering Designers
  improvised explosive device
IEE Institution of Electrical Engineers (now see IET)
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (NY)
IEEIE Institution of Electrical and Electronics Incorporated Engineers (later IIE)
IEETE Institution of Electrical and Electronics Technician Engineers (later IIE)
IEI Institution of Engineers of Ireland
IEIE Institution of Electronics and Electrical Incorporated Engineers (later IIE)
IEMA Institute of Environmental Management Assessment
IEME Inspectorate of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering
IEng Incorporated Engineer
IERE Institution of Electronic and Radio Engineers
IES Indian Educational Service
  Institution of Engineers in Scotland (formerly Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders in Scotland)
  International Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Society
IET Institution of Engineering and Technology
IExpE Institute of Explosives Engineers
IFAC International Federation of Automatic Control
  International Federation of Accountants
IFAD International Fund for Agricultural Development (UNO)
IFAW International Fund for Animal Welfare
IFBWW International Federation of Building Woodworkers
IFC International Finance Corporation
IFIAS International Federation of Institutes of Advanced Study
IFIP International Federation for Information Processing
IFLA International Federation of Library Associations
  Institute of Family Law Arbitrators
IFMGA (Member of) International Federation of Mountain Guides Associations
IFOR Implementation Force
IFORS International Federation of Operational Research Societies
IFPI International Federation of the Phonographic Industry
IFS Irish Free State
  Indian Forest Service
  Institute for Fiscal Studies
IG Instructor in Gunnery
IGasE Institution of Gas Engineers
IGCSE International General Certificate of Secondary Education
IGPP Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics
IGS Independent Grammar School
IGU International Geographical Union
  International Gas Union
IHA Institute of Health Service Administrators (later IHSM)
IHBC (Member of) Institute of Historic Building Conservation
IHM Institute of Healthcare Management
IHSM Institute of Health Services Management (now see IHM)
IHVE Institution of Heating and Ventilating Engineers (later CIBS)
IIE Institution of Incorporated Engineers (now see IET)
IIEB Institut International d’Etudes Bancaires
IIExE Institution of Incorporated Executive Engineers
IIM Institution of Industrial Managers
IIRSM International Institute of Risk and Safety Management
IIS International Institute of Sociology
IISI International Iron and Steel Institute
IISS International Institute of Strategic Studies
IIT Indian Institute of Technology
IL Illinois (postal)
ILA International Law Association
ILAC International Laboratory Accreditation Co-operation
ILEA Inner London Education Authority
Ill Illinois
ILM Institute of Leadership and Management
ILO International Labour Office
  International Labour Organisation
ILP Independent Labour Party
ILR Independent Local Radio
  International Labour Review
ILTM Member, Institute for Learning and Teaching in Higher Education (now see FHEA)
IM Individual Merit
IMA International Music Association
  Institute of Mathematics and its Applications
IMC Instrument Meteorological Conditions
IMCB International Management Centre from Buckingham
IMCO Inter-Governmental Maritime Consultative Organization (now see IMO)
IME Institute of Medical Ethics
IMechE Institution of Mechanical Engineers
IMechIE Institution of Mechanical Incorporated Engineers (later IIE)
IMEDE Institut pour l’Etude des Méthodes de Direction de l’Entreprise
IMF International Monetary Fund
IMGTechE Institution of Mechanical and General Technician Engineers
IMinE Institution of Mining Engineers
IMM Institution of Mining and Metallurgy (now see IMMM)
IMMM Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining
IMO International Maritime Organization
Imp. Imperial
IMRO Investment Management Regulatory Organisation
IMS Indian Medical Service
  Institute of Management Services
  International Military Staff
IMTA Institute of Municipal Treasurers and Accountants (now see CIPFA)
IMU International Mathematical Union
IMunE Institution of Municipal Engineers (now amalgamated with Institution of Civil Engineers)
IN Indian Navy
  Indiana (postal)
INASFMH International Sports Association for People with Mental Handicap
Inc. Incorporated
INCA International Newspaper Colour Association
Incog. Incognito
Ind. Independent
Inf. Infantry
INFORM Information Network Focus on New Religious Movements
INFORMS Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences
INSA Indian National Science Academy
  Institut Européen d’Administration des Affaires
Insp. Inspector
Inst. Institute
Instn Institution
InstSMM Institute of Sales and Marketing Management
INTELSAT International Telecommunications Satellite Organisation
IOC International Olympic Committee
  Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission
IOCD International Organisation for Chemical Science in Development
IoD Institute of Directors
I of M Isle of Man
IOM Isle of Man
  Indian Order of Merit
IOP Institute of Painters in Oil Colours
IOSCO International Organisation of Securities Commissions
IOSH Institution of Occupational Safety and Health
IOTA (Fellow of) Institute of Transport Administration
IoW Isle of Wight
IP Intellectual Property
IPA International Publishers’ Association
IPC International Property Corporation
  International Paralympic Committee
IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
IPCIS International Institute for Practitioners in Credit Insurance and Surety
IPE International Petroleum Exchange
IPFA Member or Associate, Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy (now see CPFA)
IPHE Institution of Public Health Engineers (later IWEM)
IPI International Press Institute
  Institute of Patentees and Inventors
IPM Institute of Personnel Management (later CIPD)
IPPA Independent Programme Producers’ Association
IPPF International Planned Parenthood Federation
IPPR Institute for Public Policy Research
IPPS Institute of Physics and The Physical Society
IPR Institute of Public Relations (now see CIPR)
IPRA International Public Relations Association
IProdE Institution of Production Engineers (later Institution of Manufacturing Engineering)
IPS Indian Police Service
  Indian Political Service
  Institute of Procurement (formerly Purchasing) and Supply
IPSA Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority
IPSM Institute of Public Sector Managers
IPSO Independent Press Standards Organisation
IPU Inter-Parliamentary Union
IRA Irish Republican Army
IRAD Institute for Research on Animal Diseases
IRC Industrial Reorganization Corporation
  Interdisciplinary Research Centre
IRCAM Institute for Research and Co-ordination in Acoustics and Music
IRCert Industrial Relations Certificate
IRI Institution of the Rubber Industry (now see PRI)
IRPA International Radiation Protection Association
IRRV (Member of) Institute of Revenues, Rating and Valuation
IRTE Institute of Road Transport Engineers
IS International Society of Sculptors, Painters and Gravers
  Information Systems
Is Island(s)
ISAA International Spill Response Accreditation Association
ISAF International Sailing Federation
  International Security Assistance Force
ISAKOS International Society for Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery
ISBA Incorporated Society of British Advertisers
ISBE Institute of Small Business and Entrepreneurship
ISC Imperial Service College, Haileybury
  Indian Staff Corps
  Independent Schools Council
ISCB International Society for Computational Biology
ISCis Independent Schools Council Information Service
ISCM International Society for Contemporary Music
ISCO Independent Schools Careers Organisation
ISI International Statistical Institute
  Independent Schools Inspectorate
ISIL Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant
ISIS Independent Schools Information Service (see now ISCis)
ISJC Independent Schools Joint Council (now see ISC)
ISM Incorporated Society of Musicians
ISMAR International Society of Magnetic Resonance
ISME International Society for Musical Education
ISMP International Senior Management Program
ISO Imperial Service Order
  International Organization for Standardization
ISPRS International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
ISSA International Social Security Association
ISTAR Intelligence, Surveillance, Target Acquisition and Reconnaissance
ISTC Iron and Steel Trades Confederation
  Institute of Scientific and Technical Communicators
ISTD Imperial Society of Teachers of Dancing
  Institute for the Study and Treatment of Delinquency
IStructE Institution of Structural Engineers
ISVA Incorporated Society of Valuers and Auctioneers
IT Information Technology
  Indian Territory (US)
It. Ital.
ITA Independent Television Authority (later IBA)
ITAB Information Technology Advisory Board
ITB Industry Training Board
ITC International Trade Centre
  Independent Television Commission
ITCA Independent Television Association (formerly Independent Television Companies Association Ltd)
ITDG Intermediate Technology Development Group
ITF International Transport Workers’ Federation
  International Tennis Federation
ITN Independent Television News
ITSA Information Technology Services Agency
ITU International Telecommunication Union
ITUC International Trade Union Confederation
ITV Independent Television
ITVA International Television Association
IUA International Union of Architects
IUB International Union of Biochemistry (now see IUBMB)
IUBMB International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
IUC Inter-University Council for Higher Education Overseas (now see IUPC)
IUCN International Union for Conservation of Nature (formerly International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources, then World Conservation Union)
IUF International Union of Food, Agricultural, Hotel, Restaurant, Catering, Tobacco and Allied Workers’ Associations
IUGG International Union of Geodesy & Geophysics
IUGS International Union of Geological Sciences
IUHPS International Union of the History and Philosophy of Science (now see IUHPST)
IUHPST International Union of the History and Philosophy of Science and Technology
IULA International Union of Local Authorities
IUPAB International Union of Pure and Applied Biophysics
IUPAC International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry
IUPAP International Union of Pure and Applied Physics
IUPC Inter-University and Polytechnic Council for Higher Education Overseas
IUPS International Union of Physiological Sciences
IUSSP International Union for the Scientific Study of Population
IUTAM International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics
IVF In-vitro Fertilisation
IVS International Voluntary Service
IWA Inland Waterways Association
IWEM Institution of Water and Environmental Management (now see CIWEM)
IWES Institution of Water Engineers and Scientists (later IWEM)
IWGC Imperial War Graves Commission (now see CWGC)
IWM Institution of Works Managers (now see IIM)
IWO Institution of Water Officers
IWPC Institute of Water Pollution Control (later IWEM)
IWSA International Water Supply Association
IWSOM Institute of Practitioners in Work Study Organisation and Methods (now see IMS)
IWSP Institute of Work Study Practitioners (now see IMS)
IYRU International Yacht Racing Union (now see ISAF)
IZ I Zingari


JA Judge Advocate
JACT Joint Association of Classical Teachers
JAG Judge Advocate General
Jas James
JCB Juris Canonici (or Civilis) Baccalaureus (Bachelor of Canon (or Civil) Law)
JCR Junior Common Room
JCS Journal of the Chemical Society
JCD Juris Canonici (or Civilis) Doctor (Doctor of Canon (or Civil) Law)
JCHMT Joint Committee on Higher Medical Training, Royal Medical Colleges (now see JRCPTB)
JCI Junior Chamber International
JCL Juris Canonici (or Civilis) Licentiatus (Licentiate in Canon (or Civil) Law)
JCO Joint Consultative Organisation (of AFRC, MAFF, and Department of Agriculture and Fisheries for Scotland)
JCPTGP Joint Committee on Postgraduate Training for General Practice
JD Doctor of Jurisprudence
jd jure dignitatis (by virtue of status)
JDipMA Joint Diploma in Management Accounting Services
JG Junior Grade
JILA Joint Institute for Laboratory Astrophysics
JInstE Junior Institution of Engineers (now see IMGTechE)
  Joint Information Systems Committee, Higher Education Funding Council
jl(s) journal(s)
JMB Joint Matriculation Board
JMN Johan Mangku Negara (Malaysia)
JMOTS Joint Maritime Operational Training Staff
JNCC Joint Nature Conservation Committee
Jno. Joh.
