
Who's Who or Who's Who with Who Was Who are available by subscription to individuals and institutions worldwide.

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Institutional subscriptions

Subscription prices are based on the size and type of institution, with unlimited and concurrent user licences available. Librarians can register online today for a 30-day free trial by choosing your region below, or contact us for pricing information.

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Personal subscriptions

Who's Who or Who's Who with Who Was Who are available to individuals by subscription on a variety of timed periods outside of the Americas. Select which product you would like to subscribe to:

Who's Who

Who's Who with Who Was Who 

For information on purchasing the print edition and the online version as a bundle, or for queries and order information for the print edition itself, please visit our Print Edition page.

UK public library access

Many public libraries in England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland subscribe to Who's Who. This means you can access information about tens of thousands of people, free, via your local library—anywhere, anytime.

UK public libraries offer ‘remote access’, which means, if you're a member of your local library, you can access Who's Who, free, anytime—anywhere you have internet access. You just need to enter your library membership number (on your library card) in the box provided on the homepage. You don't need to be in the library to make use of this service.

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Please note: some libraries ask for a prefix or pin number in addition to your library card number. So if logging in doesn’t work direct from the homepage, consult with your local librarian.

Not in the UK? Many public, university, and institutional libraries worldwide also subscribe to Who's Who, so talk to your librarian to find out if you have access.