JP Justice of the Peace
Jr Junior
JRCPTB Joint Royal Colleges of Physicians Training Board
jsc qualified at a Junior Staff Course, or the equivalent, 1942-46
JSCSC Joint Services Command and Staff College
jscsc completed a course at Joint Services Command and Staff College
JSD Doctor of Juristic Science
JSDC Joint Service Defence College
jsdc completed a course at Joint Service Defence College
JSLO Joint Service Liaison Officer
JSLS Joint Services Liaison Staff
JSM Johan Setia Mahkota (Malaysia)
  Master of the Science of Jurisprudence
JSPS Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
JSSC Joint Services Staff College
jssc completed a course at Joint Services Staff College
JSU Joint Support Unit
jt, jtly joint, jointly
JUD Juris Utriusque Doctor (Doctor of Both Laws (Canon and Civil))
Jun. Junior
Jun.Opt. Junior Optime
JWS jws
  Joint Warfare Staff


KA Knight of St Andrew, Order of Barbados
Kans Kansas
KAR King’s African Rifles
KBD King’s Bench Division
KBE Knight Commander, Order of the British Empire
KC King’s Counsel
KCB Knight Commander, Order of the Bath
KCC Commander, Order of the Crown, Belgium and Congo Free State
KCGSJ Knight Commander of Magisterial Grace, Order of St John of Jerusalem (Knights Hospitaller)
KCH King’s College Hospital
  Knight Commander, Hanoverian Order
KCHS Knight Commander, Order of the Holy Sepulchre
KCIE Knight Commander, Order of the Indian Empire
KCJSJ Knight Commander of Justice, Sovereign Order of St John of Jerusalem (Knights Hospitaller)
KCL King’s College London
KCLJ Knight Commander, Order of St Lazarus of Jerusalem
KCM King’s Coronation Medal
KCMCO Knight Commander, Sacred Military Constantian Order of St George
KCMG Knight Commander, Order of St Michael and St George
KCN Knight Commander, Most Distinguished Order of the Nation (Antigua and Barbuda)
KCSA Knight Commander, Military Order of the Collar of St Agatha of Paternò
KCSG Knight Commander, Order of St Gregory the Great
  Knight Commander with Star, Order of the Holy Sepulchre
KCSI Knight Commander, Order of the Star of India
KCSJ Knight Commander, Sovereign Order of St John of Jerusalem (Knights Hospitaller)
KCSS Knight Commander, Order of St Silvester
KCVO Knight Commander, Royal Victorian Order
KEO King Edward’s Own
KFOR Kosovo Force
KG Knight, Order of the Garter
KGB Komitet Gosudarstvennoi Bezopanosti (Committee of State Security, USSR)
KGCHS Knight Grand Cross, Order of the Holy Sepulchre
KGCN Knight Grand Cross, Most Distinguished Order of the Nation (Antigua and Barbuda)
KGCSS Knight Grand Cross, Order of St Silvester
KGN Knight Grand Collar, Most Distinguished Order of the Nation (Antigua and Barbuda)
KGSJ Knight of Grace, Sovereign Order of St John of Jerusalem (Knights Hospitaller)
KGStJ Knight of Grace, Order of St John of Jerusalem (now see KStJ)
KHC Hon. Chaplain to the King
KHDS Hon. Dental Surgeon to the King
KHP Hon. Physician to the King
KHS Hon. Surgeon to the King
  Knight, Order of the Holy Sepulchre
K-i-H Kaisar-i-Hind
KJSJ Knight of Justice, Sovereign Order of St John of Jerusalem (Knights Hospitaller)
KJStJ Knight of Justice, Order of St John of Jerusalem (now see KStJ)
KLJ Knight, Order of St Lazarus of Jerusalem
KM Knight of Malta
KMJ Knight, Supreme Military Order of the Temple of Jerusalem
KMLJ Knight of Merit, Order of St Lazarus of Jerusalem
KNH Knight Companion, Most Exalted Order of National Hero (Antigua and Barbuda)
KNZM Knight Companion, New Zealand Order of Merit
KOM Companion, National Order of Merit (Malta)
KORR King’s Own Royal Regiment
KOSB King’s Own Scottish Borderers
KOYLI King’s Own Yorkshire Light Infantry
KP Knight, Order of St Patrick
KPM King’s Police Medal
KrF Kristelig Folkeparti
KRRC King’s Royal Rifle Corps
KS King’s Scholar
  Kansas (postal)
KSC Knight of St Columba
KSG Knight, Order of St Gregory the Great
KSJ Knight, Sovereign Order of St John of Jerusalem (Knights Hospitaller)
KSLI King’s Shropshire Light Infantry
KSMOM Knight Grand Cross with Star, Sovereign Military Order of Malta
KSS Knight, Order of St Sylvester
KStJ Knight, Most Venerable Order of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem
KStJ(A) Associate Knight of Justice, Most Venerable Order of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem
KT Knight, Order of the Thistle
Kt Knight
KUOM Companion of Honour, National Order of Merit (Malta)
KY Kentucky (postal)
Ky Kentucky


L Liberal
LA Los Angeles
  Library Association
  Liverpool Academy
  Louisiana (postal)
La Louisiana
LAA Light Anti-Aircraft
Lab Labour
LAC London Athletic Club
  Los Angeles County
LACSAB Local Authorities Conditions of Service Advisory Board
LAMDA London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art
LAMTPI Legal Associate Member, Town Planning Institute (now see LMRTPI)
Lance-Corp. Lance-Corporal
Lancs Lancashire
LAPADA London & Provincial Antique Dealers’ Association
LARSP Language Assessment, Remediation and Screening Procedure
LARTPI Legal Associate, Royal Town Planning Institute
Lautro Life Assurance and Unit Trust Regulatory Organisation
LBC London Broadcasting Company
  London Borough Council
LBHI Licentiate, British Horological Institute
LBIPP Licentiate, British Institute of Professional Photography
LC Cross of Leo
LCA Licensed Companies Auditor
LCAD London Certificate in Art and Design (University of London)
LCC London County Council (later GLC)
LCCI London Chamber of Commerce and Industry
LCD Lord Chancellor’s Department
LCh Licentiate in Surgery
LCL Licentiate of Canon Law
LCM (Member of) London College of Music and Media
LCP Licentiate, College of Preceptors
LCST Licentiate, College of Speech Therapists
LD Liberal and Democratic
  Licentiate in Divinity
LDDC London Docklands Development Corporation
LDiv Licentiate in Divinity
LDP Liberal Democratic Party (Japan)
Ldr Leader
LDS Licentiate in Dental Surgery
LDV Local Defence Volunteers
LEA Local Education Authority
LEAD Leadership in Environment and Development
LEADR Lawyers Engaged in Alternative Dispute Resolution
LEDU Local Enterprise Development Unit
LEP Local Ecumenical Project
  Local Enterprise Partnership
LEPRA British Leprosy Relief Association
LèsL Licencié ès lettres
LèsSc Licencié ès Sciences
LG Lady Companion, Order of the Garter
LGA Local Government Association
LGBT Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender
LGBTI Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex
LGBTQ Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer or questioning
LGSM Licentiate, Guildhall School of Music and Drama
LGTB Local Government Training Board
LH Light Horse
LHD Literarum Humaniorum Doctor (Doctor of Literature)
LHSM Licentiate, Institute of Health Services Management
LI Light Infantry
  Long Island
LIBA Lloyd’s Insurance Brokers’ Association
Lib Dem Liberal Democrat
LIBER Ligue des Bibliothèques Européennes de Recherche
Lic. Licentiate
LicMed Licentiate in Medicine
Lieut Lieutenant
LIFFE London International Financial Futures and Options Exchange
LIFT Local Improvement Finance Trust
LIMA Licentiate, Institute of Mathematics and its Applications
  International Licensing Industry Merchandisers’ Association
Lincs Lincolnshire
LIOB Licentiate, Institute of Building
LISTD Licentiate, Imperial Society of Teachers of Dancing
Lit. Literature
LitD Doctor of Literature
  Doctor of Letters
Lit.Hum. Literae Humaniores (Classics)
LittD Doctor of Literature
  Doctor of Letters
LJ Lord Justice
LLAM Licentiate, London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art
LLB Bachelor of Laws
LLC Limited Liability Company
LLCM Licentiate, London College of Music
LLD Doctor of Laws
LLL Licentiate in Laws
LLM Master of Laws
LLP Limited Liability Partnership
LLSC Local Learning and Skills Council
LM Licentiate in Midwifery
LMBC Lady Margaret Boat Club
LMC Local Medical Committee
LMCC Licentiate, Medical Council of Canada
LMed Licentiate in Medicine
LMH Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford
LMR London Midland Region (BR)
LMS London, Midland and Scottish Railway
  London Missionary Society
  London Mathematical Society
LMSSA Licentiate in Medicine and Surgery, Society of Apothecaries
LMRTPI Legal Member, Royal Town Planning Institute
LNat Liberal National
LNER London and North Eastern Railway
LOCOG London Organising Committee of the Olympic and Paralympic Games
L of C Library of Congress
  Lines of Communication
LP Limited Partnership
LPh Licentiate in Philosophy
LPO London Philharmonic Orchestra
LPTB London Passenger Transport Board (later LTE)
LRAD Licentiate, Royal Academy of Dancing
LRAM Licentiate, Royal Academy of Music
LRCP Licentiate, Royal College of Physicians, London
LRCPE Licentiate, Royal College of Physicians, Edinburgh
LRCPI Licentiate, Royal College of Physicians of Ireland
LRCPSGlas Licentiate, Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow
LRCS Licentiate, Royal College of Surgeons of England
LRCSE Licentiate, Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh
LRCSI Licentiate, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland
LRelSc Licentiate in Religious Sciences
LRFPS(G) Licentiate, Royal Faculty of Physicians and Surgeons, Glasgow (now see LRCPSGlas)
LRIBA Licentiate, Royal Institute of British Architects (now see RIBA)
LRPS Licentiate, Royal Photographic Society
LRSM Licentiate, Royal Schools of Music
LRT London Regional Transport
LSA Licentiate, Society of Apothecaries
  Licence in Agricultural Sciences
LSC Learning and Skills Council
LSE London School of Economics and Political Science
LSHTM London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
LSO London Symphony Orchestra
LSS Licentiate in Sacred Scripture
Lt Lieutenant
LT Lady, Order of the Thistle
  London Transport (later LRT)
  Licentiate in Teaching
LTA Lawn Tennis Association
LTB London Transport Board (later LTE)
LTCL Licentiate of Trinity College of Music, London
Lt Col Lieutenant Colonel
LTE London Transport Executive (later LRT)
Lt Gen. Lieutenant General
LTh Licentiate in Theology
LTS London Topographical Society
LU Liberal Unionist
LUOTC London University Officers’ Training Corps
LVO Lieutenant, Royal Victorian Order (formerly MVO (Fourth Class))
LWT London Weekend Television
LXX Septuagint


M Marquess
m married
MA Master of Arts
  Military Assistant
  Massachusetts (postal)
MAAT Member, Association of Accounting Technicians
MACE Member, Australian College of Education
  Member, Association of Conference Executives
MACM Member, Association of Computing Machines
MACS Member, American Chemical Society
MADO Member, Association of Dispensing Opticians
MAE Member, Academia Europaea
MAF Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries
MAFF Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food
MAHL Master of Arts in Hebrew Letters
MAI Magister in Arte Ingeniaria (Master of Engineering)
MAIAA Member, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
MAIBC Member, Architectural Institute of British Columbia
MAICD Member, Australian Institute of Company Directors
Maj. Gen. Major General
MALD Master of Arts in Law and Diplomacy
Man Manitoba
M&A Mergers and Acquisitions
MAO Master of Obstetric Art
MAOT Member, Association of Occupational Therapists
MAOU Member, American Ornithologists’ Union
MAP Ministry of Aircraft Production
MAPM Member, Association for Project Management
MAppSc Master of Applied Science
MAPsS Member, Australian Psychological Society
MARAC Member, Australasian Register of Agricultural Consultants
MArch Master of Architecture
MARIS Multi-State Aquatic Resources Information System
Marq. Marquess
MAS Minimal Access Surgery
MASc Master of Applied Science
MASCE Member, American Society of Civil Engineers
MASME Member, American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Mass Massachusetts
MASt Master of Advanced Study
MAT Master of Arts and Teaching (US)
MATh Master of Arts in Theology
Math. Mathematics
MAusIMM Member, Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy
MB Medal of Bravery (Canada)
  Bachelor of Medicine
  Manitoba (postal)
MBA Master of Business Administration
MBASW Member, British Association of Social Workers
MBC Metropolitan/Municipal Borough Council
MBCS Member, British Computer Society
MBE Member, Order of the British Empire
MBES Member, Biological Engineering Society
MBFR Mutual and Balanced Force Reductions (negotiations)
MBHI Member, British Horological Institute
MBIFD Member, British Institute of Funeral Directors
MBII Member, British Institute of Innkeeping
MBIID Member, British Institute of Interior Design
MBIM Member, British Institute of Management (later MIMgt)
MBKS Member, British Kinematograph Society (now see MBKSTS)
MBKSTS Member, British Kinematograph, Sound and Television Society
MBL Master of Business Leadership
MBOU Member, British Ornithologists’ Union
MBPsS Graduate Member, British Psychological Society
MBritIRE Member, British Institution of Radio Engineers (later MIERE)
MBS Member, Building Societies Institute (now see MCBSI)
MBSc Master of Business Science
MC Military Cross
  Missionaries of Charity
MCB Master in Clinical Biochemistry
  Muslim Council of Britain
MCBSI Member, Chartered Building Societies Institute
MCC Marylebone Cricket Club
  Metropolitan County Council
MCCDRCS Member in Clinical Community Dentistry, Royal College of Surgeons
MCD Master of Civic Design
MCE Master of Civil Engineering
MCFP Member, College of Family Physicians (Canada)
MCGI Member, City and Guilds of London Institute
MCh MChir
  Master in Surgery
MChD Master of Dental Surgery
MChE Master of Chemical Engineering
MChemA Master in Chemical Analysis
MChOrth Master of Orthopaedic Surgery
MCIArb Member, Chartered Institute of Arbitrators
MCIBS Member, Chartered Institution of Building Services (now see MCIBSE)
  Member, Chartered Institute of Bankers in Scotland
MCIBSE Member, Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers
MCICM Member, Chartered Institute of Credit Management
MCIEEM Member, Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management
MCIfA Member, Chartered Institute for Archaeologists
MCIH Member, Chartered Institute of Housing
MCIHort Member, Chartered Institute of Horticulture
MCIHT Member, Chartered Institution of Highways & Transportation
MCIIS Member, Chartered Institute of Information Security
MCIJ Member, Chartered Institute of Journalists
MCIL Member, Chartered Institute of Linguists
MCIM Member, Chartered Institute of Marketing
MCIMarE Member, Canadian Institute of Marine Engineers
MCIOB Member, Chartered Institute of Building
MCIPD Member, Charted Institute of Personnel and Development
MCIPR Member, Chartered Institute of Public Relations
MCIPS Member, Chartered Institute of Procurement (formerly Purchasing) and Supply
MCIS Member, Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators
MCIT Member, Chartered Institute of Transport (now see CMILT)
MCIWEM Member, Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management
MCIWM Member, Chartered Institution of Wastes Management
MCL Master in Civil Law
MCLIP Member, Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
MCMI Member, Chartered Management Institute
MCollP Member, College of Preceptors
MCom Master of Commerce
MCommH Master of Community Health
MConsE Member, Association of Consulting Engineers
MConsEI Member, Association of Consulting Engineers of Ireland
MCOphth Member, College of Ophthalmologists (now see MRCOphth)
MCP Member of Colonial Parliament
  Master of City Planning (US)
MCPA Member, College of Pathologists of Australia (now see MRCPA)
MCPP Member, College of Pharmacy Practice
MCPS Member, College of Physicians and Surgeons
MCS Malayan Civil Service
MCSD Member, Chartered Society of Designers
MCSEE Member, Canadian Society of Electrical Engineers
MCSI Member, Chartered Institute for Securities & Investment
MCSP Member, Chartered Society of Physiotherapy
MCST Member, College of Speech Therapists
MCT Member, Association of Corporate Treasurers
MD Doctor of Medicine
  Military District
  Maryland (postal)
Md Maryland
MDA Masters in Defence Administration
MDC Metropolitan District Council
MDes Master of Design
MDiv Master of Divinity
MDS Master of Dental Surgery
MDSc Master of Dental Science
ME Mining Engineer
  Middle East
  Master of Engineering
  Maine (postal)
  Myalgic Encephalomyelitis
MEAF Middle East Air Force
MEC Member of Executive Council
  Middle East Command
MEc Master of Economics
MECAS Middle East Centre for Arab Studies
Mech. Mechanics
MECI Member, Institute of Employment Consultants
Med. Medical
MEd Master of Education
MED Master of Environmental Design
MEdSt Master of Educational Studies
MEF Middle East Force
MEI Member, Energy Institute
MEIC Member, Engineering Institute of Canada
MELF Middle East Land Forces
Mencap Royal Society for Mentally Handicapped Children and Adults
MEng Master of Engineering
MEnvS Master of Environmental Studies
MEO Marine Engineering Officer
MEP Member of the European Parliament
MES Master of Environmental Studies
MESc Master of Engineering Science
MetSoc Metals Society (formed by amalgamation of Institute of Metals and Iron and Steel Institute; now merged with Institution of Metallurgists to form Institute of Metals)
MF Master of Forestry
MFA Master of Fine Arts
MFC Mastership in Food Control
MFCM Member, Faculty of Community Medicine (later MFPHM)
MFFLM Member, Faculty of Forensic and Legal Medicine, Royal College of Physicians
MFFP Member, Faculty of Family Planning, Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
MFGB Miners’ Federation of Great Britain (now see NUM)
MFGDP Member, Faculty of General Dental Practitioners, Royal College of Surgeons
MFH Master of Foxhounds
MFHom Member, Faculty of Homoeopathy
MFOM Member, Faculty of Occupational Medicine
MFPaed Member, Faculty of Paediatrics, Royal College of Physicians of Ireland
MFPH Member, Faculty of Public Health
MFPHM Member, Faculty of Public Health Medicine (now see MFPH)
MFPHMI Member, Faculty of Public Health Medicine of Ireland
MFPM Member, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Medicine
MGDSRCS Member in General Dental Surgery, Royal College of Surgeons
MGI Member, Institute of Certificated Grocers
MGO Master General of the Ordnance
  Master of Gynaecology and Obstetrics
Mgr Monsignor
MHA Member of House of Assembly
  Master of Health Administration
MHCIMA Member, Hotel Catering and International (formerly Institutional) Management Association (now see MIH)
MHCLG Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government
MHK Member of the House of Keys
MHM Master of Health Management
MHort (RHS) Master of Horticulture, Royal Horticultural Society
MHR Member of the House of Representatives
MHRA Modern Humanities Research Association
MHSM Member, Institute of Health Services Management (now see MIHM)
MI Military Intelligence
  Michigan (postal)
MIAeE Member, Institute of Aeronautical Engineers
MIAgrE Member, Institution of Agricultural Engineers
MIAM Member, Institute of Administrative Management
MIAS Member, Institute of Aeronautical Science (US) (now see MAIAA)
  Member, Institute of Architects and Surveyors
MIBC Member, Institute of Business Counsellors
  Member, Institute of Building Control
MIBiol Member, Institute of Biology (later MSB, now see MRSB)
MICE Member, Institution of Civil Engineers
MICEI Member, Institution of Civil Engineers of Ireland
MICeram Member, Institute of Ceramics (later MIM)
MICFor Member, Institute of Chartered Foresters
Mich Michigan
MIChemE Member, Institution of Chemical Engineers
MICM Member, Institute of Credit Management (now see MCICM)
MICorr Member, Institute of Corrosion
MICorrST Member, Institution of Corrosion Science and Technology (now see MICorr)
MICS Member, Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers
MIE(Aust) Member, Institution of Engineers, Australia
MIED Member, Institution of Engineering Designers
MIEE Member, Institution of Electrical Engineers (now see MIET)
MIEEE Member, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (NY)
MIEEM Member, Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management (now see MCIEEM)
MIEI Member, Institution of Engineering Inspection
MIEMA Member, Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment
MIEMgt Member, Institute of Environmental Management (now see MIEMA)
MIEnvSc Member, Institution of Environmental Sciences
MIERE Member, Institution of Electronic and Radio Engineers (later MIEE)
MIES Member, Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders, Scotland
MIET Member, Institution of Engineering and Technology (formerly Member, Institute of Engineers and Technicians)
MIEx Member, Institute of Export
MIExpE Member, Institute of Explosives Engineers
MIfA Member, Institute for Archaeologists (now see MCIfA)
MIFA Member, Institute of Field Archaeologists (later MIfA)
MIFF Member, Institute of Freight Forwarders (now see MIFP)
MIFireE Member, Institution of Fire Engineers
MIFM Member, Institute of Fisheries Management
MIFor Member, Institute of Foresters (now see MICFor)
MIFP Member, Institute of Freight Professionals
MIGasE Member, Institution of Gas Engineers (now see MIGEM)
MIGEM Member, Institution of Gas Engineers and Managers
MIGeol Member, Institution of Geologists
MIH Member, Institute of Housing (now see MCIH)
  Member, Institute of Hospitality
MIHM Member, Institute of Housing Managers (later MIH)
  Member, Institute of Healthcare Management
MIHort Member, Institute of Horticulture (now see MCIHort)
MIHT Member, Institution of Highways and Transportation (now see MCIHT)
MIHVE Member, Institution of Heating and Ventilating Engineers (later MCIBS)
MIIA Member, Institute of Industrial Administration (later FBIM)
MIIE Member, Institution of Incorporated Engineers in Electronic, Electrical and Mechanical Engineering (now see MIET)
MIIM Member, Institution of Industrial Managers
MIInfSc Member, Institute of Information Sciences (now see MCLIP)
MIL Member, Institute of Linguists (now see MCIL)
Mil. Military
MILGA Member, Institute of Local Government Administrators
MILocoE Member, Institution of Locomotive Engineers
MILog Member, Institute of Logistics (now see MILT)
MILT Member, Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport
MIM Member, Institute of Materials (formerly Institution of Metallurgists, then Institute of Metals) (now see MIMMM)
MIMA Member, Institute of Mathematics and its Applications
MIMarE Member, Institute of Marine Engineers (now see MIMarEST)
MIMarEST Member, Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology
MIMC Member, Institute of Management Consultants
MIMechE Member, Institution of Mechanical Engineers
MIMEMME Member, Institution of Mining Electrical & Mining Mechanical Engineers (later MIMinE)
MIMgt Member, Institute of Management (see now MCMI)
MIMGTechE Member, Institution of Mechanical and General Technician Engineers
MIMI Member, Institute of the Motor Industry
MIMinE Member, Institution of Mining Engineers (later MIMM)
MIMM Member, Institution of Mining and Metallurgy (now see MIMMM)
MIMMM Member, Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining
MIMunE Member, Institution of Municipal Engineers (now amalgamated with Institution of Civil Engineers)
MIN Member, Institute of Navigation (now see MRIN)
Min. Ministry
Minn Minnesota
MInstAM Member, Institute of Administrative Management
MInstBE Member, Institution of British Engineers
MInstCE Member, Institution of Civil Engineers (now see FICE)
MInstD Member, Institute of Directors
MInstE Member, Institute of Energy (now see MEI)
MInstF Member, Institute of Fuel (later MInstE)
MInstHE Member, Institution of Highway Engineers (later MIHT, now see MCIHT)
MInstKT Member, Institute of Knowledge Transfer
MInstLM Member, Institute of Leadership and Management
MInstM Member, Institute of Marketing (now see MCIM)
MInstMC Member, Institute of Measurement and Control
MInstME Member, Institution of Mining Engineers
MInstMet Member, Institute of Metals (later part of Metals Society; then MIM)
MInstP Member, Institute of Physics
MInstPet Member, Institute of Petroleum (now see MEI)
MInstPkg Member, Institute of Packaging
MInstPS Member, Institute of Purchasing and Supply
MInstRA Member, Institute of Registered Architects
MInstRE Member, Institution of Royal Engineers
MInstT Member, Institute of Transport (later MCIT)
MInstTA Member, Institute of Transport Administration
MInstW Member, Institute of Welding (now see MWeldI)
MInstWM Member, Institute of Wastes Management (now see MCIWM)
MINucE Member, Institution of Nuclear Engineers (now see MNucI)
MIOA Member, Institute of Acoustics
MIOB Member, Institute of Building (now see MCIOB)
MIOM Member, Institute of Office Management (now see MIAM)
MIOSH Member, Institution of Occupational Safety and Health
MIPA Member, Institute of Practitioners in Advertising
MIPD Member, Institute of Personnel and Development (now see MCIPD)
MIPEM Member, Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine
MIPlantE Member, Institution of Plant Engineers
MIPM Member, Institute of Personnel Management (later MIPD)
MIPR Member, Institute of Public Relations (now see MCIPR)
MIProdE Member, Institution of Production Engineers (later MIEE)
MIQ Member, Institute of Quarrying
MIQA Member, Institute of Quality Assurance
MIRE Member, Institution of Radio Engineers (later MIERE)
MIREE(Aust) Member, Institution of Radio and Electronics Engineers (Australia)
MIRM Member, Institute of Risk Management
MIRO Mineral Industry Research Organisation
  Member, Institution of Railway Operators
MIRPM Member, Institute of Residential Property Management
MIRT Member, Institute of Reprographic Technicians
MIRTE Member, Institute of Road Transport Engineers
MIS Member, Institute of Statisticians
MISI Member, Iron and Steel Institute (later part of Metals Society)
Miss Mississippi
MIStructE Member, Institution of Structural Engineers
MIT Massachusetts Institute of Technology
MITA Member, Industrial Transport Association
MITD Member, Institute of Training and Development (later MIPD)
MITE Member, Institution of Electrical and Electronics Technician Engineers
MITI Member, Institute of Translation & Interpreting
MITSA Member, Institute of Trading Standards Administration
MITT Member, Institute of Travel and Tourism
MIWE Member, Institution of Water Engineers (later MIWES)
MIWEM Member, Institution of Water and Environmental Management (now see MCIWEM)
MIWES Member, Institution of Water Engineers and Scientists (later MIWEM)
MIWM Member, Institution of Works Managers (now see MIIM)
MIWPC Member, Institute of Water Pollution Control (later MIWEM)
MIWSP Member, Institute of Work Study Practitioners (now see MMS)
MJA Medical Journalists Association
MJI Member, Institute of Journalists (now see MCIJ)
MJIE Member, Junior Institution of Engineers (now see MIGTechE)
MJur Magister Juris (Master of Law)
ML Licentiate in Medicine
  Master of Laws
MLA Member of Legislative Assembly
  Modern Language Association
  Master in Landscape Architecture
  Museums, Libraries and Archives Council
MLC Member of Legislative Council
  Meat and Livestock Commission
MLCOM Member, London College of Osteopathic Medicine
MLI Member, Landscape Institute
MLib Master of Librarianship
MLitt Master of Letters
Mlle Mademoiselle
MLO Military Liaison Officer
MLR Modern Language Review
MLS Master of Library Science
MM Military Medal
  Merchant Marine
MMA Metropolitan Museum of Art
MMan Master of Management
MMath Master of Mathematics
MMB Milk Marketing Board
MMD Movement for Multi-Party Democracy
  Master of Management of Defence
MME Master of Mining Engineering
Mme Madame
MMechE Master of Mechanical Engineering
MMEd Master in Medical Education
MMedSci Master in Medical Science
MMet Master of Metallurgy
MMGI Member, Mining, Geological and Metallurgical Institute of India
MMin Master of Ministry
MML Masters in Medical Law
MMLJ Member of Merit, Order of St Lazarus of Jerusalem
MMM Member, Order of Military Merit (Canada)
MMRS Member, Market Research Society
MMS Member, Institute of Management Services
MMus Master of Music
MN Merchant Navy
  Minnesota (postal)
MNAM Member, National Academy of Medicine (US)
MNAS Member, National Academy of Sciences (US)
MND Motor Neurone Disease
MNECInst Member, North East Coast Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders
MNI Member, Nautical Institute
MNIMH Member, National Institute of Medical Herbalists
MNucI Member, Nuclear Institute
MNZIS Member, New Zealand Institute of Surveyors
MNZM Member, New Zealand Order of Merit
MNZPI Member, New Zealand Planning Institute
MO Medical Officer
  Military Operations
  Missouri (postal)
Mo Missouri
MoD Ministry of Defence
Mods Moderations (Oxford)
MOH Medical Officer(s) of Health
MoJ Ministry of Justice
MOM Member, Order of Merit (Malta)
MOMA Museum of Modern Art
MOMI Museum of the Moving Image
Mon Monmouthshire
Mont Montgomeryshire
MOP Ministry of Power
MOrthRCS Member in Orthodontics, Royal College of Surgeons
Most Rev. Most Reverend
MoT Ministry of Transport
MOV Member, Order of Volta (Ghana)
MP Member of Parliament
MPA Master of Public Administration
  Member, Parliamentary Assembly, Northern Ireland
MPAGB Member, Photographic Alliance of Great Britain
MPBW Ministry of Public Building and Works
MPH Master of Public Health
MPhil Master of Philosophy
MPhil Stud Master of Philosophical Studies
MPhys Master of Physics
MPIA Master of Public and International Affairs
MPLA Major Projects Leadership Academy
MPMI Member, Property Management Institute
MPO Management and Personnel Office
MPodA Member, Podiatry Association
MPP Member, Provincial Parliament
  Master in Public Policy (Harvard)
MPRISA Member, Public Relations Institute of South Africa
MProf Masters in Professional Studies
MPS Member, Pharmaceutical Society (now see MRPharmS)
MPTS Medical Practitioners Tribunal Service
MR Master of the Rolls
  Municipal Reform
MRAC Member, Royal Agricultural College
MRACP Member, Royal Australasian College of Physicians
MRACS Member, Royal Australasian College of Surgeons
MRad Master of Radiology
MRAeS Member, Royal Aeronautical Society
MRAIC Member, Royal Architectural Institute of Canada
MRAS Member, Royal Asiatic Society
MRC Medical Research Council
MRCA Multi-Role Combat Aircraft
MRCGP Member, Royal College of General Practitioners
MRC-LMB Medical Research Council Laboratory of Molecular Biology
MRCOG Member, Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
MRCOphth Member, Royal College of Ophthalmologists
MRCP Member, Royal College of Physicians, London
  Member, Royal College of Physicians, United Kingdom
MRCPA Member, Royal College of Pathologists of Australia
MRCPath Member, Royal College of Pathologists
MRCPCH Member, Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health
MRCPE Member, Royal College of Physicians, Edinburgh
MRCPGlas Member, Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow
MRCPI Member, Royal College of Physicians of Ireland
MRCPsych Member, Royal College of Psychiatrists
MRCS Member, Royal College of Surgeons of England
MRCSE Member, Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh
MRCSI Member, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland
MRCVS Member, Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons
MRD RCS Member in Restorative Dentistry, Royal College of Surgeons
MRE Master of Religious Education
MRes Master of Research
MRHS Member, Royal Horticultural Society
MRI Magnetic Resonance Imaging
  Member, Royal Institution
MRIA Member, Royal Irish Academy
MRIAI Member, Royal Institute of the Architects of Ireland
MRIC Member, Royal Institute of Chemistry (now see MRSC)
MRICS Member, Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors
MRIN Member, Royal Institute of Navigation
MRINA Member, Royal Institution of Naval Architects
MRNZCGP Member, Royal New Zealand College of General Practitioners
MRPharmS Member, Royal Pharmaceutical Society
MRSB Member, Royal Society of Biology
MRSC Member, Royal Society of Chemistry
MRSH Member, Royal Society for the Promotion of Health (now see MRSPH)
MRSL Member, Order of the Republic of Sierra Leone
MRSocMed Member, Royal Society of Medicine
MRSPH Member, Royal Society for Public Health
MRTPI Member, Royal Town Planning Institute
MRurSc Master of Rural Science
MRUSI Member, Royal United Service Institution
MRVA Member, Rating and Valuation Association
MS Master of Surgery
  Master of Science (US)
  Mississippi (postal)
  Multiple Sclerosis
  Motor Ship
MS, MSS Manuscript, Manuscripts
MSA Master of Science, Agriculture (US)
  Mineralogical Society of America
  Motor Sports Association
MSAAIE Member, Southern African Association of Industrial Editors
MSAE Member, Society of Automotive Engineeers (US)
MSAICE Member, South African Institution of Civil Engineers
MSAInstMM Member, South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy
MSB Member, Society of Biology (now see MRSB)
MSC Manpower Services Commission
  Missionaries of the Sacred Heart
MSc Master of Science
MScD Master of Dental Science
MScE Master of Science in Engineering
MSci Master of Natural Sciences
MScSoc Master of Social Sciences
MScSocMed Master of Science in Social Medicine
MSD Meritorious Service Decoration (Fiji)
MSE Master of Science in Engineering (US)
MSF (Union for) Manufacturing, Science, Finance
MSFA Member, Society of Financial Advisers
MSHyg Master of Science in Hygiene
MSI Member, Securities Institute (later Securities & Investment Institute, now see MCSI)
MSIA Member, Society of Industrial Artists
MSIAD Member, Society of Industrial Artists and Designers (now see MCSD)
MSIT Member, Society of Instrument Technology (now see MInstMC)
MSL Master of Studies in Law
MSLS Master of Science in Library Science
MSM Meritorious Service Medal
  Madras Sappers and Miners
  Master in Science Management
MSN Master of Science in Nursing
MSocAdmin Master of Social Administration
MSocIS Member, Société des Ingénieurs et Scientifiques de France
MSocSc Master of Social Sciences
MSocWork Master of Social Work
MSoFHT Member, Society of Food Hygiene Technology
MSP Member, Scottish Parliament
  Managing Successful Programmes
MSR Member, Society of Radiographers
MSRP Member, Society for Radiological Protection
MSSc Master of Social Sciences
MSSC Marine Society & Sea Cadets
MSt Master of Studies
MSTAT Member, Society of Teachers of Alexander Technique
MSTD Member, Society of Typographic Designers
MStJ Member, Most Venerable Order of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem
MSW Master of Social Work
MSzP Magyar Szocialista Párt
MT Mechanical Transport
  Montana (postal)
Mt Mount
MTA Music Trades Association
MTB Motor Torpedo Boat
MTCA Ministry of Transport and Civil Aviation
MTD Midwife Teachers’ Diploma
MTech Master of Technology
MTEFL Master in the Teaching of English as a Foreign or Second Language
MTh Master of Theology
MTIA Metal Trades Industry Association
MTIRA Machine Tool Industry Research Association (now see AMTRI)
MTPI Member, Town Planning Institute (now see MRTPI)
MTS Master of Theological Studies
  Ministerial Training Scheme
MUniv Honorary Master of the University
MusB Bachelor of Music
MusD Doctor of Music
MusM Master of Music
MV Merchant Vessel, Motor Vessel (naval)
MVB Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine
MVEE Military Vehicles and Engineering Establishment
MVO Member, Royal Victorian Order
MVSc Master of Veterinary Science
MW Master of Wine
MWA Mystery Writers of America
MWeldI Member, Welding Institute
MWSOM Member, Institute of Practitioners in Work Study Organisation and Methods (now see MMS)


N Nationalist
  Navigating Duties
n nephew
NA National Academician (America)
NAACP National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
NAAFI Navy, Army and Air Force Institutes
NAAS National Agricultural Advisory Service
NAB National Advisory Body for Public Sector Higher Education
NABC National Association of Boys’ Clubs (later NABC-CYP)
NABC-CYP National Association of Boys’ Clubs - Clubs for Young People
NAC National Agriculture Centre
NACAB National Association of Citizens’ Advice Bureaux
NACCB National Accreditation Council for Certification Bodies
NACETT National Advisory Council for Education and Training Targets
NACF National Art-Collections Fund
NACRO National Association for the Care and Resettlement of Offenders
NADFAS National Association of Decorative and Fine Arts Societies
NAE National Academy of Engineering
NAEW Nato Airborn Early Warning
NAHA National Association of Health Authorities (now see NAHAT)
NAHAT National Association of Health Authorities and Trusts
NAHT National Association of Head Teachers
  National and Local Government Officers’ Association
NAMAS National Measurement and Accreditation Service
NAMCW National Association for Maternal and Child Welfare
NAMH MIND (National Association for Mental Health)
NAMMA NATO MRCA Management Agency
NAPAG National Academies Policy Advisory Group
NARM National Association of Recording Merchandisers (US)
NAS National Academy of Sciences
NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration (US)
NASD National Association of Securities Dealers
NASDAQ National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotation System
NASDIM National Association of Securities Dealers and Investment Managers (later FIMBRA)
NAS/UWT National Association of Schoolmasters/Union of Women Teachers
NATCS National Air Traffic Control Services (now see NATS)
NATFHE National Association of Teachers in Further and Higher Education (combining ATCDE and ATTI)
NATLAS National Testing Laboratory Accreditation Scheme
NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organisation
NATS National Air Traffic Services
Nat. Sci. Natural Sciences
NATSOPA National Society of Operative Printers, Graphical and Media Personnel (formerly of Operative Printers and Assistants)
NAYC Youth Clubs UK (formerly National Association of Youth Clubs)
NB New Brunswick
  Nebraska (postal)
NBA North British Academy
NBC National Book Council (later NBL)
  National Broadcasting Company (US)
NBL National Book League
NBPI National Board for Prices and Incomes
NC National Certificate
  North Carolina
NCA National Certificate of Agriculture
NCARB National Council of Architectural Registration Boards
NCAS Natural Environment Research Council Centres for Atmospheric Science
NCB National Coal Board
NCC National Computing Centre
  Nature Conservancy Council (later NCCE)
  National Consumer Council
NCCE Nature Conservancy Council for England (English Nature)
NCCL National Council for Civil Liberties
NCD National Capital District, Papua New Guinea
NCDAD National Council for Diplomas in Art and Design
NCEA National Council for Educational Awards
NCET National Council for Educational Technology
NCH National Children’s Homes
NCLC National Council of Labour Colleges
NCOP National Council of Provinces (South Africa)
NCOPF National Council for One Parent Families
NCRI National Cancer Research Institute
NCSS National Council of Social Service
NCTJ National Council for the Training of Journalists
NCVCCO National Council of Voluntary Child Care Organisations
NCVO National Council for Voluntary Organisations
NCVQ National Council for Vocational Qualifications
NCYPE National Centre for Young People with Epilepsy
ND North Dakota
NDA National Diploma in Agriculture
NDC National Defence College
  NATO Defence College
NDD National Diploma in Dairying
  National Diploma in Design
NDEA National Defense Education Act
NDH National Diploma in Horticulture
NDIC National Defence Industries Council
NDP New Democratic Party
NDRI National Disease Research Interchange
NDTA National Defense Transportation Association (US)
NE North-east
NEAB Northern Examinations and Assessment Board
NEAC New English Art Club
NEAF Near East Air Force
NEARELF Near East Land Forces
NEB National Enterprise Board
NEC National Executive Committee
NECInst North East Coast Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders
NEDC National Economic Development Council
  North East Development Council
NEDO National Economic Development Office
NEH National Endowment for the Humanities
NEL National Engineering Laboratory
NERC Natural Environment Research Council
NESTA National Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts
NF Newfoundland and Labrador (postal)
NFC National Freight Consortium (formerly Corporation, then Company)
NFCG National Federation of Consumer Groups
NFER National Foundation for Educational Research
NFHA National Federation of Housing Associations
NFMS National Federation of Music Societies
NFSH National Federation of Spiritual Healers
NFT National Film Theatre
NFU National Farmers’ Union
NFWI National Federation of Women’s Institutes
NGO Non-Governmental Organisation(s)
NGTE National Gas Turbine Establishment
NH New Hampshire
NH&MRC National Health and Medical Research Council (Australia)
NHBC National House-Building Council
NHMF National Heritage Memorial Fund
NHS National Health Service
NHSU National Health Service University
NI Northern Ireland
  Native Infantry
NIAB National Institute of Agricultural Botany
NIACE National Institute of Adult Continuing Education
NIACRO Northern Ireland Association for the Care and Resettlement of Offenders
NIAE National Institute of Agricultural Engineering
NIAID National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
NICE National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (formerly National Institute of Clinical Excellence, then National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence)
NICEC National Institute for Careers Education and Counselling
NICEIC National Inspection Council for Electrical Installation Contracting
NICG Nationalised Industries Chairmen’s Group
NICRO National Institute for Crime Prevention and Re-integration of Offenders
NICS Northern Ireland Civil Service
NID Naval Intelligence Division
  National Institute for the Deaf
  Northern Ireland District
  National Institute of Design (India)
NIESR National Institute of Economic and Social Research
NIH National Institutes of Health (US)
NIHEC Northern Ireland Higher Education Council
NIHR National Institute for Health and Care Research (formerly for Health Research)
NII Nuclear Installations Inspectorate
NILP Northern Ireland Labour Party
NIMR National Institute for Medical Research
NISTRO Northern Ireland Science and Technology Regional Organisation
NISW National Institute of Social Work
NIU Northern Ireland Unionist
NJ New Jersey
NL National Liberal
  No Liability
  Newfoundland and Labrador
NLCS North London Collegiate School
NLHF National Lottery Heritage Fund
NLYL National League of Young Liberals
NM New Mexico (postal)
NMC Nursing and Midwifery Council
NMR Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
NMRS National Monuments Record of Scotland
NMSI National Museum of Science and Industry
NNMA Nigerian National Merit Award
NNOM Nigerian National Order of Merit
NO Navigating Officer
NODA National Operatic and Dramatic Association
Northants Northamptonshire
Notts Nottinghamshire
NP Notary Public
NPA Newspaper Publishers’ Association
NPFA National Playing Fields Association
NPG National Portrait Gallery
NPk Nishan-e-Pakistan
NPL National Physical Laboratory
NPQEL National Professional Qualification for Executive Leadership
NPQH National Professional Qualification for Headship
NRA National Rifle Association
  National Recovery Administration (US)
  National Rivers Authority
NRAO National Radio Astronomy Observatory
NRCC National Research Council of Canada
NRD National Registered Designer
NRDC National Research Development Corporation
NRMA National Roads and Motorists’ Association
NRPB National Radiological Protection Board
NRR Northern Rhodesia Regiment
NRSA National Research Service Award (US)
NS Nova Scotia
  New Style in the Calendar (in Great Britain since 1752)
  National Society
  National Service
ns Graduate of Royal Naval Staff College, Greenwich
NSA National Skating Association (now see NISA)
NSAIV Distinguished Order of Shaheed Ali (Maldives)
NSERC Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council, Canada
NSF National Science Foundation (US)
NSM Non-Stipendiary Minister
NSMHC National Society for Mentally Handicapped Children (now see Mencap)
NSPCC National Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Children
NSRA National Small-bore Rifle Association
N/SSF Novice, Society of St Francis
NSW New South Wales
NT New Testament
  Northern Territory (Australia)
  Northwest Territories (Canada)
  National Theatre
  National Trust
NT&SA National Trust & Savings Association
NTF National Teaching Fellow
NTO National Training Organisation
NTUC National Trades Union Congress
NUAAW National Union of Agricultural and Allied Workers
NUBE National Union of Bank Employees (later BIFU)
NUFLAT National Union of Footwear Leather and Allied Trades (now see NUKFAT)
NUGMW National Union of General and Municipal Workers (later GMBATU)
NUHKW National Union of Hosiery and Knitwear Workers (now see NUKFAT)
NUI National University of Ireland
NUJ National Union of Journalists
NUJMB Northern Universities Joint Matriculation Board
NUM National Union of Mineworkers
NUMAST National Union of Marine, Aviation and Shipping Transport Officers
NUPE National Union of Public Employees
NUR National Union of Railwaymen (now see RMT)
NUS National Union of Students
  National University of Singapore
NUT National Union of Teachers
NUU New University of Ulster
NV Nevada (postal)
NVQ National Vocational Qualification
NW North-west
NWC National Water Council
NWFP North-West Frontier Province
NWP North-Western Province
NWT North-Western Territories
NY New York
NYC New York City
NYO National Youth Orchestra
NYT National Youth Theatre
NZ New Zealand
NZEF New Zealand Expeditionary Force
NZIA New Zealand Institute of Architects
NZTF New Zealand Territorial Force


o only
OAM Medal of the Order of Australia
O&M organisation and method
OAP Old Age Pensioner
OAS Organisation of American States
  On Active Service
OASC Officer Aircrew Selection Centre
OAU Organisation for African Unity
OB Order of Barbados
  Order of Belize
OBC Order of British Columbia
OBE Officer, Order of the British Empire
OC Officer, Order of Canada (equivalent to former award SM)
OC o/c
  Officer Commanding
oc only child
OCC Order of the Caribbean Community
OCDS ocds Can
  Overseas College of Defence Studies (Canada)
OCF Officiating Chaplain to the Forces
OCHA Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
OCPA Office of the Commissioner for Public Appointments
OCS Officer Candidates School
  Officer Cadet School
OCSS Oxford and Cambridge Shakespeare Society
OCTU Officer Cadet Training Unit
OCU Operational Conversion Unit
OD Officer, Order of Distinction (Jamaica)
  Order of Distinction (Antigua)
ODA Overseas Development Administration
ODI Overseas Development Institute
ODM Ministry of Overseas Development
ODPM Office of the Deputy Prime Minister
ODSM Order of Diplomatic Service Merit (Lesotho)
OE Order of Excellence (Guyana)
OECD Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development
OED Oxford English Dictionary
OEEC Organization for European Economic Co-operation (now see OECD)
OF Order of the Founder, Salvation Army
  Office of Communications
OFEMA Office Française d’Exportation de Matériel Aéronautique
OFFER Office of Electricity Regulation
Ofgem Office of Gas and Electricity Markets
OFM Order of Friars Minor (Franciscans)
OFMCap Order of Friars Minor Capuchin (Franciscans)
OFMConv Order of Friars Minor Conventual (Franciscans)
Ofqual Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation
OFR Order of the Federal Republic of Nigeria
OFS Orange Free State
OFSTED Office for Standards in Education
OFT Office of Fair Trading
Oftel Office of Telecommunications
Ofwat Office of Water Services
OGC Office of Government Commerce
OGS Oratory of the Good Shepherd
OH Ohio (postal)
OHMS On His (or Her) Majesty’s Service
O i/c Officer in charge
OJ Order of Jamaica
OK Oklahoma (postal)
OL Officer, Order of Leopold
  Order of the Leopard (Lesotho)
OLJ Officer, Order of St Lazarus of Jerusalem
OLM Officer, Legion of Merit (Rhodesia)
  Ordained Local Minister
OLY Olympian
OM Order of Merit
  Order of Manitoba
OMCS Office of the Minister for the Civil Service
OMFIF Official Monetary and Financial Institutions Forum
OMI Oblate of Mary Immaculate
OMLJ Officer, Order of Merit, Order of St Lazarus of Jerusalem
OMM Officer, Order of Military Merit (Canada)
ON Order of the Nation (Jamaica)
  Ontario (postal)
ONC Ordinary National Certificate
OND Ordinary National Diploma
ONDA Ordinary National Diploma in Agriculture
ONS Office for National Statistics
  Order of Nova Scotia
Ont Ontario
ONZ Order of New Zealand
ONZM Officer, New Zealand Order of Merit
OON Officer, Order of the Niger
OOnt Order of Ontario
OOV Officer, Order of the Volta (Ghana)
OP Ordinis Praedicatorum (of the Order of Preachers (Dominican))
  Observation Post
OPCON Operational Control
OPCS Office of Population Censuses and Surveys (now see ONS)
OPCW Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons
OPEC Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries
OPEI Order of Prince Edward Island
OPM Owner President Management program
OPRA Occupational Pensions Regulatory Authority
OPS Office of Public Service
OPSS Office of Public Service and Science (later OPS)
OQ Officer, National Order of Quebec
OR Order of Rorima (Guyana)
  Operational Research
  Oregon (postal)
ORGALIME Organisme de Liaison des Industries Métalliques Européennes
ORHA/CPA Office of Reconstruction and Humanitarian Assistance/Coalition Provisional Authority
ORL Otorhinolaryngology
ORS Operational Research Society
ORSA Operations Research Society of America (now see INFORMS)
ORSL Order of the Republic of Sierra Leone
ORT Organization for Rehabilitation through Training
ORTF Office de la Radiodiffusion et Télévision Française
ORTT Order of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago
o s only son
OSA Order of St Augustine (Augustinian)
  Ontario Society of Artists
OSB Order of St Benedict (Benedictine)
OSC Order of Simon of Cyrene
osc Graduate of Overseas Staff College
OSCE Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe
OSCHR Office for Strategic Co-ordination of Health Research
OSFC Franciscan (Capuchin) Order
O/Sig Ordinary Signalman
OSMTH Ordo Supremus Militaris Templi Hierosolymitani (Supreme Military Order of the Temple of Jerusalem)
osp obiit sine prole (died without issue)
OSS Office of Strategic Services
OST Office of Science and Technology
OStJ Officer, Most Venerable Order of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem
OSUK Ophthalmological Society of the United Kingdom
OT Old Testament
OTC Officers’ Training Corps
OTL Officer, Order of Toussaint L’Ouverture (Haiti)
OTS Office of the Third Sector
OTU Operational Training Unit
OTWSA Ou-Testamentiese Werkgemeenskap in Suider-Afrika
OU Oxford University
  Open University
OUAC Oxford University Athletic Club
OUAFC Oxford University Association Football Club
OUBC Oxford University Boat Club
OUCC Oxford University Cricket Club
OUDS Oxford University Dramatic Society
OUP Oxford University Press
  Official Unionist Party
OURC Oxford University Rifle Club
OURFC Oxford University Rugby Football Club
OURT Order of the United Republic of Tanzania
Oxon Oxfordshire
  Oxoniensis (of Oxford)


PA Pakistan Army
  Personal Assistant
  Pennsylvania (postal)
PAA President, Australian Academy of Science
pac passed the final examination of the Advanced Class, The Military College of Science
PACE Protestant and Catholic Encounter
  Property Advisers to the Civil Estate
PACTA Professional Associate, Clinical Theology Association
PALS Partnership for Active Leisure Scheme for Disabled Children
P&O Peninsular and Oriental Steamship Co.
P&OSNCo. Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Co.
PAO Prince Albert’s Own
PASOK Panhellenic Socialist Movement
PBFA Provincial Booksellers Fairs Association
PBS Public Broadcasting Service
PC Privy Counsellor
  Police Constable
  Perpetual Curate
  Peace Commissioner (Ireland)
  Progressive Conservative (Canada)
pc per centum (in the hundred)
PCC Parochial Church Council
  Protected Cell Company (Guernsey)
  Private Cell Company
PCE Postgraduate Certificate of Education
pce passed command examinations
PCFC Polytechnics and Colleges Funding Council
PCG Primary Care Group
PCL Polytechnic of Central London
PCMO Principal Colonial Medical Officer
PCNZM Principal Companion, New Zealand Order of Merit
PCS Parti Chrétien-Social
  Public and Commercial Services Union
PCT Primary Care Trust
PdD Doctor of Pedagogy (US)
PDG Président Directeur Général
PDipHEd Postgraduate Diploma in Health Education
PDR People’s Democratic Republic
PDRA post doctoral research assistant
PDSA People’s Dispensary for Sick Animals
PDTC Professional Dancer’s Training Course Diploma
PDTDip Professional Dancer’s Teaching Diploma
PE Procurement Executive
  Prince Edward Island (postal)
PEI Prince Edward Island
PEN Poets, Playwrights, Editors, Essayists, Novelists (Club)
PEng Registered Professional Engineer (Canada)
  Member, Society of Professional Engineers
Penn Pennsylvania
PEP Political and Economic Planning (now see PSI)
PER Professional and Executive Recruitment
PES Party of European Socialists
PEST Pressure for Economic and Social Toryism
PF Procurator-Fiscal
PFA Professional Footballers’ Association
pfc Graduate of RAF Flying College
PFHEA Principal Fellow, Higher Education Academy
PFI Private Finance Initiative
PGA Professional Golfers’ Association
PGCA Post Graduate Certificate of Adjudication
PGCE Post Graduate Certificate of Education
PGCFHE Post Graduate Certificate in Further and Higher Education
PGCHE Post Graduate Certificate in Higher Education
PGCTh Postgraduate Certificate in Theology
PGDCCI Postgraduate Diploma in Computing for Commerce and Industry
PGDFHE Postgraduate Diploma in Further and Higher Education
PGDipMin Postgraduate Diploma in Ministry
PGDL Postgraduate Diploma in Law
PGDPT Postgraduate Diploma in Pastoral Theology
PGTC Postgraduate Teaching Certificate
PGTCSE Postgraduate Teaching Certificate in Secondary Education
PH Presidential Order of Honour (Botswana)
PHAB Physically Handicapped & Able-bodied
PhB Bachelor of Philosophy
PhC Pharmaceutical Chemist
PhD Doctor of Philosophy
PHE Public Health England
Phil. Philology
PhL Licentiate in Philosophy
PHLS Public Health Laboratory Service
PhM Master of Philosophy (USA)
PhmB Bachelor of Pharmacy
Phys. Physical
PIA Personal Investment Authority
PIARC Permanent International Association of Road Congresses
PIB Prices and Incomes Board (later NBPI)
PICAO Provisional International Civil Aviation Organization (now ICAO)
PICTFOR Parliamentary Internet Communications and Technology Forum
pinx. pinxit (he painted it)
PITCOM Parliamentary Information Technology Committee (now see PICTFOR)
PJG Pingat Jasa Gemilang (Singapore)
PJHQ Permanent Joint Headquarters
PJK Pingkat Jasa Kebaktian (Malaysia)
Pl. Place
PLA Port of London Authority
PLAB Professional and Linguistic Assessments Board
PLC plc
  public limited company
Plen. Plenipotentiary
PLI President, Landscape Institute
PLP Parliamentary Labour Party
  Progressive Liberal Party (Bahamas)
PLR Public Lending Right
PMA Personal Military Assistant
PMC Personnel Management Centre
PMD Program for Management Development
PMedSci President, Academy of Medical Sciences
PMETB Postgraduate Medical Education and Training Board
PMG Postmaster-General
PMN Panglima Mangku Negara (Malaysia)
PMO Principal Medical Officer
  Princess Mary’s Own
PMRAFNS Princess Mary’s Royal Air Force Nursing Service
PMS Presidential Order of Meritorious Service (Botswana)
  President, Miniature Society
PNBS Panglima Negara Bintang Sarawak
PNEU Parents’ National Educational Union
PNG Papua New Guinea
PNP People’s National Party
PO Post Office
POB Presidential Order of Botswana
Pop. Population
POST Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology
POUNC Post Office Users’ National Council
POW Prisoner of War
  Prince of Wales’s
PP Parish Priest
  Past President
pp pages
PPA Professional Publishers Association (formerly Periodical Publishers Association)
PPARC Particle Physics and Astronomy Research Council
PPCLI Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry
PPCSD Past President, Chartered Society of Designers
PPDF Parti Populaire pour la Démocratie Française
PPE Philosophy, Politics and Economics
PPInstHE Past President, Institution of Highway Engineers
PPIStructE Past President, Institution of Structural Engineers
PPITB Printing and Publishing Industry Training Board
PPP Private Patients Plan
  Psychology, Philosophy and Physiology
PPRA Past President, Royal Academy
PPRBA Past President, Royal Society of British Artists
PPRBS Past President, Royal Society of British Sculptors
PPRE Past President, Royal Society of Painter-Printmakers (formerly of Painter-Etchers and Engravers)
PPRIBA Past President, Royal Institute of British Architects
PPRNCM Diploma in Professional Performance, Royal Northern College of Music
PPROI Past President, Royal Institute of Oil Painters
PPRP Past President, Royal Society of Portrait Painters
PPRSA Past President, Royal Scottish Academy
PPRSW Past President, Royal Scottish Society of Painters in Water Colours
PPRTPI Past President, Royal Town Planning Institute
PPRWA Past President, Royal Watercolour Association
PPRWS Past President, Royal Society of Painters in Water Colours
PPS Parliamentary Private Secretary
PPSA Proficiency, Photographic Society of America
PPSIAD Past President, Society of Industrial Artists and Designers
PQ Province of Quebec
PQCCC Post Qualification Certificate in Child Care
PQE Professional Qualifying Examination
PR Public Relations
  Parti républicain
PRA President, Royal Academy
PRASEG Associate Parliamentary Renewable and Sustainable Energy Group
PRBS President, Royal Society of British Sculptors
PRCA Public Relations Consultants Association
PRCS President, Royal College of Surgeons
PrD Doctor of Professional Practice
PRE President, Royal Society of Painter-Printmakers (formerly of Painter-Etchers and Engravers)
Preb. Prebendary
Prep. Preparatory
Pres. President
PRHA President, Royal Hibernian Academy
PRI President, Royal Institute of Painters in Water Colours
  Plastics and Rubber Institute
PRIA President, Royal Irish Academy
PRIAS President, Royal Incorporation of Architects in Scotland
Prin. Principal
PRISA Public Relations Institute of South Africa
PRL Liberal Reform Party (Belgium)
PRO Public Relations Officer
  Public Records Office
Proc. Proctor
Prof. Professor
PROI President, Royal Institute of Oil Painters
PRO NED Promotion of Non-Executive Directors
Pro tem. Pro tempore (for the time being)
ProtU Protestant Unionist Party
Prov. Provost
Prox. Proximo (next)
Prox.acc. Proxime accessit (next in order of merit to the winner)
PRS President, Royal Society
  Performing Right Society Ltd
PRSA President, Royal Scottish Academy
PRSE President, Royal Society of Edinburgh
PRSH President, Royal Society for the Promotion of Health
PRSW President, Royal Scottish Water Colour Society
PRUAA President, Royal Ulster Academy of Arts
PRWA President, Royal West of England Academy
PRWS President, Royal Society of Painters in Water Colours
PS Pastel Society
  Paddle Steamer
ps passed School of Instruction (of Officers)
PSA Property Services Agency
  Petty Sessions Area
psa Graduate of RAF Staff College
psc Graduate of Staff College († indicates Graduate of Senior Wing Staff College)
  Personal Services Company
PSD Petty Sessional Division
  Social Democratic Party (Portugal)
  Panglima Setia Diraja
PSE Party of European Socialists
PSGB Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain (now see RPSGB)
PSI Policy Studies Institute
PSIAD President, Society of Industrial Artists and Designers
PSM Panglima Setia Mahkota (Malaysia)
psm Certificate of Royal Military School of Music
PSMA President, Society of Marine Artists
PSO Principal Scientific Officer
  Personal Staff Officer
PSOE Partido Socialista Obrero Español
PSS Society of Priests of St Sulpice
PsyD Doctor of Psychology
PTA Passenger Transport Authority
  Parent-Teacher Association
PTC Personnel and Training Command
PTE Passenger Transport Executive
Pte Private
PThD Doctor of Pastoral Theology
ptsc passed Technical Staff College
Pty Proprietary
PUP People’s United Party
  Progressive Unionist Party
PVSM Param Vishishc Seva Medal (India)
PWO Prince of Wales’s Own
PWO(CEW) Principal Warfare Officer (Communications and Electronic Warfare)
PWO(U) Principal Warfare Officer (Underwater Warfare)
PWR Pressurized Water Reactor
PYBT Prince’s Youth Business Trust


Q Queen
QAA Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education
QAIMNS Queen Alexandra’s Imperial Military Nursing Service
QARANC Queen Alexandra’s Royal Army Nursing Corps
QARNNS Queen Alexandra’s Royal Naval Nursing Service
QBD Queen’s Bench Division
QC Queen’s Counsel
  Quebec (postal)
QCA Qualifications and Curriculum Authority
QCB Queen’s Commendation for Bravery
QCDA Qualifications and Curriculum Development Agency
QCVS Queen’s Commendation for Valuable Service
QCVSA Queen’s Commendation for Valuable Service in the Air
QDR Qualified in Dispute Resolution
QEH Queen Elizabeth Hall
QEO Queen Elizabeth’s Own
QFSM Queen’s Fire Service Medal for Distinguished Service
QGM Queen’s Gallantry Medal
QHC Honorary Chaplain to the Queen
QHDS Honorary Dental Surgeon to the Queen
QHNS Honorary Nursing Sister to the Queen
QHP Honorary Physician to the Queen
QHS Honorary Surgeon to the Queen
Qld Queensland
Qly Quarterly
QMAAC Queen Mary’s Army Auxiliary Corps
QMC Queen Mary College, London
QMG Quartermaster-General
QMIPRI Queen Mary Intellectual Property Research Institute
QMO Queen Mary’s Own
QMUL Queen Mary, University of London
QMW Queen Mary and Westfield College, London (now see QMUL)
QO Qualified Officer
QOOH Queen’s Own Oxfordshire Hussars
Q(ops) Quartering (operations)
  Queen’s Own Royal West Kent Regiment
QOY Queen’s Own Yeomanry
QPM Queen’s Police Medal
QPSM Queen’s Public Service Medal (New Zealand)
Qr Quarter
QRIH Queen’s Royal Irish Hussars
QS Quarter Sessions
  Quantity Surveying
qs RAF graduates of the Military or Naval Staff College
QSM Queen’s Service Medal (NZ)
QSO Queen’s Service Order (NZ)
QTS Qualified Teacher Status
QUB Queen’s University, Belfast
qv quod vide (which see)
QVRM Queen’s Volunteer Reserve Medal
qwi Qualified Weapons Instructor


(R) Reserve
RA Royal Academician
  Royal Academy
  Royal (Regiment of) Artillery
RAA Regional Arts Association
  Royal Australian Artillery
RAAF Royal Australian Air Force
RAAMC Royal Australian Army Medical Corps
RABI Royal Agricultural Benevolent Institution
RAC Royal Automobile Club
  Royal Agricultural College
  Royal Armoured Corps
RACDS Royal Australian College of Dental Surgeons
RACGP Royal Australian College of General Practitioners
RAChD Royal Army Chaplains’ Department
RACI Royal Australian Chemical Institute
RACO Royal Australian College of Ophthalmologists
RACOG Royal Australian College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
RACP Royal Australasian College of Physicians
RACS Royal Australasian College of Surgeons
  Royal Arsenal Co-operative Society
RAD Royal Academy of Dance
RADA Royal Academy of Dramatic Art
RADAR Royal Association for Disability Rights (formerly Royal Association for Disability and Rehabilitation)
RADC Royal Army Dental Corps
RAE Royal Australian Engineers
  Royal Aerospace Establishment (formerly Royal Aircraft Establishment)
  Research Assessment Exercise
RAEC Royal Army Educational Corps
RAEng Royal Academy of Engineering
RAeS Royal Aeronautical Society
RAF Royal Air Force
RAFA Royal Air Forces Association
RAFO Reserve of Air Force Officers (now see RAFRO)
RAFR Royal Air Force Reserve
RAFRO Royal Air Force Reserve of Officers
RAFVR Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve
RAI Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain & Ireland
  Radio Audizioni Italiane
RAIA Royal Australian Institute of Architects
RAIC Royal Architectural Institute of Canada
RAM (Member of) Royal Academy of Music
RAMC Royal Army Medical Corps
RAN Royal Australian Navy
R&D Research and Development
RANR Royal Australian Naval Reserve
RANVR Royal Australian Naval Volunteer Reserve
RAOC Royal Army Ordnance Corps
RAPC Royal Army Pay Corps
RARDE Royal Armament Research and Development Establishment
RARO Regular Army Reserve of Officers
RAS Royal Astronomical Society
  Royal Asiatic Society
  Recruitment and Assessment Services
RASC Royal Army Service Corps (now see RCT)
RASE Royal Agricultural Society of England
RAU Royal Agricultural University
RAuxAF Royal Auxiliary Air Force
RAVC Royal Army Veterinary Corps
RB Rifle Brigade
RBA Member, Royal Society of British Artists
RBK&C Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea
RBL Royal British Legion
RBS Royal Society of British Sculptors (now see RSS)
RBSA (Member of) Royal Birmingham Society of Artists
RBY Royal Bucks Yeomanry
RC Roman Catholic
RCA Member, Royal Canadian Academy of Arts
  Royal College of Art
  (Member of) Royal Cambrian Academy
RCAC Royal Canadian Armoured Corps
RCAF Royal Canadian Air Force
RCamA Member, Royal Cambrian Academy
RCAnaes Royal College of Anaesthetists
RCAS Royal Central Asian Society (now see RSAA)
RCDS Royal College of Defence Studies
rcds completed a course at, or served for a year on the Staff of, the Royal College of Defence Studies
RCGP Royal College of General Practitioners
RCHA Royal Canadian Horse Artillery
RCHME Royal Commission on Historical Monuments of England
RCM (Member of) Royal College of Music
RCN Royal Canadian Navy
  Royal College of Nursing
RCNC Royal Corps of Naval Constructors
RCNR Royal Canadian Naval Reserve
RCNVR Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer Reserve
RCO Royal College of Organists
RCOG Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
RCP Royal College of Physicians, London
RCPA Royal College of Pathologists of Australia
RCPath Royal College of Pathologists
RCPCH Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health
  Royal College of Physicians, Edinburgh
RCPI Royal College of Physicians of Ireland
RCPSG Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow
RCPsych Royal College of Psychiatrists
RCR Royal College of Radiologists
RCS Royal College of Surgeons of England
  Royal Corps of Signals
  Royal College of Science
  Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh
RCSI Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland
RCT Royal Corps of Transport
RCVS Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons
RD Rural Dean
  Royal Naval and Royal Marine Forces Reserve Decoration
Rd Road
RDA Diploma of Roseworthy Agricultural College, South Australia
  Regional Development Agency
RDC Rural District Council
RDF Royal Dublin Fusiliers
RDI Royal Designer for Industry (Royal Society of Arts)
RE Royal Engineers
  Fellow, Royal Society of Painter-Printmakers (formerly of Painter-Etchers and Engravers)
  Religious Education
REACH Retired Executives Action Clearing House
Rear Adm. Rear Admiral
REconS Royal Economic Society
REF Research Excellence Framework
Regt Regiment
REIT Real Estate Investment Trust
REME Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers
REngDes Registered Engineering Designer
RERO Royal Engineers Reserve of Officers
Res. Resigned
Rev. Reverend
RFA Royal Field Artillery
RFC Royal Flying Corps (now RAF)
  Rugby Football Club
RFCA Reserve Forces and Cadets Association
RFD Reserve Force Decoration
RFH Royal Festival Hall
RFP Registered Forensic Practitioner
RFPS(G) Royal Faculty of Physicians and Surgeons, Glasgow (now see RCPSG)
RFR Rassemblement des Français pour la République
RFU Rugby Football Union
RGA Royal Garrison Artillery
RGI Royal Glasgow Institute of the Fine Arts
RGJ Royal Green Jackets
RGN Registered General Nurse
RGS Royal Geographical Society
RGSA Royal Geographical Society of Australasia
RHA Royal Hibernian Academy
  Royal Horse Artillery
  Regional Health Authority
RHASS Royal Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland
RHB Regional Hospital Board
RHBNC Royal Holloway and Bedford New College, London
RHC Royal Holloway College, London (later RHBNC)
RHF Royal Highland Fusiliers
RHG Royal Horse Guards
RHistS Royal Historical Society
RHQ Regional Headquarters
RHR Royal Highland Regiment
RHS Royal Horticultural Society
  Royal Humane Society
RHUL Royal Holloway, University of London
RHV Royal Health Visitor
  Registered Health Visitor
RI (Member of) Royal Institute of Painters in Water Colours
  Rhode Island
RIA Royal Irish Academy
RIAI Royal Institute of the Architects of Ireland
RIAS Royal Incorporation of Architects in Scotland
RIASC Royal Indian Army Service Corps
RIBA (Member of) Royal Institute of British Architects
RIBI Rotary International in Great Britain and Ireland
RIC Royal Irish Constabulary
  Royal Institute of Chemistry (now see RSC)
RICS (Member of) Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors
RIF Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers
RIIA Royal Institute of International Affairs
RILEM Réunion internationale des laboratoires d’essais et de recherches sur les matériaux et les constructions
RIN Royal Indian Navy
RINA Royal Institution of Naval Architects
RIPA Royal Institute of Public Administration
RIPH Royal Institute of Public Health (now see RSPH)
RIPH&H Royal Institute of Public Health and Hygiene (later RIPH; now see RSPH)
RIrF Royal Irish Fusiliers
RLC Royal Logistic Corps
RLFC Rugby League Football Club
RLSS Royal Life Saving Society
RM Royal Marines
  Resident Magistrate
  Registered Midwife
RMA Royal Marine Artillery
  Royal Military Academy Sandhurst (now incorporating Royal Military Academy, Woolwich)
RMC Royal Military College Sandhurst (now see RMA)
RMCM (Member of) Royal Manchester College of Music
RMCS Royal Military College of Science
RMedSoc Royal Medical Society, Edinburgh
RMetS Royal Meteorological Society
RMFVR Royal Marine Forces Volunteer Reserve
RMIT Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology
RMLI Royal Marine Light Infantry
RMN Registered Mental Nurse
RMO Resident Medical Officer(s)
RMP Royal Military Police
RMPA Royal Medico-Psychological Association
RMS Royal Microscopical Society
  Royal Mail Steamer
  Royal Society of Miniature Painters
  Royal Mail Ship
RMT National Union of Rail, Maritime and Transport Workers
  Registered Massage Therapist
RN Royal Navy
  Royal Naval
  Registered Nurse
RNAS Royal Naval Air Service
RNAY Royal Naval Aircraft Yard
RNC Royal Naval College
RNCM (Member of) Royal Northern College of Music
RNEC Royal Naval Engineering College
RNIB Royal National Institute of Blind People (formerly Royal National Institute for the Blind, then Royal National Institute of the Blind)
RNID Royal National Institute for Deaf People (formerly Royal National Institute for the Deaf)
RNLI Royal National Life-boat Institution
RNLO Royal Naval Liaison Officer
RNLTA Royal Naval Lawn Tennis Association
RNR Royal Naval Reserve
RNRU Royal Navy Rugby Union
RNS Royal Numismatic Society
RNSA Royal Naval Sailing Association
RNSC Royal Naval Staff College
RNT Registered Nurse Tutor
  Royal National Theatre
RNTNEH Royal National Throat, Nose and Ear Hospital
RNutr Registered Nutritionist
RNVR Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve
RNVSR Royal Naval Volunteer Supplementary Reserve
RNXS Royal Naval Auxiliary Service
RNZA Royal New Zealand Artillery
RNZAC Royal New Zealand Armoured Corps
RNZAF Royal New Zealand Air Force
RNZIR Royal New Zealand Infantry Regiment
RNZN Royal New Zealand Navy
RNZNVR Royal New Zealand Naval Volunteer Reserve
ROC Royal Observer Corps
ROF Royal Ordnance Factories
R of O Reserve of Officers
ROH Royal Opera House
ROI Member, Royal Institute of Oil Painters
RoSPA Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents
RP (Member of) Royal Society of Portrait Painters
RPC Royal Pioneer Corps
RPE Rocket Propulsion Establishment
RPF Rassemblement pour la France
RPMS Royal Postgraduate Medical School
RPO Royal Philharmonic Orchestra
RPP Registered Project Professional
RPR Rassemblement pour la République
RPS Royal Photographic Society
RPSGB Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain
RRC Royal Red Cross
  Rapid Reaction Corps
RRE Royal Radar Establishment (later RSRE)
RRF Royal Regiment of Fusiliers
RRS Royal Research Ship
RSA Royal Scottish Academician
  Royal Society of Arts
  Republic of South Africa
RSAA Royal Society for Asian Affairs
RSAF Royal Small Arms Factory
RSAI Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland
RSAMD Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama
RSanI Royal Sanitary Institute (later RSH; now see RSPH)
RSAS Royal Surgical Aid Society
RSC Royal Society of Canada
  Royal Society of Chemistry
  Royal Shakespeare Company
RSCM (Member of) Royal School of Church Music
RSCN Registered Sick Children’s Nurse
RSE Royal Society of Edinburgh
RSF Royal Scots Fusiliers
RSFSR Russian Soviet Federated Socialist Republic
RSGS Royal Scottish Geographical Society
RSH Royal Society for the Promotion of Health (now see RSPH)
RSL Royal Society of Literature
  Returned Services League of Australia
RSM Royal School of Mines
  Royal Society of Medicine
RSMA (Member of) Royal Society of Marine Artists
RSME Royal School of Military Engineering
RSMHCA Royal Society for Mentally Handicapped Children and Adults (see Mencap)
RSNC Royal Society for Nature Conservation
RSO Rural Sub-Office
  Railway Sub-Office
  Resident Surgical Officer
RSPB Royal Society for Protection of Birds
RSPCA Royal Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
RSPH Royal Society for Public Health
RSRE Royal Signals and Radar Establishment
RSS Royal Society of Sculptors
  Royal Statistical Society
RSSAf Royal Society of South Africa
RSSAILA Returned Sailors, Soldiers and Airmen’s Imperial League of Australia (now see RSL)
RSSPCC Royal Scottish Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Children
RSTM&H Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene
RSUA Royal Society of Ulster Architects
RSV Revised Standard Version
  Respiratory Syncytial Virus
RSW Member, Royal Scottish Society of Painters in Water Colours
RTE Radio Telefis Eireann
Rt Hon. Right Honourable
RTL Radio-Télévision Luxembourg
RTPI Royal Town Planning Institute
RTR Royal Tank Regiment
Rt Rev. Right Reverend
RTS Religious Tract Society
  Royal Toxophilite Society
  Royal Television Society
RTYC Royal Thames Yacht Club
RU Rugby Union
RUA Royal Ulster Academy
RUC Royal Ulster Constabulary
RUKBA Royal United Kingdom Beneficent Association
RUR Royal Ulster Regiment
RURAL Society for the Responsible Use of Resources in Agriculture & on the Land
RUSI Royal United Services Institute for Defence and Security Studies (formerly Royal United Service Institution)
RVC Royal Veterinary College
RVS Royal Voluntary Service
RWA (Member of) Royal West of England Academy
RWAFF Royal West African Frontier Force
RWCMD Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama
RWF Royal Welch Fusiliers
RWS (Member of) Royal Society of Painters in Water Colours
RYA Royal Yachting Association
RYS Royal Yacht Squadron
RZSScot Royal Zoological Society of Scotland


(S) (in Navy) Paymaster
S Succeeded
s son
SA South Australia
  South Africa
  Société Anonyme
  Society of the Atonement
SAAF South African Air Force
SABC South African Broadcasting Corporation
SAC Scientific Advisory Committee
sac qualified at small arms technical long course
SACC South African Council of Churches
SACEUR Supreme Allied Commander Europe
SACIF sociedad anónima commercial industrial financiera
SACLANT Supreme Allied Commander Atlantic
SACRO Scottish Association for the Care and Resettlement of Offenders
SA de CV sociedad anónima de capital variable
SADG Société des Architectes Diplômés par le Gouvernement
SAE Society of Automobile Engineers (US)
SAHFOS Sir Alister Hardy Foundation for Ocean Science
SAN Senior Advocate of Nigeria
SARL Société à Responsabilité Limitée
SARS Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome
Sarum Salisbury
SAS Special Air Service
Sask Saskatchewan
SASO Senior Air Staff Officer
SAT Senior Member, Association of Accounting Technicians
SATB Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Bass
SATRO Science and Technology Regional Organisation
SB Bachelor of Science (US)
SBAA Sovereign Base Areas Administration
SBAC Society of British Aerospace Companies (formerly Society of British Aircraft Constructors)
SBS Special Boat Service
  Silver Bauhinia Star (Hong Kong)
SBStJ Serving Brother, Most Venerable Order of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem
SC Star of Courage (Canada)
  Senior Counsel
  South Carolina
sc student at the Staff College
SCA Society of Catholic Apostolate (Pallottine Fathers)
  Société en Commandité par Actions
SCAA School Curriculum and Assessment Authority
SCAO Senior Civil Affairs Officer
SCAR Scientific Committee for Antarctic Research
ScD Doctor of Science
SCDI Scottish Council for Development and Industry
SCF Senior Chaplain to the Forces
  Save the Children Fund
Sch. School
SChLJ Senior Chaplain, Order of St Lazarus of Jerusalem
SChStJ Senior Chaplain, Order of St John of Jerusalem
SCI Society of Chemical Industry
SCIE Social Care Institute of Excellence
SCIO Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation
SCIS Scottish Council of Independent Schools
SCL Student in Civil Law
SCLC Short Service Limited Commission
SCLI Somerset and Cornwall Light Infantry
SCM State Certified Midwife
  Student Christian Movement
SCOB Supreme Counsellor of Baobab (South Africa)
SCONUL Standing Conference of National and University Libraries
Scot. Scotland
ScotBIC Scottish Business in the Community
SCOTVEC Scottish Vocational Education Council
SCRL Sociedade Cooperativa de Responsabilidade Limitada
SCVO Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations
SD Staff Duties
  South Dakota (postal)
SDA Social Democratic Alliance
  Scottish Diploma in Agriculture
  Scottish Development Agency
SDF Sudan Defence Force
  Social Democratic Federation
SDI Strategic Defence Initiative
SDLP Social Democratic and Labour Party
SDP Social Democratic Party
SE South-east
SEAC South-East Asia Command
SEATO South-East Asia Treaty Organization
SEC Security Exchange Commission
Sec. Secretary
SED Scottish Education Department
SEE Society of Environmental Engineers
SEEDA South East England Development Agency
SEFI European Society for Engineering Education
SEN State Enrolled Nurse
  Special Educational Needs
SEP Stanford Executive Program
SEPA Scottish Environmental Protection Agency
SERC Science and Engineering Research Council
SERT Society of Electronic and Radio Technicians (later IEIE)
SESO Senior Equipment Staff Officer
SF Sinn Féin
SFA Securities and Futures Authority
SFC Scottish Further and Higher Education Funding Council
SFFMLM Senior Fellow, Faculty of Medical Leadership and Management
SFHEA Senior Fellow, Higher Education Academy
SFOR Stabilisation Force
SFSEDA Senior Fellow, Staff and Higher Educational Development Association
SFTA Society of Film and Television Arts (now see BAFTA)
SG Solicitor-General
SGA Member, Society of Graphic Art
Sgt Sergeant
SHA Secondary Heads Association (now see ASCL)
  Special Health Authority
SHAC London Housing Aid Centre
SHAEF Supreme Headquarters, Allied Expeditionary Force
SHAPE Supreme Headquarters, Allied Powers, Europe
SHEFC Scottish Higher Education Funding Council (now see SFC)
SHHD Scottish Home and Health Department
SHND Scottish Higher National Diploma
SHO Senior House Officer
SIA Security Industry Authority
SIAD Society of Industrial Artists and Designers (now see CSD)
SIAM Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics (US)
SIB Shipbuilding Industry Board
  Securities and Investments Board (now see FSA)
SICA-FICA Foundation for International Commercial Arbitration
SICAV Société d’Investissement à Capital Variable
SICOT Société Internationale de Chirurgie Orthopédique et de Traumatologie
SID Society for International Development
SIME Security Intelligence Middle East
SIMG Societas Internationalis Medicinae Generalis
SIROT Société Internationale pour Recherche en Orthopédie et Traumatologie
SIS Secret Intelligence Service
SITA Société Internationale de Télécommunications Aéronautiques
SITPRO Simpler Trade Procedures Board (formerly Simplification of International Trade Procedures)
SJ Society of Jesus (Jesuits)
SJAB St John Ambulance Brigade
SJD Doctor of Juristic Science
SK Saskatchewan (postal)
SL Serjeant-at-Law
  Sociedad Limitada
SLAC Stanford Linear Accelerator Centre
SLC St Lucia Cross
SLD Social and Liberal Democrats
SLJ Seri Laila Jasa (Brunei)
SLP Scottish Labour Party
SLS Society of Legal Scholars
SM Medal of Service (Canada) (now see OC)
  Master of Science
  Officer qualified for Submarine Duties
SMA Society of Marine Artists (now see RSMA)
SMB Setia Mahkota Brunei
SMCC Submarine Commanding Officers’ Command Course
SME School of Military Engineering (now see RSME)
  Small to medium-sized enterprise
SMEO Squadron Marine Engineer Officer
SMHO Sovereign Military Hospitaller Order (Malta)
SMIEE Senior Member, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (New York)
SMMT Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders Ltd
SMN Seri Maharaja Mangku Negara (Malaysia)
SMO Senior Medical Officer
  Sovereign Military Order
SMP Senior Managers’ Program
SMPTE Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers (US)
SMS Short Message Service
SNAME Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers (US)
SNCF Société Nationale des Chemins de Fer Français
SND Sisters of Notre Dame
SNH Scottish Natural Heritage
SNP Scottish National Party
SNTS Society for New Testament Studies
SO Staff Officer
  Scientific Officer
  Symphony Orchestra
SOAF Sultan of Oman’s Air Force
SOAS School of Oriental and African Studies
Soc. Society
  Socialist (France, Belgium)
SOCA Serious and Organised Crime Agency
Soc & Lib Dem Social and Liberal Democrats (now see Lib Dem)
Soc Dem Social Democrats
SOE Special Operations Executive
  Society of Operations Engineers
SOGAT Society of Graphical and Allied Trades (now see GPMU)
  Society of Local Authority Chief Executives
SOLT Society of London Theatre
SOM Society of Occupational Medicine
  Saskatchewan Order of Merit (Canada)
SONIA Sterling Overnight Index Average
SOSc Society of Ordained Scientists
SOTS Society for Old Testament Study
sowc Senior Officers’ War Course
SP Self-Propelled (Anti-Tank Regiment)
sp sine prole (without issue)
SpA Società per Azioni
SPAB Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings
SPARKS Sport Aiding Medical Research for Children
SPCA Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
SPCK Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge
SPCM Darjah Seri Paduka Cura Si Manja Kini (Malaysia)
SPD Salisbury Plain District
  Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands
SPDK Seri Panglima Darjal Kinabalu
SPG Society for the Propagation of the Gospel (now see USPG)
SPk Sitara-e-Pakistan
SPMB Seri Paduka Makhota Brunei
SPMK Darjah Kebasaran Seri Paduka Mahkota Kelantan (Malaysia)
SPMO Senior Principal Medical Officer
SPNC Society for the Promotion of Nature Conservation (now see RSNC)
SPNM Society for the Promotion of New Music
SPR Society for Psychical Research
sprl société de personnes à responsabilité limitée
SPSO Senior Principal Scientific Officer
SPTL Society of Public Teachers of Law (now see SLS)
SPUC Society for the Protection of Unborn Children (formerly the Unborn Child)
Sq. Square
sq staff qualified
SQA Sitara-i-Quaid-i-Azam (Pakistan)
Sqdn Sqn
SR Special Reserve
  Southern Railway
  Southern Region (BR)
SRA Solicitors Regulation Authority
SRC Science Research Council (later SERC)
  Students’ Representative Council